Tales of Exzalia, death of magic.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Exzalia, Oct 8, 2012.

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  1. Mr Mr

    Mr Mr Active Member

    May 28, 2011
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    London, UK

    Steam was stunned as the Delagate touched Pyria. If she hadn't sent him flying he would have done a lot worse. Judging from the look on her face it seemed like trouble was about to start, and right on cue...

    "Get that mutt! And bring her to me alive!"

    Steam moved aside as she bolted. Cogs whirring he reared his back up to his full height and stepped back into the path of the chasing guards. They collided with his chest, stumbling backwards as Steam stayed put. The first guard looked up at him meekly before mustering some courage and speaking.

    "You are hindering the parehension of a criminal who assaulted a delagate. Stand aside."

    Steam chuckled..

    "You're chasing a child who was abused by one of your so called delagates. Off with you."

    With a flick he hit the guard backwards. The skirmish went quickly from there, others joining from nowhere to fight the guards. Steam held back making sure not to seriously injure any of them, just delay and bruise them. It ended abruptly as Nesvi appeared. Toren, the delagate responsible, left as mind mages were mentioned. In a hurry he walked straight towards Steam who promptly picked him off the floor before he could get away. Steam pulled him close to his face so he could hear his cogs ticking.

    "I don't take kindly to people who hurt children. Hope we don't meet again."

    Steam dropped him sniveling to the floor and headed towards the child.

    "I am a delagate! You can't do this." Toren said. Steam ignored him and approached the child.

    "Toren won't be back for a while. My name is Steam, I hope you are ok."
  2. Exzalia

    Exzalia Banned Contributor

    Jul 27, 2012
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    the mission begins

    The Wanderer lowered his head under the arch to find a mess of a room, littered with dented guards and broken things. Torch holders hung precariously off the walls and chairs and tables lay asunder, while soldiers lucky enough to be conscious ran away with their tails between their legs. He had heard most of the commotion from outside, from the screams of guards being ‘defenestrated’ to the foul hissing of the oafish human mage, Toren. Such madness, all in one swift gust of the wind. Worst of all, the queen was beginning to doubt her judgement.

    “…you stood up for what you believed in. That’s something a leader should do. Something we all need to do.”

    “The scorch fiend speaks the truth, your grace.” The Wanderer’s voice boomed across the hall, echoing off the walls. “You cannot give in to such tyrants; it is always our duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves.” Nesvi gave a sly nod in acknowledgement, unconvinced by their wisdom. The Wanderer continued, “Are you to punish the child?”

    “Yes.” She said quietly, her eyes unable to meet with Rivers. “I must stick to my convictions, or the other Lords will think me too weak to lead.”

    “Though it is a difficult choice to make, it is the correct one.” His tone was more reserved, though its depth still rumbled through the room. “That is why my next action is so important. I invoke Sin’kai!” Many of the group looked around puzzled, while others gasped in sheer shock. The Queen’s mouth flung open, utterly dumbfounded.

    “Why, Stranger? You don’t even know this girl!” she exclaimed.

    “It is my choice. I am much closer to two hundred than she, so there is so much more life for her to live. Perhaps when she is my age, she will do the same for some young, fiery hothead.” He smiled once more at Pyria, before addressing his focus on Nesvi. “Do you know the words, your grace?”

    “Yes.” The Queen composed herself and faced the Wanderer, eyes locked together. “Do you, Stranger, accept the responsibilities of the crimes this Halfling has committed? To exchange your light for the darkness? Prove now that you accept Sin’kai.”

    The Wanderer bent down to a nearby guard and picked up a dagger. He then removed one of his large silver braces, revealing four thin scars across his arm. Slowly, he took the dagger and added a fifth cut while keeping his eyes locked with the Queen’s. When the wound was finished, the Wanderer threw the blade on the floor, bowed his head and displayed his arm for all to see.

    “We see you Stranger. The ritual is done; I shall send word to Toren. He will not be best pleased, but he cannot argue the matter."

    Nesvi seemed to take some comfort in the words of encouragement her citizens gave her. Fighting back overwhelming fustration and sadness she took a peep breath and resumed her duty.

    "Steam, you came, I can assume you have accepted this voyage. If you have you will accompany these people and aid them in their quest. I promise a handsome reward. Also one more thing before you all are dismissed your going to Caldon, you'll need a guide to get through there, I have hired a scorchfiend to help you on your travels he is Rellix Baise. When you're done your preparations you will meet him at Damiruus gate. Please hurry, the uncastables...Damiruu doesn't have much time."

    With that Nesvi still looking overworked began to leave for her chambers. "Wait!" Pyria ignoring all others called to her. Nesvi turned around willing to listen just a bit longer.

    "Thank you...I don't care what the others say you're pretty merc to me." Pyria said beaming.


    "Ya you know merc, cool, awesome... rad? Goodness queen you need to get out more."

    Nesvi smiled faintly, "If only I could, you're welcome Pyria...try to keep out of trouble." with that the young queen left. Pyria turned back to the wanderer, "You're insane, thank you so much. Thank you all of you I'm okay now really I am." Lastly she looked at River.

    "...sorry mom...looks like I can't help but find trouble. No matter where I am."
  3. Love to Write

    Love to Write I'm a lover of writing. What else is to be said? Contributor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Beautiful Oregon "It's the Climate"
    River Hoya

    "...sorry mom...looks like I can't help but find trouble. No matter where I am." Pyria looked up at her sadly. River squeezed her shoulder comfortingly in response before turning to the Wanderer. "I'll never be able to repay this debt. You've saved my daughter, and for that I will be forever grateful." River bowed to the kind stranger, tears glistening in her eyes. Why would this stranger offer to take Pyria's punishment? Especially since she was a halfling. Men like him were so rare now adays. "May the Creator forever protect you."
  4. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Pip; Girlfreinds stick together

    Pip peeked up from where she had been hiding behind a potted plant. She would have instantly gone into the fray but the glare her mom had given her had scared her even more -so she had decided to lay low.

    "Wow do people need to relax -things are way too uptight around here!" she said as she sidled up next to Pyria; completely forgetting the fact that it was she who had been uptight earlier, "i don't see why you people are so crazy about what your blood-line is. It's just wrong. In fact I like half-elves more than the "pure" ones at times cuz they're not so uppity about themselves."

    Pip giggled; she had been kissed by plenty of boys -and had had no shortage of variety. Winking at Pyria secretly, she gave her a thumbs-up signalling that she was on her side.
  5. Exzalia

    Exzalia Banned Contributor

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Nesvi sat on her bed as royal servants dressed her in preparation for bed, one was catering to her hair. Nesvi mind was else where, as usual she was troubled.

    Even with Pyria or technically that stranger being punished Estal may still act unfavorably to us, worst case scenario they stop trading entseeds with us. That will drive up the cost of wheat and...maybe if I can secure insides' from
    Morien...no they're in a middle of a famine. Offer better prices for Estals goods to keep the the seeds flowing? But then that will still hurt the economy though not as much, Maybe if I...no that won't work. What do I do?

    "Something the matter miss?" A servant said, a girl not much older than her.

    Nesvi didn't hear her, she was too wrapped in her thoughts to hear anything. And what about the man, he was arrested today for something he never did, and I allowed that. He probably got flogged, that is my fault as well, I caused an innocent man to be arrested.

    "I am, incompetent." she muttered.

    "Pardon me your highness?"

    "Nothing...I need to be alone." she said. The servants sensing she was troubled left the her.

    "I really I'm a failure. Being dictated to by others in my own country, my father would never have been so weak." She flopped on the bed letting out a tired groan. But even as she doubted herself her mind was already turning, thinking. She was already figuring out what to do. An idea came to her.

    "Mooooom, don't be that way, come on let me go with you." Pyria was, well, being Pyria as she accompanied River to the city gates, there the others would meet and Relix was already waiting.

    "No Pyria, it's too dangerous. Besides you have school." River replied.

    "School is not merc. Pyria moaned, come on I want to see the world like you did when you were my age."

    "Pyria, I'm not going to argue about this." River stopped suddenly, bending down to look Pyria in the eyes. "I am not going to risk losing you." River almost said again but instead wrapped her arms around her daughter. "I love you far too much to allow you to accompany me on such a dangerous journey." She released her, holding back tears. "Now, be safe. Do your school work. I'll be back before you know it."

    Pyria folded her arms and made a pouty face. "fine... this is so not merc." The two reached the station were Relix was waiting. Other people began to arrive including someone unexpected.

    Nesvi and the stranger arrived, the wanderer was still in chains. In a voice void of emotion Nesvi said in a rapid pace. " The criminal is to finish his sentence with you people, I will hear no objections. I will not be held responsible for his possible escapement from these chains, and I did not leave the key for his shackles under the fourth bed on the second floor of the ship. Also he must be imprisoned at all times though in the rare event there is no prison then there's nothing I can do...good day." with that Nesvi began to leave.
  6. Erik-the-Enchanter!

    Erik-the-Enchanter! Banned Contributor

    Aug 18, 2012
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    LA, California
    Currently Reading::
    Love Poems

    "So...we're babysitting a prisoner now?", Eris said once Nesvi was gone. She shook her head and her long auburn tresses swished around her. "I thought we were gonna save the world, or whatever! This is trivial nonsense. Ugh!" She stalked to the prisoner and looked him up and down. "You better behave", Eris threatened.
  7. Love to Write

    Love to Write I'm a lover of writing. What else is to be said? Contributor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Beautiful Oregon "It's the Climate"
    River Hoya

    "He took the punishment of my daughter upon himself, Eris. You owe him respect." River replied, a silent anger against this sorry-excuse for an elf shone in her eyes. She turned towards the shackled wanderer smiling lightly. "When we get on the ship we will remove your shackles. I am River. What is your name?"
  8. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    As soon as all the problems "ended" Lebry relaxed and sat on a chair.
    A girl came close to him........ without real reason. It punched Lebreus's face.... with such strenght and rage on her hand that Lebry was send flying a pair of meters before crushing into a pilar.

    "What in the charon are you doing?!" Exclaimed Lebry with anger, and with both hands ready to retrieve his two swords..

    As soon as the girl heard the voice of Lebry... a male voice.... tears came to her face and said "I'm sorry msiter... I'm very sorry,... please forgive me".

    Lebry did not understood any of this... "It's ok... " said confused while holding his left cheek... "But... why did you do that?"

    The girl.... Alba, doubted before answering.... yet she did "Well... you look similar to the lady that ruined my life..."

    Normally this would be a curious coincidence.... yet for Lebry it striked as sharp as a blade to him. There is only one woman who looks exactly like him...

  9. Pheonix

    Pheonix A Singer of Space Operas and The Fourth Mod of RP Contributor

    Jul 24, 2012
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    The Windy City

    After everything that had happened the day before, Will had through the night to get home, and told his mother of everything that had happened, what they wanted to do to the uncastables, and where he was going.

    "You should be safe for now, and I've written to a friend to watch over you. Just try to keep a low profile." Will said as he finished packing his things.

    "I'll be fine Will, I'm tougher than I look, and I can take care of myself." She replied.

    "I know, but still, be careful!"

    "I'm the one who tells you that boy." She said with a smile. "Take care of yourself out there, don't do anything foolish." She said, serious again. Then she made him bend over so she could kiss his forehead.

    "Goodbye Mom, I love you." Will said as he left. She waved to him as he rode away. After riding back to the city, by early morning he found himself at the gate the queen had mentioned. River and Pyria were already there, Pryia begging to go with. A few others were there as well. Just as Will rode up, he noticed the Queen and the man who had agreed to be punished in the stead of Pyria arrive. After she explained the terms of his 'punishment', Eris sour Apple spoke up.

    "I thought we were gonna save the world, or whatever! This is trivial nonsense. Ugh!" She stalked to the prisoner and looked him up and down. "You better behave", Eris threatened.

    "You aren't to heavy in the logical thought department are you miss apple? The queen released him, and we provided an easy way to get him away from here and give him his freedom all at the same time." Will said to the bounty hunter. He was beginning to wonder when the cunning would show. River approached the man, asking his name. She was still like that, compassionate. But that was behind him, or at least he thought it was. It had all happened so long ago, they were still children practically. He had taken 15 years to move on. But he had to admit, something stirred in him when he saw her, a feeling like no other woman had ever made him feel. He pushed the though aside. Rose turned her head to look at him, almost like she knew what he was thinking.

    "Don't look at me like that." He said, patting the back of her neck.
  10. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Pip giggled and looked over at Will when she heard him say "miss Apple".

    "Looks like my little nickname caught on." she sniggered, eyeing the bounty hunter. Though she still did not trust the elf, she figured she was no threat for the time being. And she would be sure to remember everything that happened so she could tell Pyria after they returned. The well of darkness surely couldn't take more than a few weeks to find.
  11. Warp Zone

    Warp Zone New Member

    Aug 11, 2012
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    World 1-2
    William (Level: 5|Expertise: 0|Shield: 100%)

    William, it has been awhile! I'm Emery, and it's probably best that you don't remember who I used to be. I was not such a nice person. But, I'm different now, which I expect most of us are. Well, maybe not...

    Emery: Used to not be 'not such a nice person,' is now a kind person, also indecisive on people changing

    "That should be good enough," William murmured. It seems the fight had ended, so he decided to make small talk.

    "I heard tha-I mean, I remember that I was insane back then, but now it's cured." Technically, it wasn't, but there was no need to go into details. "So what's happened to everyone else all these years?"
  12. SilverAngel

    SilverAngel New Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    the Epilogue

    Rellix loved boats, or more specifically he loved the structural integrity of boats, along with the many fantastic and mind boggling designs on them. However, his love and appreciation of the seafaring craft ended the instant that it was put into the water.

    Such a beautiful vehicle belongs in a volcano, not in the ocean, he thought to himself. Back in Caldon, he had convinced several engineers to begin work on such a machine.

    He kept watch over the rail of the ship, waiting for its passengers, whom were set to arrive soon. His eyes, like orbs of white with an onyx colored ring set into each, lazily scanned the distance. His lanky body, standing close to nine feet tall, stood hunched over the rail, his flaming tail sluggishly swaying behind him. One hand drummed its fingers on the rail, the tiny stone spikes on his knuckles rose and fell in rhythm with their tapping. The other hand scratched at the back of his head, combing through his burnt-black hair that he kept shaven close to his skull in a sort of military cut. The right side of his head was completely shaven until about half way up, as was popular in his living group. His horns gleamed brightly in the sun, displaying their odd, Saphire-blue coloration in which Rellix took an immense amount of pride, while his bare chest showed off his rust-colored skin. He began to doze off as he reviewed his situation.

    I should have never agreed to come on this trip, he mentally groused, this is the last time I owe Nesvi anything. You'll meet powerful mages, she says, maybe learn some new spells and get out of that gloomy volcano. She should know that I happen to love that volcano. Besides, I'm only leaving it to take said mages into it, or something like that. I really need new aquaintences.

    His eyes jerked open as he suddenly stood up, voices beginning to sound at the edges of his hearing. He watched as his charges began to arrive, a few of them had already arrived, so it seemed.

    "Well," he sighed, "looks like it's almost time to go."
  13. Fan7asticMrFox

    Fan7asticMrFox Contributor Contributor

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Hampshire, UK
    The Prisoner

    “When we get on the ship we will remove your shackles. I am River. What is your name?”

    He looked down at the woman in front of him, eyes filled to the brim with enough good to sink the ship. Gently, he lifted his face to a warm smile and gave a small, courteous bow.

    “It is a pleasure to meet you River. Alas, I cannot greet you in the same polite manner, for I have no name.” He stood tall in his shackles, a picture of strength and might, ironically bound. “I am a Disciple of Adra, a follower of the winds. Names come and go like a common breeze but what truly matters stay resolute, even in the fiercest storms.” His words had meaning but he was rambling by all accounts, and his eyes diverted by to River and the conversation at hand.

    “My apologies. I go by many names, Wanderer, Whisperer, Traveller… and now Prisoner it seems.” He laughed wholeheartedly, lifting up his shackles for all to see. He then noticed a knight, arguing to another about him.

    “The queen released him, and we provided an easy way to get him away from here and give him his freedom all at the same time.”

    “I do not wish for my freedom.” The Wanderer said. The knight and the bounty hunter turned to see the giant of man staring down at them, and they both stared, puzzled and bemused.

    “I will join you on this journey, as Exzalia needs us the most. But I took an oath, and I will not break it. When I am done, I will face the punishment.” He slowly moved away from them towards the ship door, before adding his aging words of wisdom. “Judgement comes for us all, but who among you is truly brave enough to face it?” And with that he entered the ship, eager to rest his head.
  14. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    After the confusing situation, Lebry went to the group.
    Perhaps it was because he was feeling uncomfortable, but he asked.

    "So, what had been of your lives on these 15 years?"

    Well he was just trying to initiate a conversation.
  15. Erik-the-Enchanter!

    Erik-the-Enchanter! Banned Contributor

    Aug 18, 2012
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    LA, California
    Currently Reading::
    Love Poems
    Eris, Defensive

    Both River and Will had choice words for Eris after she confronted the prisoner. She was baffled--she'd assumed everyone would also be peeved by this added weight. But she hadn't taken into consideration the fact they were saving him. That didn't mean she wasn't a little peeved that that frumpy girl River was yapping her mouth, once again.

    "Snail-trail", Eris said dryly to River. "Don't act high and mighty with me, especially when I'm taller than you. You didn't like me the moment I came through the door, so don't act like anything I do will ever be all right in your eyes. You think I'm too exciting, I think you're a snail-trail. Stay outta my way, miss boring panties, and I'll stay out of yours." With a shiny grin, Eris tossed her golden apple and caught it, and it glowed with yellow nimbus. Suddenly a bird flew over and--squawk!--a green speckled egg fell over River's head.

    "Oh, how unfortunate!", Eris pouted. "Well, I'm going to find my chambers!" She winked at Will and brushed by, swaying her hips.
  16. Pheonix

    Pheonix A Singer of Space Operas and The Fourth Mod of RP Contributor

    Jul 24, 2012
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    The Windy City

    "So what's happened to everyone else all these years?"

    For Will, the question was more like, what hadn't happened. He'd set off almost as soon as they all got back. He took no time getting as far away as he could, forsaking the school, and seeking his own adventure. And he'd found it. Starting off in Damirruu, he went north. Fighting bandits and brigands as he went, occasionally collecting a bounty or two to keep himself going. Making his way into Lore, he braved the cold north, aiding wherever he felt he was needed, fighting monsters and scoundrels alike. His reputation had grown quickly among the villages of Lore.

    From Lore he traveled by sea to Charon, enjoying the sharp contrast from the bitter north the lush tropics. There wasn't much need for a wandering knight in Charon however, and for a little while he'd worked as a shell fish diver near one of the cities. He had liked it, but eventually the wanderlust returned to him and he once again strapped on his sword and moved on. This time he went back to Grove.

    He arrived in Fare a few years after Magnolia's uprising began, and the place was in chaos. Desperate refugees, bandits preying on the weak, looters, you name the scum, it was there. He'd fought them all, and nearly gotten himself killed a few times. That was where he'd found Rose. She was just a cub when he'd found her, no sign of her kin anywhere. She was just wandering through the forest, looking lost. He took her with, and as she grew they became inseparable traveling companions. But finally, when the civil war reached a fever pitch, Will decided that there was nothing he could do, it was time to move on. And move on he did. Adra, and Caldon, Morien, and a few placed that weren't on any of the maps.

    At first, he'd just traveled without much purpose, just trying to get away. But eventually he started searching, searching for his fathers killer. But he had never found him, even after all his travels, not even a idea of where it was that he needed to go. After 15 years, he decided to go home. But how could he put all that into words without taking so long that a troll finds you and says 'cool story brother' while he rips your arms out?

    "Well, I've traveled a lot." Will said to William.

    "Oh, how unfortunate!", Eris pouted. "Well, I'm going to find my chambers!" She winked at Will and brushed by, swaying her hips. Will was a little taken off guard.

    Once she was out of earshot he turned to River. "I don't think I like her very much."
  17. Love to Write

    Love to Write I'm a lover of writing. What else is to be said? Contributor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Beautiful Oregon "It's the Climate"
    River Hoya: Elves don't Sail

    "I don't think I like her very much." Will said. Somehow that made River feel better, even if she did have egg yolk on her head. She summoned some water from the ground and guided it through her hair, allowing wind eather to blow it dry afterwards. The others made their way onto the ship, River being one of the last. She finally stepped onto the plank and onto the ship. It wasn't until she was on the ship that she remembered something important. Elves didn't sail.

    The moment her feet left solid ground she felt as if she were no more powerful than a babe in the arms of a bear. Any control she had on the ground dissapeared as she stepped onto the deck of the ship; forcing her to surrender herself to it's mercy. The ocean was far more powerful than River had imagined...and they hadn't even left the shore yet.

    She clutched the railing with a death grip, her face becoming pailer than normal. The creator had blessed Elves with the gift of hightened senses. However, on a ship, these senses were a curse. Every foul oder upon the deck and waves assulted her nostrils. Every creak of the boards sounded as if the ship was on it's last leg and would soon disintegrate into nothing but planks of wood. Every rock of the ship was amplified making it nearly impossible for River to keep her balance.
    Oh, creator. If elves were meant to float, then I'm trusting you to hold this ship together.
  18. SilverAngel

    SilverAngel New Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    the Epilogue

    Rellix laughed hysterically as River nearly toppled over the moment that she stepped onto the ship.

    "Not a fan of the ocean, are you?" he asked her playfully as he approached, "Well, I can't entirely say that I blame you." He held out his hand in a frendly gesture as he introduced himself, "My name is Rellix, Rellix Baise, and I don't suppose that you were sent here by Nesvi, were you?"

    He flashed a grin, then leaned over, bowing to the elf. Then, getting back on his feet, he made the customary greeting of his "living group," and tapped the left side of his forehead twice, a sign of welcome.
  19. JessWrite

    JessWrite Word Nerd & Proud! Contributor

    Aug 13, 2011
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    My Old Kentucky Home
    Emery Rose

    "So what's happened to everyone else all these years?" William asked the group as they made their way onto the ship.

    "So, what had been of your lives on these 15 years?"
    Lebry followed up. Must be the question of the day. She looked over at Pip who was curiously peering over the ship's edge with the foaming crests beating against the sides.

    Ever since Pip had landed in her hands, her life had changed. For the better, since she had found something to love in her life besides eather, but also worse because her family hadn't the same point of view. They still had burning hatred in their hearts. When not screaming and yelling at each other, they were seeking to kill and destroy to satisfy their needs. And, Emery still had hatred in her heart because of this; because they had tried to murder the baby airmid who had saved her from continuing such a miserable life. She hadn't seen her mother, father, or four brothers once in all of these fifteen years. Though, she had run into many that gave her news from Charon that she didn't want to hear. Such news as her brother Aidan had survived and desperately wanted to see her. She'd never let that happen. Her brother was dead in her mind.

    Emery decided to give William and Lebry the short version, "I've been kept busy. Been on the run after a bad incident with my family and settled here in Demirruu. Just trying to keep my Pip happy and safe..."
  20. Mr Mr

    Mr Mr Active Member

    May 28, 2011
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    London, UK

    If his face was able to it would have been smiling as the ship approached. Nesvi had already departed, after making sure not to tell them where he wander's key was. It was a largeish ship and Steam couldn't wait to stand on the bow and watch the waves. As the elf River climbed on board he followed suit, his admirals coat flapping in the wind. The boat dipped slightly as he stepped on board, now dout due to his sword he wondered. It was an anchor after all. Steam had to suppress a chuckle as River doubled over; clearly elves and sea didn't mix. He gingerly placed a hand on her back to steady her.

    "You'll want some ginger tea, it will calm your stomach and help." He said. Steam looked up as a scorch fiend approached, his height rivalling Steams. He guessed this must be the captain. It was amusing to think a creature of fire was commanding a vessel of the sea.

    I have an admirals coat so can I say I'm an admiral? Steam wondered. He decided he would, if he wasn't then where had he gotten the coat? And his anchor was definately naval.

    "Ah, you must be the captain," He said extending a hand. "Admiral Steam at your service, what's your name?"
  21. Pheonix

    Pheonix A Singer of Space Operas and The Fourth Mod of RP Contributor

    Jul 24, 2012
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    The Windy City

    He guided Rose up onto the deck following the others. It was a large ship, but he noticed it tipped when the one the queen had called Steam walked aboard. It tipped again beneath Roses frame, but righted itself quickly. He noticed River didn't seem to be handling the sea well, he considered going and giving her a hard time, or something like that, but the Scorch Fiend ship captain and Steam both got to her first. Alright then...

    So instead he just called out, "Captain, as you may have noticed, I have a rather large Chimera here, is there a hold she can stay? I'm Will Bartholomew by the way, pleasure to be aboard your ship."
  22. Erik-the-Enchanter!

    Erik-the-Enchanter! Banned Contributor

    Aug 18, 2012
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    LA, California
    Currently Reading::
    Love Poems
    Eris, Pretty Sick (but mostly pretty)

    "You'll want some ginger tea, it will calm your stomach and help."

    "Did someone say something about ginger tea?", Eris called. She had emerged from the ship looking less than radiant, her knees wobbled and she had to hug the ship mast to keep from toppling over. But she still had her lovely glamour--even without using Lure, her hair and skin seemed to glow faintly. Fish hopped out of the water to get a glimpse of her.

    Eris approached Steam, and said pleadingly, "Tea? Where is the tea?"
  23. Exzalia

    Exzalia Banned Contributor

    Jul 27, 2012
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    the voyage

    Relix decided now it was time to sail, everyone was here and better yet no merclan people. It was time to sail the seas Exzalia style. Relix activated the earther runes, three runes each pulsing with eather pinged on down below. One rune was for Merc eather, and one for Adra eather, together the ship seemed to come alive.

    On Exzalia ships run on eather, or magic like all things in this world. The ship started to glow, a wooden head carved at the front of the ship that looked like a dragon seem to come alive it's eye glowing. Oars made of enchanted wood plunged into the water and a sail flew up into the air. The rune of Adra then forced it's aether into the sail while the magic oars began to swish back and forth, sending the ship into a fast but smooth sailing. The morning air was fresh, and children waved to them from the docks.

    In this moment all their troubles felt like they could be forgiven for in this lake, the waters glowed and reflected an array of colour. They didn't call it the rainbow waters for nothing and they were all captivated by another of Exzalia's wonders . And underneath the water a whole host of life flourished, like a wet version of underwood. Both magical and non magical creatures dashed and swam through the sky blue waters, the sheer amount of life was enthralling.

    If only River were well enough to see it all, the poor woman was on the verge of falling overboard. In the distance she saw a couple of mer maids pointing and luaghing at her. She was not a happy camper.
  24. Warp Zone

    Warp Zone New Member

    Aug 11, 2012
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    World 1-2
    William (Level: 5|Expertise: 0|Shield: 100%)

    Will: Traveled a lot

    Emery: been on the run and looking after something named 'Pip,' ask who that is later

    William mostly stayed in the background once they boarded the ship, observing everyone and making notes in his journal every now and then. I can't forget any of this day. It could be the most important in my life. Of course, nothing was more important than protecting Avani; but he tried not to bother her so much with that any more. William couldn't quite remember the reason why, though.

    Remember the reason for what? Something about protecting someone...

    ... and speaking of that, some poor girl looks like she's not having the best time here.
    After glancing at Avani one last time to make sure she wasn't being killed or something of the sort, he rushed over to the elf, trying to keep his balance on the ship. William had few experiences with ships.

    "Hey, are you ok? My name's William, by the way. Have we ever met?"
  25. SilverAngel

    SilverAngel New Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    the Epilogue
    Rellix - A Flame out on the Open Seas

    After having begun sailing, Rellix set off to find his passengers.

    "Ah, you must be the captain. Admiral Steam at your service, what's your name?"

    "Rellix Baise," he replied, extending his hand to shake Steam's, "It's a pleasure to have you aboard. Though, most people are dumbstruck to find a Scorch Fiend sailing, I must say that you're handling it quite well."

    Rellix set his right hand on his left shoulder, a sign of respect, then continued to speak, "Now, if you don't mind me asking, what are you? You seem as much man as machine. Honestly, I'm impressed at the craftsmanship and design of your automated parts. Are they by any chance, steam powered?"

    "Captain, as you may have noticed, I have a rather large Chimera here, is there a hold she can stay? I'm Will Bartholomew by the way, pleasure to be aboard your ship."

    Rellix turned to Will and extended his hand again, as well as tapping his own forehead in greeting.

    "Nice to meet you, Will. My name is Rellix, and yes, there is plenty of room for your Chimaera. But please keep it either above deck or in your sleeping quarters, the holds are filled with various objects of either fragile or . . . edibal nature, so I would prefer if you kept it away from there."
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