1. sharknado

    sharknado New Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Need some ideas of bad things kids do in high school

    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by sharknado, Jul 24, 2013.

    I'm writing a story about some kids in high school but i need ideas of what sort of shenanigans they get up to.
    The problem is, when I ask people they tell me things that are bad for the kids (e.g. smoking, drugs, skipping school), but I what I need to know are things that disrupt others (e.g. talking back to teachers, bullying, arson).
    So if you guys could help, that would be great.
    I need anything from minor offences to very extreme offences.

    Thank you.
  2. Garball

    Garball Banned Contributor

    Apr 24, 2013
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    S'port, LA
    Taking a cow up to the top floor of the school. They will walk up stairs, but not down.
    Sneaking out at night and getting arrested or locked out by their parents
    Getting in fights
    Getting citations for field parties or other places they don't belong
    Realizing you are about to lose at Russian Roulette and shooting the guy across from you in the face before being chased for five miles on your GT Performer then running over a bum's legs (who is actually your long lost biological father) and taking a tumble down an alley that leads to an alternate universe where chocolate is vanilla and vanilla is not a flavor

    Were you home schooled or have you not been to high school yet?
    Nightstar99 and sanco like this.
  3. sharknado

    sharknado New Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    haha, I was homeschooled
  4. mrieder79

    mrieder79 Probably not a ground squirrel Contributor

    Jul 3, 2013
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    First off. I feel obligated to help you with any request you may put forth based on the superior screen name you have chosen. I find myself feeling rather covetous of it, the 10th commandment nonwithstanding.

    Taking a Volkswagen beetle apart and re-assembling it on the roof or in the gymnasium.
    Sneaking in at night and switching all the desks and decorations of classrooms with other classrooms to confuse everyone.
    Pooping on things.
    1 person likes this.
  5. GingerCoffee

    GingerCoffee Web Surfer Girl Contributor

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Ralph's side of the island.
    That is hilarious.

    Airplane glue in the door locks and locker doors.

    Stealing the towels and clothes from the locker room when the girls are in the showers.


    Sticking sharpened pencils in the ceiling.

    Flush cherry bombs down the toilets.
  6. Kita

    Kita New Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    Northern Ireland
    Paper ball fights
    Letting in stray dogs
    Burning down bathroom toilets (Happened four times within three years)
    Turning up hammered and urinating on bathroom floors (Happened often)
    Swipeing a bus pass down someones blazer, leaving a white line
    Stink bombs
    Random fights
    Making balls of solder then throwing them
    Mixing up library books
    Stealing library books
    Putting virus' on the computers
    Pulling back chairs when people go to sit down
    Throwing bags on rooftops
    Throwing bags out open windows
    Water ballooning people
    Turning bags inside out

    I went to a really awful high school.
  7. Alesia

    Alesia Pen names: AJ Connor, Carey Connolly Contributor

    Mar 19, 2013
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    Morristown, TN
    I remember this one fondly from Jr. High.

    Lets see, the kids in my crowd: smoked, drank epic amounts of alcohol, brought porno to school, listened to heavy metal in headphones during class, swore at the teachers, started fights, brought weapons to school, and of course smoked tons of pot. I beat the crap out of a kid with a ball bat once, nearly got expelled. Another guy I knew started fires in the bathrooms. And let us not forget there's always that occasional guy that masterbates in the back during class films and tries not to be seen.
  8. Kita

    Kita New Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    Northern Ireland
    That's one even I haven't seen though I would support listening to metal. I did though I only had one headphone in so I could still hear. Only put both in while I was writing.
  9. kburns421

    kburns421 Member

    Jul 19, 2013
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    I was going to say that, haha.

    Tying backpacks to chairs when people aren't looking
    Skipping individual classes
    Hitting on teachers
    Having dance offs (I swear this happened numerous times on my lunch break one year)
    Having sex/fooling around in bathrooms, backstage in the theatre, or empty classrooms
    Getting piercings from others between classes in the bathroom or after school
    Taking bathroom passes during class to go hang out in other classrooms
    Vandalizing/breaking into lockers

    If you're saying they're just high school aged but want ideas for things they do outside school:
    Having unprotected sex (they can get pregnant or get others pregnant)
    Fooling around in public places
    Stealing from parents
    Taking parents' cars
    Hanging around at malls taking up space without buying anything
    Sneaking into movies
  10. sanco

    sanco New Member

    Mar 4, 2013
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    - Smearing fish oil on all the hand-rails on every staircase of the school.
    - Egging... everything
    - Covering a teacher's car in newspaper, then pissing on it all to make it stick. For futher effect, include fish oil and eggs.
    - Turning pencil cases inside out and putting that within a bag that's been turned inside out.
    - Playing an epic 10 on 10 game of counterstrike on the computer labs when we had that substitute teacher who would just break down and storm out if she couldn't control the class.
    - Toilet papering trees.
    - The usual smoking, drinking, fucking and doing drugs.
    - The dealing of said smokes, drinks and drugs.
    - Fights and all out brawls. Everything from on the school yard, to different gangs and kids from other schools.
  11. GoldenGhost

    GoldenGhost Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Well, I'll start off with the most serious case of 'bad things,' I did in highschool..

    I did a lot of painkillers, mostly in the bathrooms, and my teachers were always trying to catch me, because they 'knew that me and my friends were up to something'.

    Shrug, I'd say that is definitely 'bad'.

    But I would also play pranks, like stapling things down on desks, glueing quarters to surfaces, random phonecalls to get certain friends of mine out of class (just like Ferris Bueller, except skipping a single class), or switching teachers' desks and podiums. My german class had a huge beef with the french class (more like role-playing, for fun) and we would often chant anti-french sentiments, or leave class to go 'raid' the french class and disrupt them.

    Well, one day, I stole the french teacher's podium and replaced it with my german teacher's podium, which was his favorite of all time and he had been using it for almost two decades.

    I hid his in the nearby bathroom, for whatever reason. As I mentioned earlier, I was high on powerful chemicals, so I probably thought it was a great idea.

    My german teacher gave a huge speech on some major historical event in Germany, using the french class's podium. When he found out, he threw the podium at the closest student. We all burst out laughing, and he immediately turned to me, because I was that guy in class who always fucked with the teachers.

    All I could do was laugh.

    But during all this, a soon-to-be-bewildered-teacher found my german teacher's podium in the bathroom, and promptly threw it away.

    Another thing I used to do, fairly often (mostly in german class), because it worked too well, was this:

    Most of our classrooms had blackboards on multiple walls. So, when the teacher wasn't looking, I'd take a piece, or multiple pieces, of chalk and toss them behind me, where they would hit the blackboard and cause a loud, smacking noise. I would then turn to some random person in my class, spread my hands, and say something along the lines of, "Why the hell are you throwing chalk at me?"

    This usually got that person kicked out of class, because the chalk would leave evidence near my head, making it appear as if it were recently thrown. That was a priceless and seemingly timeless prank, before my german teacher caught me in the act and kicked me out of class for two weeks, to make up for all the times I've gotten someone else kicked out.

    Anyway, I could go on for days, and that's enough.

    Hope this sparks some inspiration.
  12. Anthony Martin

    Anthony Martin Active Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    San Diego


    mushrooms + graffiti.




  13. DPVP

    DPVP Active Member

    Jul 19, 2013
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    well their is;
    stealing someones car
    stealing a police cruiser, then do drive by on the signs on town
    sex behind the stage
    sex under the stairs
    sex in a empty classroom
    wheeling your motorcycle in the school parking lot past the principle
    stealing the schools desks
    breaking into he principles office and drinking in it
    spinning into your parking space to the terror of everyone int he car
    purposely pulling the sifter out of your car when driving
    fireworks in the bathroom
    cross dressing in some girls prom dress and running around the school singing " these hips don't lie" in it
    using school computers in a cyber attack
    breaking into the vending machines
    planting evidence in a office then calling the cops
    breaking into an office to destroy evidence against you
  14. Happiegrrrl

    Happiegrrrl New Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    New Paltz, NY
    Some of the bad things I did were:
    - Replacing the letters "Tr" with an "H" on a poster placed in the high school Commons area which read "Stash the Trash."
    - Bringing home made wine to school(in 6th grade) and having it accidentally smash all over the floor when my brother, who didn't know it was in there, opened my locker to get some vinyl records out to play during a lunch hour in the winter(too cold to be outside, so we would stay in the classroom and play music and talk).
    - Swiping Teachers Edition math text(which had answers for all the tests included in it)

    oh, there was more, plenty of it.... luckily I grew up and out of it.
  15. EdFromNY

    EdFromNY Hope to improve with age Supporter Contributor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Queens, NY
    At the end of my junior year in high school, on the last day of school for the seniors, one of the seniors did this and blew a weak pipe apart. Water all over the place.

    I went to an all-boys high school.
  16. ChaosReigns

    ChaosReigns Ov The Left Hand Path Contributor

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Medway, Kent, UK
    Despite being one of the top % of my school, i was always listening to music, and not once did anyone realise.... seriously... It was hard rock then (three years ago now) and Heavy Metal now
  17. ChaosReigns

    ChaosReigns Ov The Left Hand Path Contributor

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Medway, Kent, UK
    Can i also add that a couple of years back, some seniors decided to get some shrink wrap and proceeded to cover both mini-buses that the school owned in it? that was certainly funny!
  18. AnonyMouse

    AnonyMouse Contributor Contributor

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Atlanta, GA
    Wow, I thought my school was one of the only ones to have done that. Toyota Camry on the roof, but no one knew how they did it. Allegedly, they handled it like a military spec op; in and out, no witnesses. The senior class before mine attempted to top that by setting up a car around the flag pole, so it looked like the car got skewered. Weak. :(

    We were one of the few schools with a journalism department and each morning students would produce the morning news, which is broadcast to each classroom. Well, class of 2006 decided their senior prank would be replacing the morning news with porn. It was on for about 45 secs before someone shut it down. I think two people went to jail for it. Ironically, news vans were lined up around the block when we got out of school that day; our morning news made the evening news. I bet our parents were proud. :p

    Other than that, day-to-day hijinks included:

    -- Bailing for lunch (there were fast food joints right across the street, even though we weren't supposed to leave the premises)

    -- Homework never gets done at home. It is usually done five minutes before it's due, if at all. Yes, this includes research papers and major projects.

    -- Copious amounts of weed changing hands

    -- the occasional hung over student... or teacher, LOL

    -- occasional fights, which range from slapboxing to "oh shit he's gonna kill that kid"

    -- bathroom fallacio, under-the-bleachers fallacio, back-of-the-classroom fallacio... etcetera

    -- the robotics club setting shit on fire. They were notorious for this. I suppose shop class would be the closest parallel in a "normal" school.

    -- hanging out in the parking lot after school. On any given day, there are the car guys, the skateboarders, and the BMXers loitering in the lot for at least an hour.

    Also, as a side note, everybody at my high school was pretty cool and got along very well. I've never understood this jocks-hating-nerds or cheerleaders-too-cool-to-date-average-joe stuff I see on television. There were social circles, of course, but they were all highly mobile and it wasn't strange to see members of the chess club and the football team as best friends, for example. I really miss that about HS. This was probably because my HS was very diverse.
  19. Annaberru

    Annaberru Member

    Jun 29, 2013
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    They pick on other kids.
    Seriously. If there's one thing I regret from high school, it's making other people feel bad.
    I got picked on a lot, and I never meant to pick on anyone, but even I, during the times my confidence was at an all-time low, picked on someone. Y'know, pointed out someone's mistakes, tried telling him to be more like the others, etc.
  20. iolair

    iolair Active Member

    Feb 16, 2009
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    Exeter, UK
    I'll try not to duplicate anything above.

    Humming or whistling whenever the teacher's back is turned, stop whenever he turns back. Repeat ...
    Looking up porn / playing games / social networking in computer class.
    Turning off your neighbour's computer in computer class (chances are they didn't save their work - despite the teacher reminding them every five minutes).
    Asking the teacher risqué questions to see how he reacts while acting ignorant/innocent (Sir, what does 'cunnilingus' mean?)
    Setting light to the gas taps / wooden tongs / etc. in science class.
    Shooting chewed paper pellets out of a biro tube.
    Needing to sharpen a pencil or get some more paper just as an excuse to walk round the classroom by the longest route possible while talking to every one on the way past.
    Getting anywhere you shouldn't be (on the roof, down the drains, in the store cupboard).
    I remember when one 17-18 year-old pupil was sunbathing topless on the school field (she was face down, but still ...)
    Wearing school uniform in creative ways ...

    Obviously there's all the background non-intentional stuff they do that's still disruptive - mostly chatter / shouting, being out of their seat when they should be on task, note-passing. New teachers in particular often have a big problem with getting the class quiet in order to start the class.
  21. Thom

    Thom Active Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    There was this one time in school, middle school, where the kids were running around and ripping off the belt labels from Jeans. I have no idea why...
  22. Kaze Araki

    Kaze Araki Member

    May 3, 2012
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    Kids have the tendency to bully disable and unfortunate people.
    Their sense of morality (influenced by the adults in society) has not developed yet.
    Thus they largely works using instinct; curious, adventurous and sometimes cruel.
  23. T.Trian

    T.Trian Overly Pompous Bastard Supporter Contributor

    Mar 12, 2013
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    Mushroom Land
    We were a bit younger, around 12-14 when we did some of this stuff:

    -broke ceiling panels
    -stuck glue into locks
    -lit our desks / books / notebooks on fire
    -random fights / hassling other students / teachers verbally / physically (one kid first transferred into another school, got picked on there as well, and then quit school altogether at 14)

    Around here you raise the flag halfway up the pole when someone has died, so when it was independence day, one guy went and lowered the flag down to halfmast. We also put goatse pictures as screen savers on all the computers in the computer class, threw people's bags out of the windows, poured sugar into the gas tank of another student's moped, and smuggled booze / pot / cigarettes to school parties.

    What else... we stuffed needles and glue into one teacher's lunch. Luckily she came to work the next day, so apparently she had spotted those. When a new student came to our class, we moved his desk into the furthest corner of the room and told everyone else to move their desks as far away from his as possible. One guy heated a metal bar so hot it was red, waited for it to cool just enough to turn gray again, and then handed it to an usnsuspecting bystander. And when we were 15, one dude stabbed another one during a school party, but I wasn't present that time, just saw the pool of blood on the staircase leading down to the bomb shelter.

    I'm sure there was more, but that's all that I can remember off the top of my head. We were idiots.
  24. ChaosReigns

    ChaosReigns Ov The Left Hand Path Contributor

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Medway, Kent, UK
    i had a friend at school who could parrot other peoples voices, trust me, that was fun, we used to plan who to target that day, i sat at the front of the class, them at the back (i got bolstered up classes due to the timetable i was given being a temporary one when i started there, so the only spaces left were the front ones) and that got quite funny, and neither of us got caught (well, no one would suspect the prefect)

    going on that prefect point, i was supposed to keep other students in line, i did when teachers were about, as soon as they were gone, id turn a blind eye to it, cause i thought the rules were a lil stupid on occasion. not once did any of the other students say it was me who let them, i dont think they wanted me had a go at for it...
  25. sprirj

    sprirj Senior Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    Locking teacher in supplies cupboard
    Ink cartridge fights
    Drawing pins on teachers chair
    Cheating at exams
    Tricking other kids into being bad in order to be liked
    Pulling chair from under someone as they go to sit down
    Affair with teacher
    Put kid in locker
    Jump into swimming pool naked
    Slide down stair rails
    Untucked shirt
    Mobile phone going off in class

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