Killing off characters

Discussion in 'Character Development' started by Felipe, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. Cacian

    Cacian Banned

    Oct 25, 2011
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    clever writers have already a stock of characters and are one step ahead of good writer who is still working his new characters.
    Time keeping and pace is clever writing.
    Why start again when you can reuse what you have.
  2. Cacian

    Cacian Banned

    Oct 25, 2011
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    I am thinking ahead.
    I mean you hare to do as you see fit.
    I write and I am consistant with my writing.
    I create a type of character that is adaptable and flexible that revolves around me and not me around it.
    I create a man character call him Jonnas then in my next character I will bring him back and make him to be a she character , call her Yonna .
    I can bring Yonna back in another story and take her back intime when she was a 15 year old.
    I can pull Yonna out of my story and bring back Jonnas back and take him forward in time as a 60 year old.
    I am a master of my charatcters they never slip out of my view. Think Puppateer his characters/puppets remain, the only difference is that he has made them and given one look and they stay that way, like a doll, if you want a new look you have to make a new one, time consuming.
    I have created a character and I can give it a thousand looks. My characters are infinite and no one but can control it.
    Dying for them is not an option. Survival is the fittest.
    Bear in mind that whilst I am flexing my characters accordin to a time a place and an age I am consistant with their personalites.
    They are the same people, with the same personalities, they are either growing/progressing/going back in time/all the time in touch with their personalities which they see evolve or diminsh and evolve again.
    It is a simple but effective tool I use to save me time but gives great flexibility and ideas around stories I wish to write.
  3. Raki

    Raki New Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    I don't understand what you mean, unless you are saying that you use the same template to create multiple characters or that your characters are all the same except in name and sex. But if that's the case, I'm still at a loss with what it has to do with the topic of killing them.
  4. Felipe

    Felipe Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Thank you Jhunter, I've had a lot of fun writing the series. In a nutshell, an honest fisherman is falsely accused of piracy simply for the bounty. His father is murdered during the arrest. He kills a guard and escapes from jail. He and his uncle return to the town and kill the soldier who killed his father. Now they must flee but swear revenge. They need a crew and a ship, so they free slaves by killing their masters. These men are much more devoted than any paid man ever would be. In a daring act, they steal a large warship anchored at port in Cuba and the games begin.

    I had a lot of fun with the slaves, their new found freedom is a wonderful thing to them. I think the former slaves are some of the best characters.
  5. Jhunter

    Jhunter Mmm, bacon. Contributor

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Southern California
    If you ever get this published, be sure to let me know. I will support the endeavor by purchasing them.
  6. Felipe

    Felipe Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    All four are published and available on Kindle as well as paperbacks. All of my characters are based on real people, friends of mine. You can meet the crew and purchase the books at my website. The first one is 99 cents on Kindle. Check it out here
  7. Jhunter

    Jhunter Mmm, bacon. Contributor

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Southern California
    A retired firefighter and paramedic. You sure are a solid human being Felipe.

    Your books have shot to the top of my to-do list after I am done with my current reads.
  8. joanna

    joanna Active Member

    May 25, 2010
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    My antagonist dies. At first you loathe her, then you get to know her and though you still may loathe her, you understand her and sympathize with her predicament. Later, you almost see her as a hero. And then she dies.

    If you can get people to feel something when a character dies, or feel a lot, you're on the right track as a writer.

    Pieces of her may live on in other characters, but she'll never come back.

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