1. gibble410

    gibble410 Contributor Contributor

    Jun 15, 2016
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    The Celtic Gods

    Discussion in 'Role Play' started by gibble410, Aug 24, 2016.

    The Story
    For millennia the Celtic Gods have lived in peace and harmony in the heavens above Earth. The gods looked over Earth's people and animals. They have started wars, which nearly tore apart humanity. They cast draughts upon the world, they starved its people. Yet, they had humans farm crops grow into abundance, they prevented wars, changed the course of humanity. They are the gods. And while sometimes they did bad deeds, they also countered it with good. They have the ability to cast spells, forge illusions, lift plauges. At at the center are the Three Gods. Dadga, God of Earth was captured, as well as Danu, the Goddess of Creation, and Don, Queen of the Heavens.

    Your Mission.​
    You are a Celtic god or warrior. 18 Days after the Three Gods have disappeared a talisman appears in your hand. A small word has been etched into the talisman.
    You realize it is from the goddess Gwydion, and suddenly the talisman floats out of your hands and to the Cliffs of Moher. It takes you exactly two days to get to the Cliffs of Moher, so start your story with receiving the talisman, your journey, and arriving at the Cliffs of Moher, at Mid-Day, on the 20th Day of the Three Gods disappearance. You have heard rumor of a clue, leading to the gods disappearance on the Cliffs of Moher and now you will find out if this is true.
    (We will use real locations from Ireland and Wales)
    Be sure to start your story from when you got Gwydion's talisman.

    You have two choices of characters. A Celtic God, or a human. I will have a template down below where you can make your human. As for the Celtic Gods, it's first come first serve. PM me and tell me which god you would like, (list is down below), to have. I will give you your template for the god. You can edit the appearance but not the powers. And also PM me your humans template and I will look over it and see if its OK for the Discussion.

    The Rules
    Please no God-Modding. I MUST approve all templates before they are posted in the discussion thread. Also, no controlling others Characters unless you have discussed it over with the other person. I may let some people make another character and such, but you must EARN this privilege. Let's also try and be considerable about other peoples beliefs and Iwill not object to cussing, but please no sexual actions or talk.

    Character Templates and Lists:​
    This is an example template for a human here as well as the list of gods.
    Age: Anywhere from 20-50
    Spells/Weapons: Up to three Spells/Weapons, explain exactly what the spells do.
    Class: Mage, Healer, Berserker,Warrior.
    Pet/Animal: Something small, a horse should be the biggest animal, also only 1 pet.
    Patron God/Goddess: Chose a Celtic God or Goddess, this is just basic info. It dosent have to be on the list, just as long as it is an official Celtic God. I may do something with this later.

    Name: John Smith
    Appearance: Red Hair, Green Eyes, Black shirt and pants, white teeth, and a pale complexion.
    Spells/Weapons: Double-Sided Battle Axe, small dagger.
    Class: Warrior.
    Pet/Animal: A small mouse.
    Patron God/Goddess: Gwydion
    Backstory/Basic Facts/Other: He likes roasted chestnuts, he has no family, and likes a good,cold, mug of beer at his local Tavern.

    Gods List
    Fire and sun God, god of purification, science, fertility, crops and success, symbolizes fire and health

    Goddess of sleep and dreams

    Goddess of the forest, woodlans, and wild things

    God of waters and seas.

    God of owls

    Goddess of flowers, love

    Our story is in ancient Ireland and Wales. With taverns, and churches and medieval castles. I will chose the locations we travel and what not, and sorry if its not historically correct.

    Please Have Fun and Enjoy!
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
    cydney likes this.
  2. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
  3. gibble410

    gibble410 Contributor Contributor

    Jun 15, 2016
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    The goddess Gwydion treaded silently along the forest path. Her white-gold hair rippled in the light breeze which sung through the trees. The dazzling sun shone through the thick trunks, illuminating her white dress, and casting a warm glow on her brown sandals.

    She had sent the talismans to the best and the brightest gods and warriors, she knew only they could help her on this quest. By now, everyone knew that the Three Gods had disappeared, and a clue resided on the Cliffs of Moher.She needed to find it first before anyone else did. Knowledge is power, as her mother always said, and if she didn't have the knowledge she wouldn't succeed.

    Her thoughts suddenly slipped into the well worn path of worry. She needed these questers to come, but would they? Will they follow my talismans, or not? Maybe they-. A sudden squeaking brought her attention to the mouse that had crawled up her arm and onto her shoulder. "Hello Slì." Gwydion purred, stroking Slì. The pure white mouse had clear green eyes like Gwydion, and had the ability to teleport.

    After about an hour of walking Gwydion saw the end of the path, and heard the roaring of the waves. She was almost at the Cliffs. Her animated chatting to Slì ceased, and she walked the last few meters in silence, smiling.

    Emerging from the forest path and onto the Cliffs of Moher was like stepping into a dream. Puffy white clouds raced each other through the crystalline blue sky, occasionally blocking the sun as it climbed its way to noon.

    Smiling rather shyly, she sat and waited, hoping the others would come. She couldn't do this alone. And she had to rescue the Three Gods. Without them, the world would fall into darkness and dispair.
    cydney likes this.
  4. Domino355

    Domino355 Senior Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Fear crept silently, looking at the herd, grazing in the medows. The shepherd watched, a pitfork, more than enough to ward away the average wolf. But Faer was no wolf, even if he took the form of one. He was a Puca, one of the Aos Si, folk of the mounds.
    He got close enough to pounce when the shepherd noticed him. Giving a cry, the man charged forward, raising his pitchfork. The man was brave, Faer had to admit. He changed back to his human form, just in time to block the man's attack with his spear. They struggled for a moment, and Faer knocked the shepherd down. He pointed the spear at him, made sure he was down, before turning around, picked a lamb, and ran back into the night.

    He was in the middle of enjoying his meal when his hand suddenly felt heavy. Looking down, he saw a talisman, that simply appeared in his hand. A word was ingraved on it, and even though he could not read, he knew what was etched on the talisman. Gwydion. The goddess.
    Without warning, the talisman floated in the air, away from him. Faer started following it, not knowing why. The talisman started moving faster in the air, and Faer had to take the form of a horse to keep up. That was the body he enjoyed the most, a sleek black horse with a flowing mane and golden eyes. It felt powerful, commanding, the energy and speed, but above all, it was the only form people viewed him as beutiful.
    For two days he followed the talisman, trotting through woods, meadows, swimming through rivers. He rested gor a few short hours every night, before continueing on his journey. Finally, at midday on the second day, he reached the cliffs of Moher, at the edge of the forest above the sea. Sitting there, was a beutiful golden haired woman. Faer changed back to himan form and approached her, a sense of dread in his heart.
    gibble410 likes this.
  5. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    Aidan punched his blade in to the first troll's throat , twisted and ripped it free in a gout of blue black blood, then instantly feinted at the second which took a few stumbling step backwards. Slashing its primitive spear aside he danced in close and drove his knee hard into its bulging genitals, then as it doubled up cleaved his swords edge into the unprotected back of it's neck.

    2 trolls down , not a bad morning's work , the bounty on these bastards should buy a cup of ale or 6 he thought. As he bent to sever their ears as proof of his kills he noticed a silver talisman lying on the ground, surely that hadn't been there a moment ago. He sheaved his sword and picked up the silver disc and as he turned it in his hand his blood ran cold. Scratched into the talismans surface was a silver wheel , the runic symbol for Gwydion the goddess.

    He held his head in hands for a moment , "Goddesses , nothing but trouble" he swore . He remembered as he always would the night he came to manhood , making love to Agrona, Goddess of carnage and battle, it had seemed like a dream , but the consequences were all too real , endowed with amazing skill at arms as a reward for his fidelity , but cursed never to love a mortal woman lest he lose his gift.

    Still , a mortal ignores the summons of a God at his peril so Aidan flicked the Talisman high into the sky and summoned Fiacra the eagle with whom he had shared a bond of telepathy for as long as he could remember. ::follow:: he commanded, and at once the talisman headed for the western horizon , followed by his feathered friend.

    an hour passed before Fiacra's report rippled back Aidan's conciousness :: Sea: Cliff , one waits :: Aidan closed his eyes and at once could see Fiacra's view in his mind - the Cliffs of Moher , and there sat on the precipice the Goddess Gwydion in human form. ::circle, watch:: he commanded , then opening his eyes he pulled himself wearily to his feet , and started walking west, "should make it before sunset" he reckoned , using tree trunks to haul himself up the thickly wooded hill side.

    Reaching the first summit, he swore viciously to himself "damn all the gods , I forgot to take the ears..."
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
    cydney and gibble410 like this.
  6. Erik-the-Enchanter!

    Erik-the-Enchanter! Banned Contributor

    Aug 18, 2012
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    LA, California
    Currently Reading::
    Love Poems
    Blodeuwedd walked silently through the trees, nearly invisible in his all black outfit and long black cloak. Although he was tall and thin, he moved like someone that was capable of protecting himself from almost any threat. Two daggers were strapped to his forearms, the long curved blades glinting dangerously. When Blodeuwedd looked up at the sky, his large, round eyes shone like polished gold coins. A barn owl swooped down from above, as silent as a shadow, and landed on his outstretched hand.

    "Good boy, Oldowan," Blodeuwedd whispered in his deep, rumbling voice. "An eagle, you say? Nearby? Stay close. I don't trust eagles." Oldowan hooted and swooped away, staying under the branches. Blodeuwedd searched for the talisman in the dark and saw it floating up ahead. He followed it until he reached the Cliffs, then he came to a halt under the trees and frowned slightly at Gwydion. "You?" he said. "You sent this talisman to fetch me? I'm not a dog, you know. You could have just sent a letter." That said, Blodeuwedd found a soft spot on the ground and sat down, folding his legs neatly.
  7. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    The boar was a cruel, brute of thing. A meter tall and more than that in length. It had gored a deer for the sake of it, blood covering its tusks as it began to tear at the roots of a tree. Corrin took a breath as he notched an arrow, crouched close to the ground in a dense underbrush that made him near invisible. He examined the creature for a moment, noting a soft underbelly on an otherwise thick hide. He let go of the string and the wooden shaft embedded itself into the creatures flank, blood beginning to poor out of the gaping wound. The wild pig turned to face him, not noticing him in the brush till the next arrow hit the creature, this time in its shoulder.

    It began its charge, lowering its head and ready to strike upward. It was slow at first, though quickly gained speed despite its wounds, every so often letting out a squeal. Corrin dropped his bow and picked up his melee weapon, lowering his spear to meet the boar, and keep his shield ready to stop it, just in case. The boar was too late to change its course, momentum and its wounds preventing it from stopping as it drove itself over itself onto the weapon, skewering its organs and dying quickly. He put his bow and shield on his back, slinging the beast's body so the it rested on his shield before he picked up the spear, using it as a walking stick. He wouldn't go hungry for sometime.
    cydney and gibble410 like this.
  8. zoupskim

    zoupskim Contributor Contributor

    Jan 11, 2015
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    The presence of Y'golonac
    Ben watched the wind caress the grass of the gentle hills, slopes of green rolling into the distance as far as he could see. The season had been good, their little storeroom stuffed with fat and meat to last through winter and into spring. Behind him Brinley slit another strip from a hide, the crisp sound mixing with a smell of peat and smoked game. "Could ignore it. I can handle the hearth. Always have." His sister's voice made him question it all, her sing-song tone a pure reminder of all he would leave if he obeyed Gwydion's call.

    He was packed. He had been for two days now, and every morning for two days he sat here like a fool, grasping the stone tight in his fist. His fur and leather clothes were tightened with fresh chords for the journey, a small amount of wealth in fur sewn into his cloak. Bow polished, new strings, new skins for water, plenty of jerky in his belt. He had sharpened his grandfather's sword, but opted to leave it behind. A Goddess didn't need that part of him. The faces were there now, three of his clansmen, proud and gaudy, banners and tartans flapping in the wind. He saw their blood, their mangled bodies and faces, the horror in his sister's eyes, the disappointment in his grandfather's face. He had never wanted to fight in a useless war, burnt off and used like his parents and brothers, their entire lives dedicated to endless, worthless conflict.

    The world was so green in exile. Without war, without blood to spread its tendrils of rot, fire, and decay.

    "Boy." Fire rose in his heart. He turned to face the rot. A gangling, broken man, brown grey beard, green eyes, and toothless scowl doddered from their little twig and peat cottage.

    "Gram." Brinley was up. "You'll catch your death in the chill."

    "Ah, get off you milk maid, I don't-" Torturing this old skeleton was a pleasure Ben had forgotten. He wrenched the once great warrior off his feet, savoring the feel of weakness age had forced into the ghoul.

    "Why are you out of your bed, old man?" Ben looked into those poison green eyes. He hated that color. The rage was at the edge of his heart, willing him to peal open this beggar's face with his bare hands.

    "Leave him be, Ben!" Brinley watched. Ben forced himself to remain still. Their grandfather had not always been a cripple. Ben had made him that way; A reminder to himself and the old goat that they would never go back to the clan and their war. He was not sure if he truly regretted maiming the old man.

    "Can't say no to a god, you little bastard." Ben was going to kill this demon, this proud warrior who had grown fat in blood and death and slaughter. A glint of light caught his eye. Ben was speechless as their grandfather held aloft the shining steel blade in the dawnlight, glowing as if possessed by magic. Their grandfather set the sword gently across Ben's forearms. "Don't let the family down again."


    Cliffs, grass, wind, tears. Ben fell on his knees and tried to clean the blood off the damn sword. This talisman had brought him back into hell, a new nightmare to torture his sleep. Maybe Gwydion could bring it all back. She could fix him, give him back his family. How long until he killed Brinley? He just had get this blood off the sword. He had to get the blood off.
    I.A. By the Barn and gibble410 like this.
  9. gibble410

    gibble410 Contributor Contributor

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Gwydion looked curiously at Faer as he approached through the whistling grass atop the cliffs.

    "A Puca?" She said rather incredulously. "I didn't know any were around here!" And after gesturing for him to come sit, she sharpy turned as Bloduwedd sat near her.

    "Ahh, God Of Owls, I hoped you would come." Gwydion said softly, "We will be needing your strength and wisdom."

    And with that, she twisted her hand ever so slightly to the left. All the talismans belonging to hero's here had disappeared, and Gwydion moved her hand in a unmistakeable gesture. An invitation to come, and sit.
  10. Domino355

    Domino355 Senior Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Faer saw the talisman dosappear and knew that he arrived to the right place. The woman in front of him was Gwyndion. And she reffered to the other man sitting as Blodeuwedd, the god of owls. Faer fell on one knee bowing his head. They were not his gods, of course. The fae followed Flidais, the god of all wild things out there, but these were still being far older and more powerful than he could comprehend. While the Aos Si were not known for their kind natureand honesty, they knew respect for the greater things out there.
    Another three men arrived. Faer felt weary of the man in scale male. He smelled something on him, maybe troll blood. He had to be careful of these hunters, keep an eye on them.
    Faer sat down near the god of owls, keeping a close eye on all the others.
  11. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    Watching the talisman spin out of the mortal plain Aidan knew he had arrived , Gwydion he recognised , "why were these goddesses always so attractive ? " He asked himself " The better to turn men's blood to smoke, of course and bend them to their will", He grimaced that wasnt a mistake he was going to make again. Still a sellsword needs a master , or a mistress and he'd been too long on the fringe of things existing by hunting troll scum for the meagre bounty.

    Aidan knelt his respect to the gods his sword clenched in both hands point downward into the ground , "just let these others mistake his respect for something to exploit" he thought "and he would show them the true meaning of dark fire" He could sense caution in the air and thought that he and these men were like forest wolves meeting in a glade , as yet undecided whether to form a hunting pack or feast on the flesh of weakest of their bretheren. A harsh smile crossed Aidan's face it would be a fatal error for anyone to think him the weakest.

    A rush of wings heralded the arrival of Fiacra who wove through the branches above to alight gracefully by Aidans side ::Owls :: he heard in his mind :: Trust not:: , Aidan sent reasurance to his comrade :: peace, brother, be still::

    Aidan watched the puca shift away from him, doubtless reppelled by the blood spatter he had not taken the time to clean from his dark armour, the uneasy welcome was as he expected , he had long ago stopped expecting to be liked, "let them hate" he thought "so long as they fear"
  12. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    Corrin watched the others sit down, so he walked over to a stump and sat down, dropping the boar in front of him. It was then he set to work, beginning to skin the creature and take its meat. He used its bloody hide as a mat from which to work from. As well as as a bag that he'd use to carry it. Every so often he'd pass some of the meat to his dog, the hound enjoying it greatly.

    He glanced around, noting the others that were around him. All of them were armed, less so than him, and most of them had fancier pets then him, but he knew they wouldn't hold a candle to Grif in a fight. Corrin gave a slight bow of his head to his patron, offering him some meat for the owl.
  13. zoupskim

    zoupskim Contributor Contributor

    Jan 11, 2015
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    The presence of Y'golonac
    Ben found it easy to suppress his fears of his past and apprehension of the future as pure wanderlust purified his soul. He approached the gathering around him with slow measured steps, not daring to look any of theses beings in the eye. Gods and fairies were myths, boastful tales adults told children, giving life to stumps and holes in the ground.

    To see these fever dreams made his heart race. He sensed some were part beast, their movements and scents rich with nature. Ben wore the fur of many a creature these changlings might hold in reverence. The mortals reactions were no help. One bowed, while another cleaned and quartered his harvest in plain sight.

    Gwydion reminded Ben of some dream of love and lust, a divine being of pure beauty and grace. He stopped within the ring of beings, scraping into his belt for the stone to prove that he belonged here. It was gone.
  14. gibble410

    gibble410 Contributor Contributor

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Once all the warriors were gathered, Gwydion started speaking.

    "Heros!" She said. "Exactly three days ago, three gods disappeared. Dadga, Danu and Don. The three most powerfull beings in the universe." And after taking a shuddering breath she continued. "As you probably know, I am related to the gods, and that's why I am the only one to take up arms against this Dark Force."

    She gestured to the cliffs around them, and opened her palm. Threee symbols floated there, and moved in a clockwise fashion. One was a triangle, with intersecting lines, another was what looked like a sideways rhombus with intersecting lines, and the final one was another triangle shaped symbol but the edges were curved.

    "These are the Symbols of Power. They contain unlimited power and force. We will need these to aid us in our quest if we hope to succeed. A clue towards the Triskilion lies here." All the images except the curved triangle disappeared.

    "Let's fan out and search for the clue." She said rather nervously as the sun ducked behind a cloud. Before "others" arrive, Her mind worried.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
  15. Domino355

    Domino355 Senior Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Faer found it odd to be called a hero. Heroes were men, champions of the gods who quested for them and brought great glory with them. But he wasn't a man, wasn't even a human. Maybe there was a mistake in bringing him. But you don't go telling gods that.
    Then the goddess started talking of clues they were to find for symbols of power. Why did gods always have to talk in riddles?! He nodded and became a dog, usong his sense of smell as well as sight.
    cydney likes this.
  16. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    "Aen Sidhe?" Corrin asked at the mention of others, feeling himself shift awkwardly in his seat. He finished his work, wrapping the hide around the meat and tying it so it would stay shut. He began to look around, both for clues and any potential threats. He took his shield out and had it at the ready, being a little paranoid at times, though he would call it staying safe. He put his spear to the ground and began to sweep back and forth, listening to anything touching the metal.
  17. zoupskim

    zoupskim Contributor Contributor

    Jan 11, 2015
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    The presence of Y'golonac
    Ben watched the spectacle, the other hunter paying no heed to a man warping effortlessly to beast. He would have to grow accustomed to such things, his new Patron's command and warning wasting no time.

    Turning away from the others, Ben tried to gain his bearings among the monolith formations of stone and earth around him. Life in the hills had given him many chances to explore the naked rock of the land, but none so impressive as this. These cliffs cut hard, bearing down to the sea in a stark separation between land and water.

    He walked along the edge, staring down the crags of rock, scanning into the water for anything, besides the amazing view, out of place. All the while, his mind held to one word Gwydion had spoken nervously: "Others."
  18. Erik-the-Enchanter!

    Erik-the-Enchanter! Banned Contributor

    Aug 18, 2012
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    LA, California
    Currently Reading::
    Love Poems
    Blodeuwedd looked at Faer when he sat near him. He seems to be the quiet type. I like him. And the fact that Faer bowed respectfully to him only endeared the mortal to Blodeuwedd even more. Then came Aidan. The God of Owls looked over the rugged human male with mild interest. The eagle that Oldowan had smelled earlier came back and alighted on Aidan. "Does he have to bring that thing with us?" Blodeuwedd grumbled to himself. It was a well-known fact that Blodeuwedd hated all birds except for his own precious owls.

    A crystal bell rang in Blodeuwedd's head when Corrin arrived. A worshiper of mine. He must be wise indeed if he chose me to be his patron over the other more flashy gods and goddesses. When Corrin offered meat, Oldowan swooped down out of the trees like an arrow, snatched the meat in his sharp beak, and swerved to land on top of Faer's head. There, the barn owl set about gobbling down the tasty treat. Blodeuwedd grinned at Faer and then bowed to Corrin. He is thoughtful, even if he is a brute. I will watch over him.

    Ben immediately gave Blodeuwedd the impression of someone who is tortured. He felt the urge to rub him comfortingly on the back, like a parent would do to a sad child. But before he could make up his mind, Gwydion spoke in that annoyingly beautiful voice of hers. So, they were to help her find clues as to what "Dark Force" had taken the Three Gods. Blodeuwedd stood and Oldowan flew onto his shoulder in response.

    "I shall take the south area of this woodland," Blodeuwedd said, loud enough for everyone to hear. Then he silently turned...and disappeared, like a shadow in the night.
    I.A. By the Barn likes this.
  19. Domino355

    Domino355 Senior Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Faer smelled around, when a strong familiar smell reached his nose, coming with the western wind. He moved with the smell, reaching almost the edge of the cliff. The smell was becoming stronger, overwhelming for his dog nose. He changed back to human form, and found the source of the smell.
    He grabbed a rock and rolled it away, with great effort from a dead human body. A woman. The stench was now incredible, and sweet to Faer's nose. The body had just begun decaying. Faer's guess was that it was three days since the woman had died.
    "Come here," he called. "I think I found something."
  20. gibble410

    gibble410 Contributor Contributor

    Jun 15, 2016
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    "Of the gods." Gwydion whispered as she swooped down on the body. Everyone else was still searching, but Gwydion felt as if this was important. A 3-day old decaying body? Probably not a coincidence.

    Gwydion gingerly felt the neck for any signs of life, but as she suspected, this girl was truly dead. What business had she on the Cliffs of Moher? She probably came from a nearby village, she had peasent clothes.

    She looked up at Faer, who was sanding near her, and then down at the body, still resting in the black dirt. Gwydion started to stand, but before she reached her true height her sharp eyes trained on something small in the girls hand.

    The girls last clutch on the paper was so tight, Gwydion was afraid she would rip it, but finally she pulled a little sliver of paper out. Slì teleported onto her shoulder, and she read the note.


    I am hiding behind a rock, as this battle rages around me. Shadows are attacking these Gods, whatever shall I do? I fear that only death awaits the gods, as the hurricane of black shadows is relentless. The gods power is failing, two of them have fallen. One of them cast a blinding white shield, yet it won't hold, every attempt to break it by the shadows a leaves a dent in it. That won't last for long. But she seems to be practicing for a spell, three pendants are circling around her hand. She is speaking command words to them. Once she said "Croagah Patrick" one disappeared, and the others disappeared to the Church of Ireland, and she sent the last one to Ransfort. And then-

    The writing cut off suddenly, and Gwydion assumed from the ink spilled everywhere that this girl died in that moment. Handing the paper to Faer, Gwydion stood up.
    "Everyone!" She called out, "Come here!"
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
  21. I.A. By the Barn

    I.A. By the Barn A very lost time traveller Contributor

    Oct 26, 2015
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    The talisman landed with a thud in Caer's hand as she went to reach for the pail of water. It pulled the snake out from under her sleeve and willed the both of them to go back to the cliff. She had still not found that woman's family. Caer sighed as she turned it over seeing Gwydion's name. She knew something would have to be done. There was a distinct emptyness that filled both everywhere and nowhere- gods had gone.
    Caer felt the snake slither down to the ground off her arm.
    "Wait," she asked the snake, picking one last flower. "Ah, the talisman wishes to move again, I know."
    Caer let it guide her, half-knowing where it would lead, she'd already been there a few days ago. She picked her way up the cliff, clutching the flowers. Where is the body again?
    Her question was answered quickly, there were two surrounding the village woman's body.
    "Would you mind?" she commanded rather than asked. She slipped through the god and puca and laid the flowers on the poor girl.
    Caer then turned to the pair, and said with barbs "I am but a humble god. This woman has gone to the long sleep and she requires tucking in."
    gibble410 likes this.
  22. Domino355

    Domino355 Senior Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Faer looked at the piece of parchment in his hand.
    "Forgive me, my goddess," he said. "But I cannot read."
  23. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    "May I?" Corrin asked, his voice seeming more like a loud whisper instead of actually speaking. It felt as if, that if anyone else was speaking, he would be inaudible. He held his hand open, waiting to take it. "I can read the language of Caesar, the angels and our own tongue of course."
    I.A. By the Barn likes this.
  24. I.A. By the Barn

    I.A. By the Barn A very lost time traveller Contributor

    Oct 26, 2015
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    "How accomplished you are," Caer said with a laugh. "To which god do you give your offerings?"
    The snake curled around her throat, its tongue tasting Corrin's scent that hung in the air.
  25. halisme

    halisme Contributor Contributor

    Mar 18, 2015
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    He tilted his head to Blodeuwedd, assuming that small gesture would be enough. He wasn't much of a talker otherwise, and instead stayed silent. He didn't believe in using unnecessary words when possible.

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