1. Torana

    Torana Contributor Contributor

    Mar 13, 2007
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    here spidey spidey!

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Torana, Jan 13, 2010.

    Dan got bitten by a white tail spider. If you are scared of spiders, don't click on the spoiler tag as I have an image of one in there.


    this is what we have to look forward to:

    Dan's leg looks like the first circle in this image at the centre.


    Anyone else have any spider stories they'd like to share?

    I know Dan's in a lot of pain with it and not much can be done. Just cold compress, ice, pain meds. And if it ulcers, etc, antibiotics will be introduced.

    Share stories!!!!
  2. becca

    becca Contributor Contributor

    Feb 26, 2009
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    That does look painful. I hope he feels better soon!

    The only spider stories I have are men that are scared of them.

    I was at my one friends house one night and he was screaming like a little girl and trying to get away from a tiny little spider that was crawling on the wall about two feet behind his chair. *rolls her eyes*

    I got up, walked over and smushed it. It wasn't a big deal. At least not to me. I'm strange for a female though. I like spider and snakes and all that nice fun stuff. :D
  3. lessa

    lessa New Member

    Oct 24, 2007
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    Fantasy land
    Once woke up because something hurt on my face. Brushed it and sent a spider (big one) smushed across the room.
    an hour later my nose felt funny and my tongue was going numb.
    ended up at the hospital because of the reaction. Carry an epi pen now since we are in the bush a lot.
    they asked me to describe the spider and I said "black 1/2" smushed mark on the floor.
    I was alseep how the devil do I know what it looked like.
    Fortunately we have few if any poisonous spiders in Ontario.
  4. Wreybies

    Wreybies Thrice Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 1, 2008
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    El Tembloroso Caribe
    We have small tarantulas here in Puerto Rico. They are not particularly dangerous though they have an unfortunate appearance.

    Here is one I took a picture of just before a rainstorm at my parent's house. For some reason they come out before it's going to rain hard.


    Tor, that white tail looks enough like a funnel web to have put me in a panic had it been me. :redface:
  5. Carmina

    Carmina Contributor Contributor

    Sep 26, 2008
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    Woodland California
    I have an unfortunate allergy to most spider bites. If I get bitten, I tend to break out in hives all over my body. Once, as a child, I was bitten on the eyelid. My face was swelled and I couldn't see out my left eyes for over a week. I also was bitten once of the nip...well...a sensitive place. It got infected and I needed 2 weeks on antibiotics. Amazingly..I am not at all afraid of spiders. I let one (We call him George) keep his web behind the toilet. He kills lots of bugs, so we like him.
  6. Torana

    Torana Contributor Contributor

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Wrey, it looks like a massive version of teh white tail and if I ever saw one of the tarantulas, I'd be running up the road screaming until I was a billion miles away from it LOL

    Today I get the fun job of eradicating spiders... I'm washing EVERYTHING in the wardrobes, all the bedding, the lot! I am sooooooo paranoid it isn't funny. Dan is in so much pain and I am just glad it was him and not one of the kids. Worse part is it was in bed he was bitten.... <shudders at the thought> I hardly slept as I kept thinking I had spiders crawling all over me and had nightmares all night about them.

    I want my home spider free... I hate spiders. I'm more scared of them than I am anything else!!!! Think it is why I'd like to be cremated. Too scared spiders will make a home in my bones... :eek:
  7. TheHedgehog

    TheHedgehog Contributor Contributor

    May 6, 2009
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    between here and there
    Spiders aren't my favorites; we don't have really dangerous ones here in South Carolina, just black windows and brown recluses, but those two in of themselves are enough to make you wary, usually only in the summer or so, though.

    Once I opened our mailbox to discover a VERY BIG brown spider. He had a huge lower section (thorax? abdomen? butt?), and very spiky legs. Looked menacing; took a rolled-up newspaper and beat it.

    ...One time my siblings and I set flame to a black widow. (NOT MY IDEA. :D)
  8. yellowm&M

    yellowm&M Contributor Contributor

    Jul 17, 2008
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    between the pages of a good book
    I don't particularly like spiders, but I don't have a major issue with them. I actually hate seeing people kill them; or any bugs. Bugs/Insects in general just don't bother me except for ants which completely freak me out (I know it's weird, ants are generally known to be fairly harmless...). My brother hates them though and my mom really doesn't like them. If they see one they usually make my dad get rid of it, or bring one of the cats over to eat it. I really hate it when they do that though, i feel so sad for the spider. Like I said I hate it when people kill bugs.

    Yeah I'm a little weird when it comes to that kind of stuff.
  9. Mercurial

    Mercurial Contributor Contributor

    Jan 16, 2009
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    Ohmigosh spiders freak me out so hard. :eek: I made the mistake of clicking on those spoiler tags. I have really poor self-control.

    Like 'Mina's friend George, we have one who hangs out near our garage door opener, and I try to make myself believe that he is keeping us safe, but I can never push that button on my own. I want to live in a brick or stone fortress that is inpenetrable (sp?) to both spiders and buggies.

    I swallowed a daddy long leg (by accident, he was dead, when I was three) in my grandma's pool and ever since I've just had this recurring dream about them, freak out when I see them.... etc.

    When my dog went through a hunting stage, she would bring all sorts of bugs home, including spiders, and I would freak out and cup them down under a bucket and get someone to kill him for me. I just cant look at it anymore. If no one is around I will wait until someone comes home or if I must, I will go get my neighbor to do it for me. (Seriously.)

    I will never move to or visit Australia or Puerto Rico if those are the kind of creepy-crawlers that live there. Neverever. Ohmigosh those things are freakin' huge.
  10. Torana

    Torana Contributor Contributor

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Don't say you won't come to Aus Merc! It is lovely over here and you rarely ever see spiders. Honest!
  11. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    But what about the one's you don't see?
  12. hiddennovelist

    hiddennovelist Contributor Contributor

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Merc, I'm like you, I lack the self control to not click on spoiler tags.

    I don't have any super exciting stories about spiders, but we regularly end up with a family of black widows in the corner by our break room at work, and the ceiling above my desk is covered with the webs of a few giant daddy long legs. I keep telling myself I'm going to clear out all the webs, but I don't want to send all the spiders swarming into my work area...the webs are starting to encroach on my workspace, though, so I may have to do something about them soon.

    The thought horrifies me.
  13. Torana

    Torana Contributor Contributor

    Mar 13, 2007
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    what you don't see can't hurt you lol

    just not in Dan's case :p
  14. DownUnder

    DownUnder New Member

    Sep 5, 2008
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    I don't get worried about daddy long legs, but I do freak out about garden spiders that come here around summer. A few nights ago I saw one run along the kitchen floor and go near the fridge. Every step into the kitchen is filled with paranoia :p.

    We have a picture frame above our computer monitor, which makes a nice little hiding place for critters. One night a few weeks ago, something next to the picture frame caught my eye. A garden spider, just there on the wall. I almost jumped two metres in the air.

    Then there was the one behind the bookcase. Not to mention the one that ran full-speed along the lounge room floor, directly towards me... *shudder*
  15. Carmina

    Carmina Contributor Contributor

    Sep 26, 2008
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    Woodland California
    I normally don't mind spiders, but when they grow freakishly large and resistant to Raid...I don't like them so much. We once had those wold spider in my office. The body alone was over 2 inches..then you add the crunchy hairy legs. It s was the biggest darned wolf spider I had ever seen. Anyway...we sprayed it with Raid..and it just kept going. I found it the next day on the floor in the bathroom. I sprayed it again and slammed a glass over it to hotbox it. It finally died. Toughest spider I've ever seen. You kinda have to respect that though.
  16. KP Williams

    KP Williams Active Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    My place
    I always thought spiders were cool. Not "Crawl all over me!" cool, but interesting to look at. Especially the big ones, like camel spiders (even though they aren't really spiders). You know, the ones that freak most people out. :p Snakes, too.

    But I can guarantee that one creature I will not be sharing space with is a centipede. Those things give off bad vibes, if you know what I mean. Plus, they're just creepy. I found one in my bed one time... Could hardly get to sleep that night. No idea how it even got inside.
  17. lavendershy

    lavendershy New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    Sparks, NV
    I have the problem of being mildly paranoid about spiders but hating to squish them. I'll just have to get over it, I guess. No particularly interesting stories. Found a black widow behind our house when I was eleven or twelve and totally flipped out.
  18. Coldwriter

    Coldwriter New Member

    Dec 7, 2009
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    Some say in an idealistic bubble they cant wait to
    When I was 16, I went to Brazil and it was night when I entered my host's home. In the bedroom, on the walls were two large fishing spiders taking refuge.

    They were a shave smaller than my hand.

    Well, I freaked a bit but a little boy came into the room with a broom and swatted the thing off the wall and chased it out of the house. I felt like a wuss and a total newcomer but so relieved! That night, I tucked in my mosquito net extra tight...but when I did, I imagined one of those huge spiders right by my hand. I made sure I tucked it in well the first time!

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