1. Mumble Bee

    Mumble Bee Keep writing. Contributor

    May 18, 2015
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    What does your username stand for?

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Mumble Bee, May 22, 2016.

    Alright, here's your chance to tell the world (mostly just those of us here who weren't bright enough to figure it out ourselves) exactly what our usernames stand for, how they came to be, and if we have time, have an in depth conversation on the meaning of life
    (if you say 42 i will stab you.)

    I'll start us off!

    What it stands for:
    While Chained may appear to be a word with deeper meanings rooting in the plight of life, the allusion of choice, and other smart things, its actually just short for ChainedPlainz.

    How it came to be:

    Back when i was a young lad who was less innocent than he appeared, more innocent than necessary, and ignorant of the meaning of the word ignorant, I got into online gaming. After entire minutes of intense deliberation, i settled on the gamertag Kurupted1. This name served me well until a fateful day, a dark day, the day that signaled the end of a 24 hour cycle, where my username was already taken in the x-box live user base. Needless to say my world crumbed, my question of if there were a god answered, and i fell into and through despair. After hours of self-pity (the inflation equivalent of days to adult me) i began hammering the 'random username generator' in justifiable anger. Thousands of names flashed across the screen, never to be read nor remembered. But then, for no reason other than controller failure due to unknown reasons (i'd mashed the button down so hard so many times, it quit on me) a name appeared on the screen.

    Don't really remember what that name was, didn't really like it, so i hooked up another controller, and after a few refreshes, ChainedPlainz showed up, and i went with it.

    Meaning of life?:

    The meaning of life is to live a life with meaning
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
    VynniL, Seraph751, KaTrian and 4 others like this.
  2. Lifeline

    Lifeline South. Supporter Contributor

    Oct 12, 2015
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    On the Road.
    I do hope that is not a personal pun :D

    What it stands for:
    A lifeline in sailing is a piece of rope that ties you - the sailor - to the boat in case you get swept overboard. That can be a mixed blessing because if you do get in the water it is usually during a storm and/or high waves and the boat is moving fast. So if you actually want to get dragged behind your head might be a little bit under water.. but that's chance that your other mates will react fast.

    How it came to be:
    I am a sailor. I like the wordplay, to have a line to the only reality which is important in the storms of life - the boat. Which is your safe heaven, your mates are your brothers. All for one and one for all.

    Meaning of life?:
    Just my lifeline to reality. Even if it gets changed around a lot and drags me under water time and time again :)
    VynniL, Seraph751, Greenwood and 3 others like this.
  3. Cave Troll

    Cave Troll It's Coffee O'clock everywhere. Contributor

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Where cushions are comfy, and straps hold firm.
    Well it is not all that complicated really. I started calling myself Cave Troll not to long after I started my first novel, and making music to compliment it. I am pretty much the epitome of it with the exception that I am not 12 feet tall and blue skinned, or turn to stone in the sun. :p I spend most of my time in cool dark areas of the house, and generally keep to myself (that and the town near me is just a sad lame place). So yeah, no great deeper meaning of any sort, just a quirky coincidence is all. :D

    Ok, ok, I will give you the meaning of life spiel:

    Sometimes good things happen, sometimes bad things happen. That is life. It isn't fair or just, but simply is what it is. Take it a day at a time and remember that some people don't like bad jokes, in good taste. :superlaugh:(nor when they set them up to made in the first place):superlaugh:

    I mean what life? O_O:supergrin:
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
  4. Mumble Bee

    Mumble Bee Keep writing. Contributor

    May 18, 2015
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    Hey now, you're skipping out on the meaning of life part!
    Oscar Leigh and Cave Troll like this.
  5. Oscar Leigh

    Oscar Leigh Contributor Contributor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Sydney, Australia
    Oscar Leigh is one of my favourite characters, and the one that most resembles me. It's also relevant that I'm most like him on the internet when my spunk is at it's most frequent, which is the mood I use to channel him

    The meaning of life is indeed to live a life with meaning. Because the only meaning to our lives is that which we give it. Meaning is an invention of consciousness and the universe is not conscious. It doesn't care, it just is. So we create ideals like morality and productivity to give us goals and rules in order to direct ourselves. And because we like to believe in meaning. (Atheist)
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
    VynniL, Greenwood, Lifeline and 2 others like this.
  6. ToBeInspired

    ToBeInspired Senior Member

    Jul 16, 2013
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    What it stands for:
    Pretty simple.
    How it came to be:
    Was made specifically for this forum. Wanted inspiration to start writing again. Always hoping that I could inspire someone else too.
    Meaning of life?:
    Well that's a question, for sure.
    Cave Troll and Mumble Bee like this.
  7. HelloImRex

    HelloImRex Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    My username isn't an acronym so it doesn't stand for anything.
  8. Oscar Leigh

    Oscar Leigh Contributor Contributor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Sydney, Australia
    ... Aaannnddd? Reason: ? Meaning of life: ?
    Mumble Bee likes this.
  9. HelloImRex

    HelloImRex Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    The question was how it came to be, not reason. How it came to be was by typing it in. I feel like pretty much everyone has to answer:

    1. Nothing, it isn't an acronym.
    2. Typed it into a textbox.

    Well, unless your username is an acronym or your cat typed in your username or maybe both. But yeah, not my fault they are poorly worded questions. As for the meaning of life, I think Douglas Adams had that one right.
  10. Mumble Bee

    Mumble Bee Keep writing. Contributor

    May 18, 2015
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    I honestly can't tell if you're trying to bait me into an argument, if this went over your head, or if you've taken this to an even further level that i don't understand...
  11. Oscar Leigh

    Oscar Leigh Contributor Contributor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Sydney, Australia
    Fine, your clearly in the mood for trolling so I won't bother with you.
  12. HelloImRex

    HelloImRex Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    I don't know, maybe it went over my head. I feel like "What is the meaning of your username?" and "Why did you pick it?" were the questions you were going for but then again the meaning of life one seems completely unrelated so maybe there's some reference I'm missing.

    I'm not trying to troll. If I were I'd point out it's you're right about now.
    Oscar Leigh likes this.
  13. Mumble Bee

    Mumble Bee Keep writing. Contributor

    May 18, 2015
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    If thats the case its all good, let me take a stab at doing this for you based on what i know about you (literally only what i've seen in this thread)

    Username: HelloImRex
    What it stands for:
    It stands for greeting. To those who read this, if we already know each other, hello. If we've yet to be properly acquainted, i hope to be soon.
    How it came to be:
    People online are so distant from each other, so draped in mystery and shrouded in deception, that i took it upon my self to take the first step in building meaningful relations.
    Meaning of life?
    He said not to do it, it was the only rule he made and i didnt care. In spite of a strongly worded threat of stabbing i said the meaning of life was 42 because i'm just that type of person.
    Oscar Leigh likes this.
  14. No-Name Slob

    No-Name Slob Member Supporter Contributor

    Jun 3, 2015
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    Dallas, Texas
    I feel like mine is somewhat obvious.

    What it stands for:
    It's what Holly Golightly calls her cat when she's explaining that she doesn't belong to anyone:

    Poor slob. Poor slob without a name. The way I see it, I haven't the right to give her one. We don't belong to each other ... I'm like cat here. A no-name slob. We belong to nobody and nobody belongs to us.

    How it came to be:

    Well when I was about 15 I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's for the first time and kinda fell in love with the character, Holly Golightly. Not Audrey Hepburn's portrayal of her necessarily -- not because she was pretty, elegant and classy, which is why everyone else liked the film. I couldn't figure out why, but there was something about the idea of this woman being so rebellious against being pinned down and rather carefree about it, despite being judged. I mean, she left her husband and people just didn't do that back then. The character was quite liberated for the time period. So I kinda had a love/hate relationship with the ending, where Cat runs off and she realizes that, in fact, Cat does belong to her and she didn't want to lose her. Then it all falls apart because she's deeply in love and decides that maybe it's alright to "belong" to somebody. Anyway, I could never figure out why this resonated with me so much until I went through some pretty heavy shit and one night, in an attempt to lift my spirits, decided to watch the film. Then it dawned on me: I am Holly Golightly. I looked across the room at the orange tabby cat I'd just rescued who kept refusing to conform to being a normal inside cat, preferring the freedom of the outdoors over being "put in a cage," and I thought to myself, well fuck. To this day I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but Its definitely a thing, and anyone who knows me would agree. So now when a website asks me for a username, in my own little act of defiant non-conformity, and to honor the first rebel who truly resonated with me, I choose a non-name kind of username. And as a bonus, it's just self deprecating enough to be perfect in every way.

    The meaning of life:
    We are here on Earth to fart around. Don’t let anybody tell you any different.
    Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
  15. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    halisme: my name is Hal. Any questions?
  16. Oscar Leigh

    Oscar Leigh Contributor Contributor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Sydney, Australia
    Ooooh. :supershock:
    What about the meaning of life?
  17. Greenwood

    Greenwood Active Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    Ruins of Old Aar
    Not much to go around for in terms of originality with my username. It's simply the English translation of my last name.

    What it stands for:
    A green forest.
    A green woodland

    How it came to be:
    During Napoleonic times, Bonaparte occupied my country of the Netherlands and made having a last name obligatory. It is highly likely I descend from "that guy living next to the green wood". There's loads of variants on mainland Europe; Grunwald, Grunewald, Grunwold, Groenwoud, Groenewoud, Groenewold, etc.

    The meaning of life:

    All of us attempt to find the answer to this question. For years, nay, decades, we search and wonder. The answer, I think, is ironic, depressing, and able to drive insane those blunt knives in the kitchen drawer incapable of coping with it; there is none. At least, there is no inherent meaning to life which all humans are born with. We are all but ants in a cosmic play that doesn't give two poops about us. To realize this can actually be a liberation. After all, when things hit rock-bottom, it can only get better. I believe there is no meaning to life, but we can make our mark upon those of others nonetheless, for better or worse.

    To quote a certain centurion from an over-quoted movie on classical arena fighting; "What we do in life, echoes in eternity!"
  18. Oscar Leigh

    Oscar Leigh Contributor Contributor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Sydney, Australia
    Exactly. Why are people so desperate for someone else's meaning?
  19. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    Cave Troll likes this.
  20. Oscar Leigh

    Oscar Leigh Contributor Contributor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Sydney, Australia
    Really? That was specifically asked not to be joked in the OP and someone already decided they were 2-kewl-4-skool and broke it. :bigmeh::bigmeh:
  21. Jack Asher

    Jack Asher Banned Contributor

    Sep 4, 2013
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    Jack Asher
    What it stands for:
    Just Another Cocksucker Kicking Ass So Hard Everyone Reads (it)

    'Nuff Said
  22. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    Surely a reference that cliche is the opposite of cool. Plus I'm an existentialist in this aspect.
  23. Oscar Leigh

    Oscar Leigh Contributor Contributor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Sydney, Australia
    If it's not cool why did you fucking do it?
  24. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    Because I'm less witty than I think? Or to create "cool paradox", something that is simultaneously cool and not cool in an attempt to destroy the internet and allow the not-bears to invade the world.
  25. Oscar Leigh

    Oscar Leigh Contributor Contributor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Sydney, Australia
    I knew it! The bear conspiracy is confirmed again!
    Seraph751 likes this.

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