Giants, Titans and Colossi(?)

Discussion in 'Setting Development' started by petey0707, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. petey0707

    petey0707 Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    Reading, PA
    Perhaps, but the need to kill the giants is urgent. Hit and runs prolonge valuable time.
  2. petey0707

    petey0707 Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    Reading, PA
    I haven't decided whether these beings are intelligent, although aggressive, and definitely not friendly. They're also not entirely smart, and can easily overlook a person or two sneaking by, as we're so small. I also was thinking that it would definitely thrash out in anger, as it isn't too smart, but would react accordingly. The tech they have is post-renaissance, on the verge of the industrial revolution, but it has taken a different route as humanity is focused more on destroying monsters than each other.

    I'll have to look into those other stories.

    I've been brainstorming, but an original idea is so difficult when giant slaying has been done to death. I may have a good idea but they're usually a combination of earlier ones with a different set of rules, although the influence may be obvious.

    I have people in my story who gain extraordinary abilities through ancient rituals in a widespread religion, they're pretty much an army of monster slayers, although they usually don't get to return home as most of their missions are borderline suicide. They have superhuman abilities such as strength, speed, etc..
  3. misteralcala

    misteralcala Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Mesa, Arizona
    Send in the Giant Hunters. Bands of criminals who have chosen hunting giants over execution, who are overseen by a military officer (sort of like a chain-gang). The officer's job is to train them, maintain order, oversee their supplies and issue punishments and executions when necessary. Killing a giant gets one's charges expunged and the fame and notoriety that comes with a kill is so alluring that it keeps them in the game until they are ultimately killed on the job (usually quickly).

    How to kill them? Lots of ways.

    - Sneak up on them while they sleep and stealthily pack their ears with explosives and light a fuse.

    - Use a decoy to lure the giants into a trap or run them off a steep cliff.

    - Poisoned bait for the giants to consume.

    - Using heavy rope and hooks to sew their anuses shut, causing them to bloat and explode in a deluge of rotting shit.
  4. tonguetied

    tonguetied Contributor Contributor

    May 23, 2014
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    Central Florida: land of fire and sand
    petey0707, the more you describe your giants the less probable that any of the suggestions would work. You really have to define what their weaknesses are, how the giants protect their weaknesses, and probably a rationale for their running amuck. A creature that big would consume copious amounts of food so a food borne attack would appear to be a way to take them down but until you explain what they might consume, and don't say anything (organic), since that is not a meaningful answer.

    One other thought would be to find a giant that runs against his/her own and sides with the humans and is equipped to kill its brethren.
  5. petey0707

    petey0707 Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    Reading, PA
    They don't eat or sleep, the reason for their attacking is unknown, the entire point of the story is that we aren't the top of the food chain and can never truly understand why. They aren't the only monsters that wander the world, either. An influence for these beings was Lovecraft, in that they defy what is logical, and surpass what we're supposed to understand. It's why they're almost seemingly invincible, deformed, and widespread in this portion of the world. They aren't unbeatable, though, and have been driven back before. That's all I can really reveal about them.

    Regardless, I already have a good idea of how I'm going to take them out thanks to some of the ideas on this forum. Everyone has been incredibly helpful, it's refreshing to see various forms of brainstorming that isn't from my own head. I tend to overthink and exhaust myself so I appreciate the info and feedback.
  6. GrandJury

    GrandJury Member

    Dec 16, 2015
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    A very creative idea indeed. However, how are they to go on conducting such a delicate procedure? If it is done while they are asleep, they would need to be in such a position that allowed for easy access between the legs. Perhaps they are in a squat while they are asleep :) Otherwise the personnel present would have to devise a plan of spreading the legs of a creature an upwards of 50m in length. Such an operation would last an eternity considering the technology at the in medieval times. And what of the noise? Are they heavy sleepers?

    What if they don't produce feces in the first place?
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
  7. GrandJury

    GrandJury Member

    Dec 16, 2015
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    Edit: This was referring to "Using heavy rope and hooks to sew their anuses shut, causing them to bloat and explode in a deluge of rotting shit."

    I also found out they do not sleep. How could they accomplish this while they were awake?
  8. NeighborVoid

    NeighborVoid Active Member

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Planet Earth, Origin System
    If even seige weapons won't damage it, nothing of that era will.
  9. kiki-snow

    kiki-snow New Member

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Ok, this seems like an awesome idea. I am currently in the process of writing a high fantasy novel (series), and that does include mythological creatures like dragons, giants, syrens etc. My advice would be to read the chapter in The Odyssey where Odysseus has to escape from Polyphemus (a giant cyclops) or watch the Game of Thrones episode where the Night's Watch is against the Wildling army (who have giants and mammoths) perhaps they may inspire you to come up with something similar or better. Also an important aspect of almost every scene is the setting, build a world that is coherent and mirrors your characters and the creatures that inhabit your world, if your world is built well the beings that roam it will fit in and know how to use their surrounding to their advantage.
    In case that didn't help some ideas I could come up with are below:
    1) Mountains + large boulder = giant mush
    2) If there is a forest or some resemblance of a woodland then the trees and wood provide cover and places to sneak (guerilla style) and easier to make traps in advance.
    3) Have you considered that they do not have to kill the giant (i.e. The Odyssey) perhaps they can just maim it or cause it enough pain to buy some time to escape the damned beast.

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