Fives lives, Five souls discussion thread

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Mr Mr, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. berky

    berky New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    YES! go and bring CHAOS!

    Anyone else who wanted to get in will just have to post later. WE have enough set up, LET THE GAMES BEGIN
  2. AveryWhite

    AveryWhite Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    woo :p :)
  3. AveryWhite

    AveryWhite Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    berky i just have to say i loved this line!! hahaha i literally laughed out loud lol and my dads asleep! had to hold my mouth hehe :D
  4. berky

    berky New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Well thank you kindly =)
  5. PastPresentNFuture

    PastPresentNFuture New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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    I look forward to the next couple of days. And I have to admit, it's such a unique experience playing as someone so arrogant. I myself am generally fairly humble.
  6. berky

    berky New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    I'm liking the arrogance! keeps things interesting, It's good to have someone play as a bit of an anti-hero. I imagine a story isn't much fun if everyone's a goody two shoes. Though I think you have a tendency to giving him to much insight as to whats going on around him "Mr.Mr mentioned this earlier", just watch out for that please.
  7. PastPresentNFuture

    PastPresentNFuture New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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    ill try my best, thank you for the advice
  8. AveryWhite

    AveryWhite Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    me too. im quite shy so playing such an open confident character is fun! :)

    haha so do i
  9. Mr Mr

    Mr Mr Active Member

    May 28, 2011
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    London, UK
    I'm going away for a week or so. Could someone just play my char thanks.
  10. AveryWhite

    AveryWhite Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    ^so whos gona play mr mr's character?
  11. Clumsywordsmith

    Clumsywordsmith Active Member

    Dec 6, 2010
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    Hmm, well, I guess I can. If necessary. Though I sort of thought we'd just let Atel tag along, assume he was present the entire time, and he could resume play upon his return. Assume the form of a vNPC -- virtual non player character -- for the duration of his time away. Unless he really wants someone to physically play his character, though I know that I'd be hesitant to let anyone touch my character for a few posts, let alone for an entire week!
  12. berky

    berky New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    yeah, I would agree with just having him follow along and then resume when Mr.Mr gets back.
  13. AveryWhite

    AveryWhite Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    yep ok agreed :)
  14. AveryWhite

    AveryWhite Active Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    by the way guys just to tell you maggiestone who created the character 'hunter palodin' will be joining soon.

    and one way we discussed for her to enter, was for us lot to need to find the people who interupted the meeting as a starting point for the story. and as she's a really good tracker i thought we could set up using her to help us. she'll be an aquaintance of mine so i ask her if she'll do it. but she will only do it for a good price, soo as Ezric is the rich mansion owning nobleman thought he could pay :p hehe

    and i guess we do have a bit of knowledge about who might have organised the attack since the bowmen were demons, not sure about the sword weilding warriors though, and also the traitor half dragon clumsywordsmith mentioned.

    another thing so where do we go from here? are we going to be traveling? or staying somewhere till we get a lead? lol what are everyones thoughts and ideas? :)
  15. Clumsywordsmith

    Clumsywordsmith Active Member

    Dec 6, 2010
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    Oh, I have -lots- of thoughts and ideas brewing at the moment. Though since I'm not a definite GM or DM or whatever term you wish to use (apparently none of us, actually, since the game's creator appears to have vanished off the face of the earth.), I'm trying not to take too many liberties. Not that I think we really need one, though we could possibly run into lore inconsistencies with so many people playing their own mix of breeds and inventing their own traits as they go along. But everyone seems agreeable enough that the IG swordplay shouldn't turn into an OOC massacre over the colour of demon eyes anytime soon.

    Anyway, as far as leads and the like are concerned? If Lord Ezric ever snaps out of his trance, Geoffrey has more than a few recommendations and suggestions to keep the party occupied for quite some time on the human path of their multi-stage journey. I'm mostly just waiting for other people to post, so I don't end up stealing everybody else's thunder. Though, if we go too long without anyone else saying something, I'll be tempted to double post despite... before all the plot lines that have been slowly growing vanish amidst the muck of my disorganised brain!

    Or anyone else could step forward to ask him what he's got on his mind. It's just natural that he'd go to Ezric, rather than present potential leadership issues; I very sincerely doubt his Lordship would take kindly to being replaced in what he must surely see as his de jure leadership of the company.

  16. Hex44

    Hex44 New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Hey Ive got no Idea of what these characters are trying to accomplish so I had mine whisk them off to his world. TACTIC is a clockwork city in his world so ive bridged it into this one. Ummmmm im also going to do a majority of writting from my phone so typos will be RAMPANT. Also on ESUNAS character species and personality. Originally he was a Drow and human mix but for this game I hope youll give me a week of play to develop him some more I dont want to commit to any species just yet because that takes away from his mystique. PERSONALITY wise he is a philosopher. So there will be some obcure things at time but I try to focus morre on detail than dialogue. Im sorry my first post doesnt reflect that but I had original typed out this long intro duction and just when I started to wrap it up some douche called me and the server refeshed. Bummer.
  17. berky

    berky New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Hey folks! Sorry I hav'nt been keeping updated in the RP this week.

    It seems you've moved along, I was wondering how to get my charecter back in. Should I work in a way that he meets you folks again? Make a sort of sub-plot that ends with my guy at the mansion?


    we just pretend I was in the carriage the whole time and let the story work its way from there?
  18. Clumsywordsmith

    Clumsywordsmith Active Member

    Dec 6, 2010
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    I'm always pretty lax about such things, and generally don't mind if other people drift in and out as time and life permit. Whichever suits you better, I say. It doesn't really break the plot or stretch the story to have you just show up in a carriage.
  19. Clumsywordsmith

    Clumsywordsmith Active Member

    Dec 6, 2010
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    Hmm, well, I must respectfully ask that you modify your post. (And though I can't say for certain, I imagine I speak the minds of the others here as well...) Forcing emotes and actions on other characters before whisking them away to your own personal world is generally frowned upon. Powerplaying, godmodding, whatever name you wish to apply... it doesn't do anyone any favours.

    If you read all the RP up to this point, you might realise that there is something slowly brewing in the pot, it's just that -- especially with this kind forum-play, plots take a while to build. And the more intriguing they are, the more development is required.
  20. Hex44

    Hex44 New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Hey is it possible to just go with the flow for now and not get all sensitive about where the party is going? Respectfully. Of course. I didnt mean to rock the boat but if we go to the mansion there will be a round of drinks. A witty conversation or two about the introduction of gun powder however the characters remain in danger by what ever anatagonist youve yet to concoct

    The characters must interact but I felt the reactions of those others was more appropriate given the narrow escape from the town hall. And the pigeon coming in to talk to the girl kind of inspired me to think of more than one intelligence who may be tracking the fellowship.

    Theres nothing wrong with going to the mansion. But who hasnt seen that scenario before?
    Think of Tactic as our Atlantis. Only those who know where it is may find it. No reason to get all teenage angsty just adapt... or die.
  21. Clumsywordsmith

    Clumsywordsmith Active Member

    Dec 6, 2010
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    In light of the fact that your post broke three (arguably four) of the original rules given by the game's creator, I do not think I need argue the point with you. In the end, since it's a group effort, I'll merely wait for the others to decide what they will. Though I find it highly likely that your post will be summarily ignored.
  22. Hex44

    Hex44 New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    The games creator hasn't posted since the game began. The story actually starts on page 3 with mr mr narrating the events in a town hall. PPF only presents his gunpowder to blueberry and I think Atel or Danil just happened to be near by. Clumsywordsmith (I do love that handle) barely engages anyone. And there is no real leadership nor direction. The task is to bring the separate races together. But the city of the halfbloods is already under assualt by unstated forces. So why is giving the characters a choice to flee to a fabled clockwork city breaking the rules. Should you not be open to new Ideas or is this story been previously written and we're just copying it word for word from somedusty manuscript you've passed around?

    No one got on the onithopter, they're just sitting there dumbstruck. Hence the choice. Use your imagination.
  23. berky

    berky New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    I have to side with clumsy. Hex,we are very happy to have people join in, but you don't seem to have your own character plotted out ,I'd be hesitant to allow you reigns to control the plot.

    All this talk of what to do next and what is legal actually touches on a concern of mine from earlier.

    Since our OP is no longer here, we don't have anyone to take control of said story and lead it in a direction, YES everyone has there own idea of how to move full-ward, but it's going to be very difficult to have any sort of cohesive plot if everyone wants to hint at/ branch off in there own direction.

    I SUGGEST, we appoint a weekly/monthly Narrative lead "Dungeon master for those of you who have played D and D or Pathfinder".

    Every week one of the players in the RP will be tasked with not only controlling there character, but also the antagonist group. They would be the only person allowed to present enemy encounters and drop clues/ hints of were to go next. They would have to BE SURE not to stray to far from the main plot, but this way we can theoretically have some direction.
  24. Hex44

    Hex44 New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Done arguing about imaginary worlds makes no sense to talk abot what can and cant be done when it already happened. One of you gentlemen should really post the next scene before I lose my mind. I left it pretty wide open. Thats what supposed to happen. Dont give me that 'noobi you dont know shit gimcrack', just write. Theres enough beauracratic trolls in the physical world you guys should know better.

    Tell it from your characters point of view. Stop cling to your precious tradition and expand your consciousness.
    (Im not sure where that came from)
  25. Clumsywordsmith

    Clumsywordsmith Active Member

    Dec 6, 2010
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    I agree with Berky, for the most part: as I see it, since there are five separate races that need to be unified together -- by whatever means we have yet to discover -- it could allow for five distinct "phases" to the flow of the story. As each phase is finished, one player could step forward to take the plot into the next chapter. They could work off of whatever material the last player had created for the plot up to that point, and branch off into whatever direction they desired.

    A weekly or even monthly DM could be a bit difficult, as it would lead to players knowing too much of the plot and it would be almost inevitable for conflict to arise somewhere. I'd throw my vote in with your suggestion, the only caveat being that one person take the lead for a particular segment of the story, and then take a step back and allow someone else to take the lead once their portion of the plot has concluded.

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