1. Fawky

    Fawky Member

    Mar 1, 2016
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    Arrival of a mess

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Fawky, Mar 1, 2016.

    These introduction things are always a little short and awkward, aren't they? I think I've made about 5 of these in my life introducing myself on various forums, and it's just as weird every time. Mapping out about myself. Anyway, I'll give it my best shot I suppose.

    I figured I'm a noteable amount of years younger than the average person on here, but when it comes to amount of experience I think my first story entitled "The boy with the map" from 7 or 8 years ago really marked the beginning of my interest in writing. I haven't produced an abnormal amount of full-fledged stories, though I do have a lot of half-finished poems and ideas lying around. My main problem is getting my ideas on paper, not because I can't begin a story but because whenever I do get an idea I find myself in an enormously inconvenient situation that doesn't exactly enable me to write, and when I do get around to a piece of paper or a computer the inspiration is gone.

    The reason I signed up for these forums was to gain me this inspiration, diving into other people's works and providing my view on things is quite far up on the list of my favorite activities as well. Anyway, I do realize this itnroduction was slightly less about me personally than it was about my issues with writing and my experience with it, but in a sense my characteristics isn't exactly an important factor on top of all of this.

    Anyway, if you lived through all of these messy, long sentences I suppose I'll be seeing you around for a while.
  2. A.S.Ford

    A.S.Ford Active Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    Hi Fawky, welcome to the forum!

    I think you will find a lot of writers (myself included) struggle with the same dilemma as you. There is always something else to do calling you away from your work but there are also ways to combat this and you just need to find what works for you :) One of these tactics is setting a specific time each day when you know that you can set aside everything else for an hour or so and use that time to write; even if you are not inspired at that moment and find you can't write then you can always do something else related to that piece (such as writing out plans or characters or ideas for the story).

    The best thing to do is try and plough through it even if you don't have any inspiration at any given moment in time (though this is something I am still struggling with at times as will most writers) but as a number of famous writers have stated: if you only write when you are inspired then you write much at all. Which is a very sad truth.

    I hope you find this forum interesting and fulfilling of your needs. Everyone here is really friendly and helpful so I'm sure you will be just fine :)
    Fawky likes this.
  3. Erik Howlett

    Erik Howlett New Member

    Mar 2, 2016
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    A good thing to do is don't write when inspired.

    I get ideas all the time and I write them down in the "notes" app on my phone.

    With the idea firmly in my phone, I can go do the laundry or make myself a loaded potato & bacon breakfast burrito, do my academically mandated Algebra homework and all the other thousand strategically devised annoyances that creep in on my creative life.

    Then, when I have a quiet hour or two, I just open the note and I can type away for hours working tirelessly to earn my early onset carpal tunnel syndrome, but making the beautiful art that I was meant to make.

    There is a downside to this strategy. Since I have a large number of ideas on my phone I have a crippling fear of it breaking or losing it.

    But that will neeeeeevvvvveeeerrr happen, right?

    Good luck.
    Fawky likes this.
  4. A.S.Ford

    A.S.Ford Active Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    Have you heard of Evernote?

    It's an app which is free as far as I can remember and you can use it to sync documents and all kinds of files between your phone and computer so you can upload those notes you write on your phone straight to your pc via the Evernote phone app. This way, if in the event of your phone ever breaking or you lose it you will still have a copy of the file (if you synced it) on your pc :) ... though you have to resync each new version if I remember correctly which is a little tedious but if it keeps your work safe/backed up then it is only a minor inconvenience

    P.S- thank you for the follow
    Fawky likes this.

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