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  1. Flashfire07

    Flashfire07 Active Member

    May 9, 2011
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    Easily available firearms?

    Discussion in 'Research' started by Flashfire07, Aug 24, 2011.

    Lately I've been planning to write a relatively gritty story set in the modern world, here and now really, the main plotline is that the characters are on the run from a rather unpleasant man, now at one point in the story the characters decide to stop running about and arm themselves for the inevitable confrontation. Now comes the part that I need some help with. What kind of guns could they purchase? They travel a lot in the story, mostly small towns with the occasional stop at major cities. What kind of firearms would they be able to purchase on the 'black market'?
  2. CH878

    CH878 Active Member

    May 24, 2011
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    Where are the characters? If they're in a country with low arms control then they'd be able to get pretty much anything relatively simple, especially AK-47 assault rifles, from street vendors. If they're somewhere like Britain or the States, if they could get in touch with big-time arms dealers they'd be able to get the same things but they'd cost a hell of a lot more. I'd go for weapons that are quite common for legitimate purposes, as they're easier to steal, so you're looking at Heckler and Koch MP5s, Glock pistols, etc. If they have enough money, they'd be able to buy really high-tech stuff but it doesn't sound as if the characters are that well-off.
  3. Not the Admin

    Not the Admin Banned

    Aug 9, 2011
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    I don't necessarily know anything about the black market, and if I did why would I tell you? Anyways, I could tell you the types of weapons they could purchase/steal from a local gun shop. Essentially, every gun is legal as long as you register your weapon, have a permit, and that weapon can only fire using single or semi-automatic firing features. This could still be useful to them, as a semi-automatic generic M-16 can still fire pretty fast, as long as you pull the trigger quickly.
  4. Flashfire07

    Flashfire07 Active Member

    May 9, 2011
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    The story is set in America, that's all I know for now as I am still fleshing out the exact path of their travel. They have no permits, and only have what money is left in their bank accounts or what they can get in a hurry. They don't steal firearms as that would attract undue attention, they're not criminals or anything, just hunted by a madman. So they need guns they could grab in a hurry and are available for purchase without a licence, hence the shopping on the balck market (by which I mean just buying guns without giving a damn about where they came from or who owned them before).
  5. Not the Admin

    Not the Admin Banned

    Aug 9, 2011
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    Buying guns on the black market would attract unwanted attention to begin with, seeing as the only quick, cheap and easy sources (I imagine) would be from gangs who are well established in a local area. The last thing your characters on the run want is to get in the middle of a gang war. ;D
  6. Flashfire07

    Flashfire07 Active Member

    May 9, 2011
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    Yes, that would be an issue for the characters. But my question isn't how would they get the guns, but more what kind of guns they could get.
  7. Not the Admin

    Not the Admin Banned

    Aug 9, 2011
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    Oh yes well, I imagine various side-arms. There are plenty out there, and I don't want to make a list of those. I imagine if the source is well enough established, they could find semi-automatic AK-47, 74 and M variations with full stock and 2U models. Now, all of this should be taken with a grain of salt, because it's mostly speculation. I suppose you really just have to use common sense and think about how difficult it would be to get your hand on a particular weapon, how expensive it would be, and go from there. :\ Sorry I can't be of more help.
  8. Flashfire07

    Flashfire07 Active Member

    May 9, 2011
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    It's fine, I need all the help I can get. I don't know the first thing about street level firearms or any of that stuff.
  9. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Google types of firearms seized by police. That should give you a pretty good idea.
  10. TWErvin2

    TWErvin2 Contributor Contributor

    Nov 30, 2006
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    Ohio, USA
    Unless the characters are pretty savy and street smart, going into an unfamiliar city in an unfamiliar state and hooking up with a black market seller of firearms might be a bit challenging.

    If you're only looking for things like shotguns, revolvers, maybe .22 caliber rifles, for example, in some states your characters could possibly pick up those at estate sales/auctions. It might be difficult to purchase a firearm out of state in the USA, as there is a background check. Google and check the current federal firearm sales laws to determine the parameters and then within the state where they decide to arm themselves and see what is legal and what is not. Even stores like Wal-mart and K-mart used to sell shotguns and rifles in the state where I live. They may still do so at other states around the country. Maybe a gun show would work.
  11. Not the Admin

    Not the Admin Banned

    Aug 9, 2011
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    They sell Moisin Negaynt sniper rifles at the local Fleet-farm up here in Minnesota.
  12. WastelandSurvivor

    WastelandSurvivor New Member

    Jan 2, 2011
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    Phoenix, AZ
    As mentioned, you would be hard-pressed to find a black market weapons dealer without connections--gang connections, in particular. Stealing one or, here's a shocker, buying one legally from a gun show, auction or estate sale would get you one quicker and easier--in most states you can purchase from "private sellers" (which will include the gun shows, auctions and estate sales) without background checks or documentation of any kind, really.
  13. Lothgar

    Lothgar New Member

    Aug 31, 2010
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    It really depends on what part of the USA your characters are in.

    In liberal places like California and New York City, you would find things like bolt action hunting rifles and hunting shotguns available as "sporting" arms, but not much else. Handguns and semi automatic "assault" rifles are very restricted in these areas, and require extensive paperwork, background checks and permits/licenses.

    In Southern States and places like Texas, you can buy pretty much anything you want. All manner of modern semi automatic pistols are available for purchase, usually with just a week or so waiting period and a permit to purchase issued by the local sheriff's office (A permit to carry your handgun concealed is a separate license, issued by the state).

    AR-15s (Civilian semi auto version of the M-16), MAC 90s (Civilian semi auto version of the AK-47) and other "assault" rifles are available over the counter, no waiting period, cash and carry, assuming you have a valid local I.D. and can fill out the paper work (which is a one page yellow form asking for your name, address, DOB and a list of questions you have to answer "no" to...ever been convicted of a felony? Ever been judged mentally incompotent? Ever attempted suicide? etc.).

    Class 3 weapons (fully automatic) are only available from Class 3 dealers (who routinely sell them to police SWAT teams and the like), but will sell them to any private citizen who can provide the proper paperwork (which involves going to the ATF, filling out the application forms, waiting 6 months for a intensive background investigation and paying a thousand bucks for the license to own a fully automatic weapon).

    The local Walmart sporting goods department, in North Carolina, where I live, carries 12 gauge pump shotguns and Ruger Mini 14 semi automatic rifles that you can buy over the counter and leave with, without a waiting period. I.D. and filling out the forms still apply.

    Pawn shops carry most hunting rifles, shotguns and pistols, at least around my part of the country they do.

    Black Marketeers will sell the same items listed above (legal firearms), for a marked up price, to individuals who can't legally buy firearms (convicted felons, the mentally ill, foreigners in the country illegally, etc.). If you want your characters to buy military hardware, with no paperwork, no taxes and no stupid questions asked...the folks that sell these types of items only do so to clients they know personally, never to strangers who may be undercover cops. The penalty is too steep to risk it with strangers.
  14. Flashfire07

    Flashfire07 Active Member

    May 9, 2011
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    Thanks for the answers so far, they're helping a lot! It seems the best thing for the characters to use would be the MAC-90, I was under the impression that only handguns would be relatively easy to obtain. I had not considered pawn shops yet.
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