As Above so Below, as Within so Without

By Xoic · Mar 1, 2022 · ·
  1. [​IMG]
    If you study the ancient Hermetic traditions (Astrology, Alchemy, Tarot, etc) you'll run into this phrase many times. Probably not the whole thing, usually half of it. I've just combined them. It's usually either "As above so below" or "As within, so without." And it means essentially the same thing as "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you."

    It means you have a tendency to see things happening around you, outside of you, that are also happening within you. The terms Above and Within both refer to your psyche, and without and below to the external world. This phenomenon of duality is what psychology refers to as Projection.

    See, you have these little people inside you. Well, really they're more like little gods and goddesses, heroes, monsters, devils, and demons. You know they live inside because they come out and play in your dreams, and if you're a perceptive person you understand your dreams are telling you things about you, interior things. And they often do it by showing you these figures, these characters, that each embody some trait.

    But the way we recognize these traits is often through projection. It's hard for us to see certain traits (namely the more negative or embarrassing ones) inside ourselves, but we sure can see those in other people! You've seen many Caines walking around in your life, many Lokis, been tempted by many Satans. And if you're lucky from time to time you run across a more enlightened person who might help you or get you through a difficult spot.

    I did a post some time back called The Gods Are Abstracted Human Traits covering some of this, specifically how it seems people arrived at the notion of personifying various traits in the form of gods and goddesses and the rest of the mythological/religious figures.

    As within, so without. You see people who seem to personify certain traits, and in your dreams you'll encounter one of those people, or perhaps it's more like a combination of several of them. Or better yet a distillation of the trait itself, abstracted from a lot of them but seen in a more pure form.

    This doesn't only happen in dreams of course, that's just where we become most easily familiar with the process, which happens inside the psyche itself. Deep in the unconscious somewhere, where mysterious things are always happening.

    It's a bit unfortunate that we call it the unconscious. In a way it's the right term, because it refers to that part of the mind (by far the biggest part of it, at least ten times the size of the part we can consciously monitor) where things happen without our being aware of them. In other words the part of our mind that exists below the threshold of conscious awareness.

    So unconscious doesn't mean it's 'asleep' or knocked out, it just means we aren't able to become consciously aware of what's going on in there. It has what seems to be an autonomous life of its own, as if it's a completely different personality, doing things we have no knowledge of. Or more properly many separate intelligences, working on us without our awareness.

    It communicates with the conscious part of the mind, most noticeably through dreams. And since language isn't really a function of the unconscious (or embodied mind as I've heard it called, which is a great term for it), it doesn't communicate with words in proper sentence structure, the way we're most familiar with communication. It works through symbols and metaphors.

    This is why Jung maintains that the way to understand dreams is to see the figures not as external people. In other words, if you dream about your brother or your dad or a friend, it isn't really about that person, at least not entirely. The thing to do is to think about how you would describe that person in one sentence to somebody who's never met them, especially in relation to what they did in the dream. For example—you dream about a friend who (in the dream) does something terrible. You wake up and think "Oh that jerk, why would he do that? What is the dream telling me, is he going to betray me? I'd better keep an eye on him."

    No. Dreams can't predict the future, and they don't know what people you know are going to do.

    It's trying to tell you something about yourself, some inner truth, that you need to be aware of. And it's doing that symbolically, by showing you particular people who have particular traits. Think about that friend—what is he like? If you go back through your memories of interacting with him, what are the most egregious kinds of things he's done? You want to pay attention especially to the most emotionally charged memories. Has he betrayed you? Maybe more than once? And does he have a history of doing that? He may be what your unconscious has chosen to represent The Betrayer (a Judas, Caine, Loki, or at the most pure level a Satan).
    So the microcosm is literally like the macrocosm—a little reflection or copy of it. As within, so without. What's happening inside of you, symbolized by these figures who act out their roles in your dreams, is a reflection of what's happening around you in the 'real' world. The physical world. There are betrayers in both worlds, and helpers, and various other kinds of figures who play their roles. What's important in interpreting dreams is to try to discover the roles.

    As above so below is just another way of symbolizing the same truth. The empathic people, the ones most sensitive to these hidden realities, the shamans or witch doctors or prophets or messiahs etc, could see this more clearly, and they were able to figure it out. They didn't have a clinical language of psychology, and they had to come up with ways to communicate ideas that went sometimes entirely beyond their understanding of what they had experienced, so they spoke of a magical land, a place where these figures dwell and they can do amazing things (isn't that true in dreams?)

    But they knew it was more than just dreams. Dreams are merely a reflection of the processes happening inside the psyche. They were aware of this, but again they didn't have technical language to frame it through, so they spoke of this magical land, in fact two of them. A good place where you can dwell if you avoid the dark temptations offered by the inner betrayers, and live according to the principles they enumerated as the virtues. But they advise to steer clear of the vices, such as anger, greed, jealousy, gluttony etc, because they learned if they gave in to those then it became much more difficult to enter into that realm, that inner state of calm and peace and bliss. In fact if they gave in to the temptations, that inner place became more like a seething snake pit filled with fire and pain.

    So they taught to avoid those temptations. To walk the straight and narrow path of clean living, and it will lead to the succession of spiritual awakenings they had experienced many times, at many different scales. If you remain on that straight and narrow path the awakening experiences get bigger and more powerful.
    There are all manner of awakenings, some very small and quite common, and some larger and far less common. At the small end of the spectrum it's little more than just joy and a sense of inner wellbeing. But as a person progresses on the path and learns to avoid the sins more and more and to treat others as they themselves would like to be treated (with love and respect), you begin to experience the larger and more powerful awakenings now and then, leading up to the really overwhelming ones like Jung had at the end of his period of Active Imagination sessions, when he dreamed of attending a big wedding between two mythological gods and was filled to overflowing with pure bliss of an unimaginable intensity. He woke from it and for a long time (weeks?) he retained the bliss and the sense that all is connected, that all is filled with pure love, and in fact that all is made from pure love. Science is getting close to discovering this. They're right that matter is made of energy, but they haven't yet discovered that that energy is love.

    This is The Word, the Logos. It's what God is. It's what He is made of, and what he made the world and everything in it from, including us. Including you. It's just difficult to discern this until you clear yourself of all the vices that block you from experiencing it, and awaken the inner Christ consciousness that will grow (like a thousand-petaled lotus) and bless you infinitely. You reach this inner state through meditation, or that's one very effective method anyway. It's what is often called Silence in ancient disciplines, or symbolized as wandering through the desert, far from contact with the madding crowd, which will contaminate you with boundless vice.

    If you saw the Jill Bolte Taylor video I posted a couple of times, it becomes clear it has a lot to do with the left and right brain hemispheres. She had an aneurysm in the left hemisphere that shut down her language centers and apparently also whatever filters prevent us from experiencing this pure bliss, this sense of absolute connectedness with the entire universe and everyone in it.

    What the heck, I'll drop it here again:


  1. Xoic
    In the book Waking From Sleep: Why Awakening Experiences Occur and How to Make them Permanent, Steve Taylor explains the variety of awakening experiences. At the low end of the scale they're just very ordinary things we've all felt many times, moments when your inner world lights up and you're filled with warmth, love and joy for a while, and maybe it tinges the rest of your day or week.

    Wait, back up. First I should explain this. He says his extensive studies into the levels of consciousness available to us has shown him (and many spiritual and religious personages have confirmed) that most of us live perpetually in a state that's really akin to a kind of sleep, and that from time to time something happens that awakens us briefly to a higher state. There are levels of these higher states, or it's a spectrum.

    Some of the things that can lead to awakenings are the flow state, meditation, love, sex, psychoactive drugs, dancing, singing, drum ceremonies, and collective social experiences where happiness and love sweep through the gathering.

    Here's an example of one of those last types:

    See if you can remain unaffected by it. Go ahead, I dare you. Joy is infectious.
  2. Xoic
  3. Xoic
    Levity is the true anti-gravity

    It once occurred to me that the true anti-gravity is levity, if you consider all the meanings of that word. You can have a grave countenance. You can engrave something, which means the lettering or lines are sunken down below the surface. A grave is below the earth, was well as a place of great graveness. And what is gravity itself (I mean the force) other than something that continually pulls down on everything?

    Levity also has several linked meanings. Levitation for one. Laughter. Laughter lightens you, lifts you up, and destroys a grave countenance.

    When you have one of these moments of awakening colors become brighter. Everything seems suffused with light and joy. You feel lighter, buoyant. Lifted up even. Enlightened, quite literally, as well as seeming to be filled with light.
  4. Xoic
    Love can also enlighten. In all its forms, not just the romantic and sexual ones. A touching moment of shared kindness with a stranger, or someone you know. Finding and expressing love inside yourself, and coming into deeper contact with it. Gratitude.

    It's well known that people who frequently express gratitude are engaging in a form of self-therapy that's extremely effective, and if you do it a lot it grows in you, you become filled with light and lightness.
  5. Xoic
    About Jung's Mysterium Conjungctionis (mythological wedding dream):

    He interpreted the dream as the union of the 2 parts of the psyche—the masculine and the feminine. The two parts of the Yin/Yang symbol. Representing the 2 hemispheres, aka the conscious (masculine) and the unconscious (feminine).

    He had carried on a lengthy communication between the conscious and the unconscious, by paying close attention to his dreams and learning to interpret them effectively, and also through his Active Imagination work. He had retracted his projections to a large extent through his shadow and anima work *. This means recognizing and welcoming the parts of yourself you've discarded and alienated throughout your life. Bringing them all back home, and uniting all the separated elements of his psyche. This last part would fall under the banner of self-knowledge, or Know Thyself, as was inscribed above the entrance at Delphi.

    * This must count to a large extent as overcoming the sins or the vices.
  6. Xoic
    Awakening in Church

    I imagine many many people have awakening experiences in church, especially if they go to a good church with a good atmosphere and whoever is doing sermons is engaging and positive. The person also needs to be receptive and open to what's happening, especially on a subtle level. Group Participation experiences can definitely kick off awakening, especially if there's a degree of the numinous (religious or spiritual energy) involved.

    Such an experience, in a really receptive person, can have a lasting effect, that inner glow of warmth and light and bliss. I don't know, maybe it lasts well into the week, and then maybe they experience them regularly? The more you go through it, the more accumulative I believe the effects are. Enough low-level awakening experiences can cause more medium-level experiences, and those can lead to high-level ones. It seems to have a sort of cascade effect, at least sometimes. No guarantees of course.
  7. Xoic
    A Particular Set of Skills

    One of the things I'm interested in is that as you become more spiritually aware, it increases your sensitivity to many things. You become more attuned to other people, to the world around you, and the world inside you. In ways that make you a far better artist. This is part of the subject matter of the Meaning Crisis video series by John Vervaeke.

    There's also the thing I've mentioned several times—that as you deepen in spiritual awareness you may well lose interest in all your current hobbies and activities. That one concerns me, because I've worked for a long time to develop skills as an artist and a writer, and from where I stand now, I don't want to jettison those and become a missionary or something instead. It seems it would be a tremendous waste. Sort of like being hired to work for a company when you have a great deal of skill at something, but they put you to work as a janitor.

    But from what I've been learning, it all depends on what your interests are.

    There are several people that I believe have had high-level spiritual awakenings (to the point of constellating the Self and dissolving the ego) and have continued to do what they were doing before. Jung, Jordan Peterson, and Socrates, to name a few.

    I think the reason they were able to continue their work was because that work was not frivolous, it served the greater community in an important way. They had each developed a very particular set of skills (lol, I can't say that without picturing a grim and determined Liam Neeson) and were already using it in ways that benefitted a great number of people in ways that were not opposed to spirituality, and in fact were in alignment with it.

    So if I want to continue to do my art (he says, arrogantly assuming he's going to experience some form of spiritual awakening), my art and my writing need to be of benefit to people, not just entertainment. Or maybe entertainment is good too, as long as it isn't too materialistic or ego-bound. This is all stuff to feel my way through as I move forward and upwards (fingers crossed).
  8. Xoic
    If You Love Something Let It Go

    ... If it comes back, then it's yours forever. I believe this is necessary in the realm of the spiritual. You must be willing to sacrifice everything, otherwise everything will be taken from you. But if you are willing to make the sacrifices, to give it all up for the sake of Spirit or God, then it will be returned.

    What this means is, I suspect a strong desire to hold onto for instance your art, could be a block. I htink you need to have thought it through, wrestled with it in all seriousness many times, and decide that if Spirit or God take art away from you and put you somewhere to do their work, then that's exactly what you'll do.

    It's tricky though, because if you're willing to give it up, maybe that means you don't really want or need it? Aaaaggggh... so tricky to navigate this stuff.

    I also suspect as you move forward (If you do) you'll know, or feel, what to do. You'll know what's right.
  9. Xoic
  10. Xoic
    This video is so good I didn't want to post it here, but I want to keep the link somewhere, so here I shall post it. After all the intellectual study and searching, this is
    The real nature of esoteric knowledge:

    Hah! It seems totally appropriate for a video about esoteric knowledge to be a black rectangle proclaiming VIDEO UNAVAILABLE, that you must click through to seek beyond it. I shall keep it as is.

    You are seeing Kubrick's monolith turned on its side.
  11. Xoic
    Found another excellent book
    "A deeply affirmative book, Theosophia introduces wholly unexpected aspects of Christian tradition. Where mainstream Christianity seems "anti-nature," Christian theosophy affirms a profound nature-mysticism; where it seems anti-erotic, theosophy affirms a powerful religious eroticism; and where it is portrayed as rigidly patriarchal, theosophy affirms a mysticism founded in the divine Sophia, the feminine personification of wisdom."
  12. Xoic

    A little something to set the mood, a real uplifter of the spirit.

    For several days now I've been utterly incapable of calm quiet contemplation. No matter what, my mind wells up with frantic activity in seconds. Plus I'm unable to concentrate on what I read or watch. I've re-started episode 5 of the Meaning Crisis series several times and I keep missing huge chunks of it.

    And suddenly it hit me—I started drinking caffeinated coffee recently.


    Well no wonder!! I don't even understand how I didn't realize it immediately. Willful ignorance maybe? Anyway, put the red canister away (might throw it away) and back to the green one. Hopefully in a few days clarity and blissful silence return.
  13. Xoic
    Concentration is returning. Made it through episode 5 last night with maybe 60 or 70 % comprehension. Hey, good enough!! Then I burned through another three and a half episodes. Vervaeke isn't as charismatic as Peterson, but his material is excellent, and a perfect complement to the Biblical lectures, combining philosophy and psychology to explain the mysteries we know as religion and spirituality. Turns out there are realities there that we've misunderstood (as a society) and learned to treat with arrogant contempt.
  14. Xoic
    Today's intellectual elite have a gut-level visceral reaction against Jung, Peterson, and anyone else who would be considered a mystic or aligned with esoteric religion, essentially because the mystics and the esoteric believe in transcendence and redemption. They not only believe in it, they demonstrate these things are real!

    Ever since Nietzsche declared the death of God (shortly before Jung announced his resurrection within the human psyche), the intellectual elite have tried to convince us that the Human Condition consists of nothing but misery, confusion and hopelessness.

    Vervaeke talks about Absurdism (something I've covered on this blog), and it turns out to be a worldview consisting of rational materialism with no belief in transcendence or redemption or even human connectedness. They recoil in horror and contempt at the very mention of those things. Well, it does make sense... if you want the populace to be compliant and easily manipulated, you teach them there's no hope, that religion and spirituality are nothing but stupid primitive superstitions. But they aren't necessarily doing it on purpose.

    The intellect is tyrannical and has a tendency to assume control and push the unconscious and its products down whenever it can. And of course it's in the unconscious where transcendence and redemption occur. You must cultivate a relationship of respect and cooperation with it, not treat it with contempt and disdain.

    There's a tremendous difference between intellect and wisdom. Intellect is empty and sterile and falls in love with its own productions.
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