Era of Darkness

Discussion in 'Archive' started by fantasywriter, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. Lorena

    Lorena Active Member

    Feb 13, 2009
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    Gloria overheard the name mentioned in conversation. So that woman was Incendia Ignis.
    ''So you're an Ignis, huh?''
    The woman turned her head towards Gloria, probably annoyed at her abruptness.

    ''I remember my mother used to talk to me about them all the time. She told me your mother was a great woman.''
    Gloria outstretched her hand to the fellow sorceress. Just as they were about to shake hands, Gloria withdrew her arm.
    ''Shame the same can't be said of you.'' said Gloria, smiling bitterly.
  2. fantasywriter

    fantasywriter New Member

    Jul 14, 2008
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    Lucas shook Deathblade's hand rather reluctantly; he didn't really trust this fellow. The man didn't seem like a good sort. But now that they were going to be traveling companions, Luke might as well get used to it. Everyone seemed to be doing just fine - making simple conversation and such. They would be leaving soon. Well, at least those of them who chose to come along.

    Annaleigh sat in silence, casually sipping a glass of water. She looked around at everyone in the tavern, watching as the Ignis woman, a few men, and another woman whose name Anna knew not conversed with one another. Not in the mood for conversation, Annaleigh relaxed in her chair, closing her eyes to block out the noise of the tavern.
  3. Roric

    Roric New Member

    Feb 14, 2009
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    Take a left... the a right... then go in 5 circles
    "So boss (Lucas) when are we leaving?" Len asked, ready to move. The tavern wasn't a very calm place and Len hated too much chaos. All of these strange people in one group would certainly be a challenge to deal with but Len figured he would be able to at least manage to survive. As Len waited for the group to actually begin their journey he unstrapped his magic book from his back and laid it on the table, beginning to read the strange language which was meant to be a guide to a teacher-less wizard. Of course, the book would be far more helpful if Len could recognize any of the weird symbols.
  4. Leaka

    Leaka Creative Mettle

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Lye stopped looking around turned his attention to their "leader" of sorts named Lucas.
    "I have a question, why so many?" Lye asked, "Why did you need so many mercenary, couldn't you just find a few camping on the road and ask them to come help? Why did you need to send a ridiculous large amount of flyers throughout the land? The demons aren't a particular threat you know, there something in those portals far worse and from what I can tell this group looks certain to be eaten...I have seen it happen."
  5. Honorius

    Honorius Active Member

    Apr 3, 2008
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    "surely you've heard of my grandfather, Theron Ignis. He wrote the Epic of Honorius Ignis", she replied to the man you appeared to have some knowledge of the literature and fables surrounding her family.

    She then greeted the man who reeked of alcohol and just a minute ago was a drunken fool.
    "Its a pleasure to meet you as well", she said while she shook his hand, while trying not to breathe in to much alcohol. The Ignis don't drink much, they never approved of using alcohol, which is highly flammable, as a beverage. They didn't like the idea of violently bursting into flames if a spell backfired, just because they had had a drink.

    It was then that the man who had considered the Ignis "Rag Tag" said something odd.

    Apparently I've upset you, just because you're from a long family line, a noble, and the last heir, doesn't make you queen. You have to earn the right to rule, even if you're of royal blood. If you're going to prove something, then this journey would be the place to do it, wouldn't it?

    She knew she wasn't a queen, and she never had any intention of ruling anyone. But he was right, one has to earn the right to rule. She, both the last and only heir of the Ignis, but not the true heir at the same time,knew that better than anything else. She did have something to prove, two things to prove. First, the greatness and power of the Ignis line. Second... that she was worthy of it.

    I remember my mother used to talk to me about them all the time. She told me your mother was a great woman.

    It seemed this woman knew of here mother. Incendia recognized her as the daughter of Matilda. She reached out her hand to clasp Gloria's, and was about to complement her mother, who had once been a valuable ally to the Ignis family.

    Shame the same can't be said of you.

    The words stung, but not like the "Rag Tag" comment. These words weren't aimed at her family, but at Incendia herself.

    "I guess I can't say the same of you, daughter of Matilda. I can't judge whether you'll live up to your mother's expectations, for I hardly know you. But I do know this, both our mothers were great women. Though, there is one major difference, my mother remained a strong and kind woman all her life. Yours rolled over like a dog at the foot of the same flame which she once ruled well enough to be allied by my family.She became obsessed with the flame and lost her own self in it."

    It was a dirty blow to attack someone's family, especially a former ally of her own. But she was already at the last straw from degrading herself to a mere mercenary, the "Rag Tag" comment, and what the man with massive sword had said. She wasn't in a good mood.
  6. Lorena

    Lorena Active Member

    Feb 13, 2009
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    She became obsessed with the flame and lost her own self in it

    Incendia's words cut like a sharp knife. These were words that would no be forgiven easily. For a moment, Gloria's fiery temper almost got the better of her. Instead, she ignored the woman. Vengeance would wait. The tale of her mothers death was well-known, but Gloria had not counted that story to be know in the depths of this tavern. This Ignis woman...she would pay for her words. but not now. Later.

    She turned her attention to the mysterious Lye.

    The demons aren't a particular threat you know, there something in those portals far worse and from what I can tell this group looks certain to be eaten...I have seen it happen

    Glorias gaze met Lye's for the first time.
    ''If you want to bail out, theres the door right there.'' The strange wolves surrounding Lye stared at Gloria, almost threateningly.
  7. Honorius

    Honorius Active Member

    Apr 3, 2008
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    Why did you need so many mercenary, couldn't you just find a few camping on the road and ask them to come help? Why did you need to send a ridiculous large amount of flyers throughout the land? The demons aren't a particular threat you know, there something in those portals far worse and from what I can tell this group looks certain to be eaten...I have seen it happen.

    the answer seemed obvious to Incendia. Lucas needed the best of the best. Any run of the mill mercenary could take out a couple of fiends. It took something much stronger to take out a shadow.

    there something in those portals far worse

    or dragons.

    there something in those portals far worse
    I have seen it happen.

    It reminded her of something that she hadn't thought about in a long time. "What if it wasn't a dragon?", she thought to herself with a nervous chill. She had always assumed that it was a dragon that had destroyed her home, but she never actually saw the beast face to face. She only saw it from the nearby island, but she knew this.

    It was big.
    It toward over every thing else on the island.

    It flew.
    It crashed into the island at amazing speeds from thin air and proceeded to kill of her family.

    It was strong.
    It had to be. Because she watched it destroy everything on the island, fly away, and didn't leave any blood or other signs of injury.

    "Do you mean the Dragons? Or is there something else?", Incendia said, both nervous and anticipating the answer, while at the same time ignoring the impudent girl in front of her.
  8. fantasywriter

    fantasywriter New Member

    Jul 14, 2008
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    The wolf woman - Hopius Lye, if he remembered correctly - directed a few rather obvious questions towards Luke, and he answered them effortlessly. "Why don't I just go pick a few rigabands off the street?" He paused, glancing at Incendia before answering both of their questions. "There's far worse out there than the demons, I assure you. And the dragons." Should he really tell them, or would it merely scare them away? "I've seen worse, at least. Shadows, they call them. They take on the form of a featureless human, but they don't use sword or spell to fight. No, they steal away your very soul." He'd seen it happen. He'd seen it happen to some of his best friends. Good men who hadn't deserved their fate; having your soul stolen away was far worse than any other death Lucas could conjure up.

    The man's face fell, his expression became grave, and he lowered his eyes. A much more cheerful man stood nearby, hunched over a spell book. He had asked if they would be leaving soon, and it sounded like a good question. "We'll be leaving as soon as everyone is ready."

    Anna, having heard her brother mention something about leaving, stood from her seat and made her way towards him. "I think it's time we left. You know how I hate taverns." Drinks, drunks, and the like didn't mingle well with Annaleigh. She was a priestess, not a dirty crook. This type of atmosphere was not exactly what she enjoyed, and she was ready to be gone.
  9. CommonGoods

    CommonGoods New Member

    Sep 12, 2008
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    That small dark corner of your mind
    Daughter of Mathilda? Then this was Gloria? Emna chuckled, what were the chances of seeing two broken noble families here today, in this inn? Such wonderful opportunities! Hadn’t Master Antohn always said that it were the broken families, the murdered families, the disgraced families, that those were the families were wealth could be amassed and favours gained. It would be interesting to see how this went.

    Out of habit, she leant towards the man next to her. “The Ignis family was murdered. The woman with the tongue of a viper is Gloria something. Her mother died when a spell backfired.” It felt wonderful to be a midst such political games. A home away from home indeed.

    And there was their leader and his loyal sidekick, talking about danger. She had to brace herself not to scowl at them. They would be on the road one, maybe two days, they would kill a kobold or a fantasy creature like that, and they would be heading back, claiming to be heroes. This talk about soul stealing…

    She smiled towards their leader. “Surely, we are in no danger. Not with such wonderful heroes around us?” She gave Incendia a flirtatious smile. “Surely, Miss Ignis could keep us save.”
  10. Roric

    Roric New Member

    Feb 14, 2009
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    Take a left... the a right... then go in 5 circles
    Len paused from reading his book for a moment, hearing Lucas' answer to his question and nodding in a simple response. He then returned to the task of flipping through the pages of his massive book, trying to see if he could recognize anything. Then he saw a page written in bright blue ink in contrast to the first part of the book being written in black. He recognized one word, "water" which was repeated throughout the blue pages. He couldn't concentrate in the tavern though, maybe he was just seeing things now. He followed the lead of Annaleigh, standing and preparing to leave carefully gripping his staff in one hand and his book under his other arm.
  11. Acglaphotis

    Acglaphotis New Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    Atrius was enjoying the spectacle. What had started as a friendly congregation of local mercenaries had quickly turned into a multi family dispute between the 'absolutely-not-compensating' guy, the last heir of the Ignis line and a third part woman insulting the second one. How come he didn't think of bringing some peanuts? This was even better than watching some full-of-themselves jerks pretend they were someone else on a private stage.

    He cheered for himself. His primary goal-- being amused, not bored-- had already been fullfilled. His travelling group was already filled with a colorful bunch of strangers. A bunch of thoughts went through his mind. He was about to go on a life threatening journey for what? Amusement and eternal glory and fam-- Well, now that he had thought it out loud, it sounded much better. But, what would his sisters and brothers think about this? He was the heir to the fortune of the family, biologically second to his older sister, but that was how it was in patriarchies. First boy wins. Maybe his lil' bro would be get to be Earl if he died in battle? Hmm. Can't have that. He wondered why people got so upset about lineages and families. He was one of the richest faces this side of the country, and he wouldn't have minded at someone calling any of his sisters a slut. He didn't know if they weren't.

    Huh, he thought, philosophical thoughts. He drank a whole glass of the stuff the bartender had given him. That made him feel better.

    "We should leave, my friend. We don't want to walk the whole night." He said at Lucas.
  12. Honorius

    Honorius Active Member

    Apr 3, 2008
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    Incendia wanted to sigh, a dragon had destroyed her island. Just as she had thought, but she couldn't sigh. She could keep fighting if she lost a limb or received a horrible burn.

    No, they steal away your very soul.

    Eventually she would recover and keep fighting. It wouldn't be so easy to recover if she lost her soul.

    Of course...

    Surely, Miss Ignis could keep us safe.

    Emna d'Rose clearly wasn't taking any of this in.

    "Oh there's no need to worry about that Madame d'Rose. If your get scared by some little Imp I'll be especially sure to keep you safe.", Incendia said with a cynical grin.
    But Incendia's expression quickly grew very grim.
    "Entire villages... entire islands have been decimated by the creatures flowing from that gate. No single person can stop that gate. We will need all the help we can get."

    Directing her attention to Atrius, "I believe your correct. Shadows are creatures of the night, the less time we spend in their home the better"
  13. Deathblade15

    Deathblade15 New Member

    Feb 6, 2009
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    The Third moon of Jupiter
    He was getting edgy, he wanted to leave, and it was still daylight and had not been for long.
    "We leave now, the night will be most dangerous in this harsh weather. If we are caught traveling in it without shelter, then this gathering will be for naught."
    He got up, placed his sword on his back and walked out the door waiting for the others, he should get a head start, but that wouldn't be fair to the rest. Even then it didn't matter, there was too much evil, it had to be stopped.
  14. moff

    moff New Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    Furúmil, keeping to her self but listening over lucas and Atrius's conversation smiled, Yes we are finally off Lucas walked out, Furúmil eyed Atrius he didn't seem as intimidating as the others she decided she might like this one so hoped up next to him gave him a little nod and a smile then proceeded to the door to follow lucas
  15. fantasywriter

    fantasywriter New Member

    Jul 14, 2008
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    Lucas nodded first towards Atrius, and then at Deathblade as he made his way towards the door with Annaleigh trailing behind. They were right, of course. They had best leave now or risk getting lost in the night. Luke was the second one out of the building, followed by Anna. It was freezing outside; it would only get colder as the night wore on, and they would need to make it a ways away from the town before setting up camp. Good thing Luke knew exactly where they were headed - to the port city of Dyan where they would take a ship to the Islands. He had plenty of money to purchase one of his own. What else was there to save up for?

    "I agree," Annaleigh said as she looked back at those remaining in the tavern. "Let's begone before some of us drink too much ale." She shot a piercing look at Atrius before turning her back on the tavern and heading outside. Anna had always had a habit of holding grudges against anyone she considered "impure". And Atrius was far from pure. Sometimes Annaleigh wondered if she were really cut out for this kind of adventure. But the gods had told her to accompany Luke; there was no turning away from the gods.

    RIPPA MATE New Member

    Jan 22, 2008
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    Scythe stood up. He might as well make an entrance. Without so much as making a noise, he drew some energy from the fumes of alcohol surrounding them all. Scythe muttered a spell which turned the floor around Lucas to ice, his next step he would slip. And there Scythe would be standing right above him.
  17. moff

    moff New Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    following behind Lucas Furúmil gave a deep sigh here we go again as she noticed some mannerism of magic come to play around his feet, she was getting impatient and it was getting late but she just took her nearest seat a sat down with light smile
  18. Deathblade15

    Deathblade15 New Member

    Feb 6, 2009
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    The Third moon of Jupiter
    Tim noticed that his so called companions were leaving, when one left though he swore he saw ice on the floor around his "employer". Someone was up to dirty tricks, he didn't like it.
  19. Roric

    Roric New Member

    Feb 14, 2009
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    Take a left... the a right... then go in 5 circles
    Len quickly followed Lucas and the others out the door, but he preferred to be close to Lucas since he was their leader and the most likely person to not be angered by his poor magical skills. Of course as Len was busy thinking about the journey ahead, he failed to notice the ice gather on the floor around Lucas. Len strode calmly past Lucas, about to ask another question when he felt his feet slide out from underneath him, falling victim to the mischievous ice.

    "Aaah!" Len managed to cry before falling flat on his face, his staff and book falling across the ground several feet ahead of him. "Ow, that hurt," Len muttered softly as he laid on the ground, not wanting to move.
  20. Acglaphotis

    Acglaphotis New Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    Atrius laughed heartily at the fall of one of his comrades. Few things were funnier than gravity.

    "Are you all right?" He said between chuckles. "Here." He offered his hand for him to stand back.
  21. Honorius

    Honorius Active Member

    Apr 3, 2008
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    "Oh my", said Incendia as she watched the boy with a staff and book fall. She quickly got up and rushed over to the fallen boy. She picked up his staff and book and preceded to give him her hand as she said, "Here, let me help"
  22. Roric

    Roric New Member

    Feb 14, 2009
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    Take a left... the a right... then go in 5 circles
    "Thank-you," Len replied softly at the offering of a hand from two teammates. He happily took the help, rising from the ground. He quickly checked his arms and face to make sure there were no major scratches. "Thanks," he said again to both of his helpers as he gratefully took back his book and staff from Incendia.
  23. Deathblade15

    Deathblade15 New Member

    Feb 6, 2009
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    The Third moon of Jupiter
    Deathblade heard someone crash on the inside.
    "*facepalm* this is going to be a very long trip,"
    he was getting annoyed and decided to walk ahead. The others could catch up with him.

    RIPPA MATE New Member

    Jan 22, 2008
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    Sythe smiled at the fall, it was the wrong person and not what he intended but funny all the same. He briskly moved to the iced area, robes gliding around him. Scythe placed a hand on the floor and sucked what energy was left in the ice, ignoring the surrounding stares. He stood up and turned to a wide-eyed Lucus, placing a hand on his shoulder. He release a bit of the ice energy into Lucus.
    'Nice way to gain trust, just lead these uncouth fools onto the ice why dont you?'
  25. Acglaphotis

    Acglaphotis New Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    "Mate, you better get your hands off the leader." Atrius said, still besides Len and Ignis. He had adopted an upright pose, rather than his regular slouched self. "I don't think you want to mess with the man leading a group of mercenaries to islands full of demons, do you?"

    Atrius had clearly seen the man create the pool of ice at the entrance of the tavern, leading to the fall of Len. The man was not to be trusted, even by merry drunken aristocrats.

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