ad Lucem

By Iain Aschendale · Aug 20, 2019 · ·
  1. The darkness is gone, in the light now.



    Tired, so tired. Wings...

    Limbs don't connect.

    We danced, we danced and sang and sucked the sweet nectar, mated, flew through the air, the warm, bright air, after so long burrowing in the darkness, constriction, tightness and the dual emergence, first from the earth onto the Earth, and then emerging Self from self, new sensations, new abilities from a part so old it was there in the before.

    Will be there again.

    No more flight, no more nectar.

    The eggs are buried and the darkness is growing bright, a blinding not-light that beckons to whence cannot tell.

    We danced and we sang.

    Remember us.

    love to read, Moon, Malisky and 4 others like this.


  1. Iain Aschendale
    Just for whatever's sake, this little guy wasn't dead when I took his (her?) picture, he was laying on his back, waving his arms and legs feebly about in the light of the landing, but Jeebus himself couldn't save him, semi season is nearing its end.

    I left him there unmolested save for the pictures and the memorial.
      EFMingo likes this.
  2. GrahamLewis
    I always have mixed emotions when the cicadas show up. I feel warm inside because transported back to the summer days of my childhood, when we'd find the empty cicada shells and sometimes a live one. We once found one just beginning to break out of its shell and put it in a box to watch it emerge. Once it was out, but still not ready to fly we took it back outside and put it on a tree branch to dry out and take wing. But instead a bird flew down and carried it off.

    Oh yeah, mixed emotions. They always start up in the later second half of summer, which means summer is drawing to its close, when the time of browning and of fallen leaves takes hold, and we begin the long slide into the cold of winter. A sort of melancholy feeling.
      Iain Aschendale likes this.
  3. Moon
    The circle of life. Cicadas are adorable little noise makers. Hopefully the little one found Cicaeezus and is at peace.
      Iain Aschendale likes this.
  4. v_k
    Buzz never laid an egg.
    And so he never died.
    As later was discovered.
    He was secretly a guy
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