1. writewizard

    writewizard New Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    Concentration techniques anyone?

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by writewizard, Jan 4, 2010.

    I am going to be a complete & utter pain to deal with tommorow in school. I feel like I can fly. I don't think caffine is going to help this time. I really feel like I could jump off of a building and just be fine.

    So - any coping techniques for my ADHD? Keep in mind that it's my bipolar disorder, too, so that's kicking in the mania in high gear. I need to sit still for six hours tommorow and I don't think I'll be able to do it.

    Help anyone? :rolleyes:

    Edit: Okay, I am seeing a psychologist in three weeks-ish. I am not looking for long term diet and exercise changes as I plan to talk about that with my shrink. What I am asking about is deep breathing techiniques and stuff like that. Sorry for any confusion! And thanks for all the great advice. :)
  2. Ashleigh

    Ashleigh Contributor Contributor

    Oct 16, 2008
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    In the comfort of my stubborn little mind.
    Don't be so defeatist and try would be a good piece of advice, I feel.

    There must be treatments for this, either medical, herb or therapy based- ask your doctor.
  3. writewizard

    writewizard New Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    I'm in line to see a doctor. The problem is that he just told me he didn't think he could help me anymore and I'm now in line to see a psychologist (or whatever the heck they are). The problem is that it will take about 2-3 weeks to get in and I could really use some help before then.

    I like the "don't be so defeatist." I will try, but it's hard when I feel like I should go jump over a bridge because I'll be just fine. :)
  4. marina

    marina Contributor Contributor

    Sep 7, 2008
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    See a doctor like Ashleigh suggested. Also, cut out caffeine and sugar from your diet immediately. I don't understand why you think caffeine is helpful to you.
  5. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    With both bipolar affective disorder and ADHD, I don't think it's wise to mess with Internet recommendations. It's important NOT to mess up your symptoms, especially if you may be seeing a new doctor.

    I realize it's frustrating, but if you start changing things now, especially dietary changes, you might make it take longer to get levelled out.

    ADHD can completely change how you react to many pharmacologically active substances, and so can bipolar disorder.

    It probably won't help much, but an exercise regimen MIGHT make it easier to focus for a period of time. Meanwhile, keep a journal of your highs and lows and your daily activities, including food and beverages. This might help your doctor get your treatments in line more rapidly.
  6. madhoca

    madhoca Contributor Contributor

    Dec 1, 2008
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    the shadow of the velvet fortress
    Maybe you could try getting rid of some extra energy by doing sports? Or to be ready for school tomorrow, by going for a run/hike? For the future, have you tried not just high energy sports but also yoga and relaxation techniques? Don't jump about just before you go to bed, that makes it impossible to wind down! Perhaps if you make sure to go to bed and get up at regular times?

    It's a bit difficult to change the situation in a few hours, but if this happens all the time, perhaps your eating habits might need looking at? I don't know how you eat, but I guess you know you shouldn't really eat anything processed. If you're not used to it, you'll realise what a terrible, chemical, sickly-sweet, over-salted, synthetic taste factory food has. I don't even have a can opener, or a freezer or microwave in my house, even though I'm a working mum. I guess you know which additives are bad for you? My daughter couldn't eat a candy they sell in the UK called 'Smarties'.

    If you're still at school--you mean high school, right?--you're too young to be drinking much caffeine. Why don't you try fruit/herb tea instead? In the end, you might find your energy levels don't seesaw as much, and this might have a positive effect on your mental state as well.

    Hopefully your teacher knows about your problem--I always try and keep my hyper students busy collecting things, cleaning the board etc. or even going for a quick walk up the corridor and back if they can't sit for long.

    Hope you have a successful spring semester!
  7. Mercurial

    Mercurial Contributor Contributor

    Jan 16, 2009
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    Thank you for saying this. It's irritating to me when people claim to "need" caffeine for any reason, be it to fully wake up in the morning or to handle a mental disorder. If you need it, that's called an addiction, and it's time to break the habit.

    Decaffinated herbal tea has properties that should stimulate you just as well as caffienated and / or sugary drinks, without the wall-bouncing consequences. This suggestion is something I advise only if you need something to get you up in the mornings. Considering you believe yourself to be in a manic stage right now, you probably shouldnt need it.

    It seems to me, writewizard, that what you constantly talk about is your self-medicating. Drop it and get yourself to a doctor who can help you with a medicine and / or therapy --both work wonders.
    If you have something scheduled with a psychiatrist (these are the people who prescribe medicines, not psychologists or therapists, as the former have MDs and the latter have degrees like masters or Ph.Ds. Only MDs can prescribe medicine), that's lovely, but you can probably get something at a local Med-Check facility.
    I'm not kidding; we called our veterarian for my dog whose been hyperactive and vicious toward other dogs lately, and they gave us Xanax to give to her until they could fit her in for an appointment, no questions asked. They'll probably ask you questions because you could abuse it unlike my dog, but you can get it. Med-Check will take you at any time of the day. The assistance might cost more and it might not be as quality as a doctor who will get to know you on a more personal level, but for god's sake, you'll be fine.

    And if I'm not mistaken, you're a college-age student, right? You obviously did well enough in high school to make it into university, and disorders like ADHD and bipolar do not just appear out of nowhere. Both would have been very likely to show up in your early childhood, because both often acquired genetically. If you dont want to spring for a quickie-result from a Med-Check, the best thing to do would be to go back to living like you did before you decided you were likely to have bipolar disorder or ADHD. As Ashleigh put it, dont be so defeatist and try. You've done it for twelve years of schooling already; you can suck it up for at least a few more weeks until your scheduled appointment.

    Seriously, lay off the caffiene and sugar though. Those make people who arent manic-depressive bounce off the walls. If you're manic, then dear god, I'm glad I dont live with you. I thought that was common sense.
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  8. fantasy girl

    fantasy girl New Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Lie down on your back, close your eyes and slowly count to one hundred.

    Light a scented tealight/candle and just sit and watch it for a while (I find this helps me calm down the night before exams and things)

    Coffee isn't good for ADHD sufferers. My friend has it and the Doctors said it can totally screw up her treatment. She drinks decaf instead.
  9. Sabreur

    Sabreur Contributor Contributor

    Oct 21, 2008
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    At the combination pizza hut and taco bell
    See a professional. What Cogito said is IMPORTANT: none of us here know your symptoms, the depth of your conditions and the whole host of other issues associated with them.

    The last place you should be asking is an internet forum. It may sound harsh but it is true. Even if someone here was a professional, reputable medical doctor or psychologist/psychiatrist (I profess, I do not know which one you need) they do not know your whole case. Posting such sensitive information, even in a private message, would be unwise.

    If it is really bothering you so much, take the day off from school and rest. No shame in that.
  10. writewizard

    writewizard New Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    Thanks for all the tips and advice. Not asking or lifelong ways to deal with this, just until I can get into the psych and see my doctor. I did try cutting down on my caffine intake today, but it made things worse, not better.

    Cog, I will keep a detailed journal, as you sugguested. :)
  11. writewizard

    writewizard New Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    The problem is, that now, when I don't have it, I'm even more wound and even impossible to live with. I will try and lay off the caffine and eat healthier, but, it will be a huge change. And I am seeing my doctor in about three weeks - hopefully. ;).
  12. Sabreur

    Sabreur Contributor Contributor

    Oct 21, 2008
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    At the combination pizza hut and taco bell
    Ah, the joys of bipolar disorder. At least MY meds work for me. Give me intolerable appetite though :p
  13. writewizard

    writewizard New Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    I'm not going to lie. The hypomania is fun. It just drives everyone else crazy. It's the depressive lows that get to you. I tried taking one medicine and it made me so sick to my stomach that I felt like I was going to throw up - eventually had to stop taking it. Yuck! So I know how you feel. :D
  14. Sabreur

    Sabreur Contributor Contributor

    Oct 21, 2008
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    At the combination pizza hut and taco bell
    Er, well I wouldn't really call it fun. I'm not one to revel in my altered mental states though, seems a bit odd.
  15. writewizard

    writewizard New Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    I'm not either. Only when I'm in them. Longing for normal though. :)
    Thanks everyone!

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