1. spklvr

    spklvr Contributor Contributor

    Oct 29, 2010
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    Sarpsborg, Norway

    Framing a Vampire

    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by spklvr, Apr 26, 2011.

    This is something I've been stuck on since I started writing the story. I was hoping some brainstorming and suggestions could help me get past it.

    The story is about a girl who meets a vampire. There are a lot of murders in the area done by a different vampire. The girl wants her vampire friend to kill the other vampire, but he says he's too weak and the only way to get other vampires to do something about him is to make people believe it was done by a vampire (because vampires are not supposed to make themselves known). So to stop the evil vampire, she decides to get the public to think the murders were done by a vampire. And I'm stuck. This is like a large chunk of story missing. How is she supposed to do this?

    I was thinking maybe she could write something online or something, but I wouldn't exactly take something like that seriously if I read it. And while it's just supposed to become a rumor, it needs to become widespread enough for the other vampires to get worried.
    Everyone the vampire killed were decapitated and posed in various places.

    My vampires don't need that much blood. They usually sneak into people's bedrooms at night and drink from them while they sleep. Then heal the wound and leave them well and alive. Just a bit sluggish when they wake up in the morning.

    Sorry if this is confusing. I'm oddly tired.
  2. KillianRussell

    KillianRussell New Member

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Are you wanting to throw the focus ? Do vampires do Facebook , if so launch a Facebook blitz. Using fake indenities.
  3. Naiyn

    Naiyn New Member

    Sep 10, 2010
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    This is fiction, of course, so anything can go, but if you're aiming for a bit of realisim (in terms of how people might react) you're in a tough spot here. People are not likely to read a blog, or get on facebook or what have you and say; "oh my god, this time it's vampires for sure."

    You might try thinking of a way not necessarily to convince the public of a real vampire menace (not likely to happen save for a few crazies out there) but rather to convince them someone out their is trying to appear as a vampire, and doing the murders as if he were a vampire. A mimic, so to speak. In the story, of course, the vampire is the real deal, but the public will have a hard time accepting that, even if solid evidence is presented.

    But if the menace to society was real, it wouldn't matter if they believed or not. The desire to root out the problem would be very real, and whether or not the vampires were authentic, this might just pose a problem for them.
  4. BEyre

    BEyre New Member

    Apr 6, 2011
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    North Carolina
    Naiyn answered how I would have also.

    Definitely have the girl go to the police, the news outlets, Facebook, Twitter, a blog, etc ... and talk about her knowledge of what is going on. But substitute "it's a vampire doing the killing" with "the killer is pretending to be a vampire which is even more dangerous".

    Like Naiyn said, the public will respond to the threat overall, especially since the killer seems like not just a killer, but a delusional one as well.

    And perhaps all the real vampires will help in the shadows because they know your girl is trying to keep their existence quiet ... she has earned their respect and trust.

    Keep us abreast of your progress. I love vampire novels. :D
  5. NateSean

    NateSean Senior Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    Bennington, VT
    How old is this protagonist supposed to be? Has he seen victims of a vampire attack? Because a picture is worth a thousand words and if he took her to some of the attack victims, either at the actual crime scene or in the morgue, then having a ton of photos to send in to the major news companies would probably do the trick.

    Whether anyone believes it's a vampire attack or not, if other vampires act with a kind of, "Oh crap they're on to us" mentality then they'll be on the offending vampire like white on rice.
  6. Wasp

    Wasp New Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Maybe she could like go around drilling holes into the corpses of the necks of the dead bodies before the police find them, otherwise there's not really any other way. How does she know it's a vampire anyway? This is a plot hole.
  7. FishKettle

    FishKettle New Member

    Feb 19, 2010
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    One word: Youtube.

    Have her do a video blog, have her vampire help her get footage of the places its happening. Just have her post a series of video blogs that just so happen to go viral on the internet.

    Only issue is, she'd have to keep her identity secret from the vampires? Unless she was some vampire crazed nut in the first place, in which case it wouldn't be all that out of character for anyone scrutinizing her too closely.

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