Drug Legalization: Does Anyone Else Agree?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Epsilon, Jul 27, 2010.

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  1. dogboon

    dogboon New Member

    Jul 20, 2010
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    Medway, Kent, England
    Nobeler Than Lettuce, you raised several good points.

    This is a difficult topic. But I wonder if the 'gate' is left wide open, will the sheep really run amok? What I mean is, Alcohol is available to buy in the UK 24 hours a day, but with the odd exceptions people dont generally go wild and ... actually they do around where I live.
    My point is, there will always be idiots putting others at risk drink driving or staggering about in the street, at lunch time. But I dont believe there would be an explosion in zombiefied lunatics the day legalisation came. People would just carry on as usual. Today anybody that enjoyed a joint as he went about along his street, and down the town did just that. People dont care that much about the law because its unlikely they will be stopped in certain given places.

    The Cartels may get wound up, but they would move into another line of enterprise. Bare in mind that the 'domino' effect of countries declassifying drugs would not be quick. So like any 'market' the Cartels would evolve, which is definitely not something that hasn't happened before. Prohibition? Huge racket for Al Copone. Then it was declassified. The Mafia evolved to real estate and importing goods, then as times changed moved into legalised Gambling and stocks, and then DRUGS. The Drug empires will evolve. If that means swallowing up the competition. There will always be a market to move into. With the way the world is heading, it maybe organic food next. Bought by the ounce. Or ...Shhhh... Bottled water!

    Nothing will ever change. The government makes too much out of it to legalise any drugs, and I'm not just talking about money either. How about dumbing down a large portion by feeding a coke supply into the population. (WARNING CONTROVERSY).

    If the people in Holland were anything to go by they are a good example of the benefits of legalisation.
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