1. blue0impulse

    blue0impulse New Member

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Street Racing and Drug Culture

    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by blue0impulse, Oct 13, 2012.

    I'm preparing a plot for NaNoWriMo and it involves street racing and drug use.I want to write this novel without being considered an idiot for not doing any research. So I wanted to know where/how I could get my facts straight on street-racing.

    The Plotline goes something like this:
    I have a streetwalker who crosses paths with a guy on the run from a mob. The guy has connections to the mob/gang by his brother. They (the guy in question) and his brother were both in the gang, but he left, taking along something valuable. What that "something valuable" is I have not decided as of yet. They are basically on the run from the mob/gang and make their way through street-races, night clubs and drug rings to stay alive.
  2. EdFromNY

    EdFromNY Hope to improve with age Supporter Contributor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Queens, NY
    It sounds like you don't even have the basic vocabulary for the subject you've chosen. As in most research issues, there is no "quick fix". I suggest you start Googling, as we all do. Good luck.
  3. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    ditto that...

    this, in particular, makes no sense... what do you mean by 'make their way through' and how would those things keep them alive?...
  4. TimHarris

    TimHarris Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Oslo, Norway
    It's an interesting subject no doubt. But it's also hard and complex to write about unless you have direct experience, I can tell you that much from having been in such an environment myself in the past. I am sure it can be done, but if you want to make the story believable, you need to do extensive research into it, hopefully by talking to people that have been directly involved or are involved still in such an environment.
  5. GoldenGhost

    GoldenGhost Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2012
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    I'm not sure if this post is allowed, and Cogito, if you have to delete it, don't worry, I won't be offended, but it is in relation to the OP's need for research..

    What I'm trying to say is, I am a recovered Junkie, who spent a lot of time in counter-culture scenes (actually, still do, just chemically free), and at one point, I was heavily involved in the chemical part of that scene, all aspects.. If you would like to ask any questions about certain things, what they do, slang, whatever.. feel free to PM me and I'll shoot you my e-mail, and you can ask whatever you would like to know.. I'd be happy to offer some insight that'd help your writing..
  6. lawnman

    lawnman New Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Erowid.org is a great site for any questions about drugs ranging from tobacco and caffeine to meth and crack and everything in between. I believe most of it is user generated, especially the experience vaults, which would be very helpful if you are looking to right about the effects of a drug in first person. Besides the experience vaults there is normally a list of slang terms for each drug, the chemistry of the drug, laws regarding it, sometimes how much the going rate on the street is, the effects, any problems that might arise, etc.

    For purely synthetic substances such as methamphetamine there are many instruction manuals on the internet regarding how to prepare the substance, I think there may even be a video of a cop making meth on youtube to show the dangers. All of the processes will carry some form of risk, in some recipes you will be only dealing with household chemicals, but that doesn't mean they are safe. Hence the reason why so many meth labs explode, because sometimes its a tweaker, meth user, making the stuff for himself and he's probably not in the right state of mind when he's doing it. Even in your right mind, just a drip of sweat hitting some lithium is all that it takes to kill you. Well anyway that's my little warning in case anyone decides to try and find these recipes and do it themselves. Me personally, I don't care what you do as long as you're not endangering other people, but there's a lot of armed men who get their paychecks from busting meth labs and sending you to prison.

    Hope this helps

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