
  1. Reprints at Anthology Builder

    The Void Test, The Wayab's Tower, The Wall, and Fortune Cookie are all available now on AnthologyBuilder.
  2. Champagne Shivers

    "So Cold My Blood Freezes," to Champagne Shivers (Feb 2010). “Tom’s late,” Marinne said, staring out the snow-dusted window of the cabin. “Town’s not that far away. He should’ve been back by sunset.” “The storm must have caught him,” her mother cackled. She gave the floor before her rocker a good stomp, sending her chair creaking back and forth beside the stove. “It blew over hours ago.” “It must have really caught him.” As my sister says, 'the important thing is keeping...
  3. Thoughtcrime Experiments

    "Goldenseed" to Thoughtcrime Experiments (May 2009). Andra Nattinsen says that Xanathen Kurtler did not die of greed. But what, then, did he die of? And why did he plant those orchards of golden apples? At $200 for around 4,000 words, this is my first pro sale. Needless to say, I'm very excited :D. Here's the rest of the anthology, with links to the many formats available. Review: Erica Naone calls "Goldenseed" "A True Thoughtcrime Experiment."
  4. Sword and Sorceress 24

    "Lord Shashensa" to Sword and Sorceress 24 (November 15, 2009). Available at Amazon, Powell's Books, or Barnes & Noble. Surrounded by the invading Dhoth, with her fields burned and winter coming, Treseda Nudoath finds herself taking refuge in dreams, dreams which are comforting but useless. Or are they? An interview with Jonathan Moeller can be found here or here (it's the same interview, different sites. By the way, Moeller's blogs are pretty entertaining even when it's not a Friday...
  5. M-BRANE LGBT Anthology--Things We Are Not

    "Reila's Machine" to the M-BRANE SF magazine's anthology of LGBT science fiction stories titled Things We Are Not. October 15, 2009; pre-orders available starting 9/28. In the lands ruled by the Sky Cities, humans are forbidden to build flying machines. But Eresbet, a vagabond and small-time thief, stumbles right into the middle of high treason when she hides from the law at Reila Klaes' homestead, where the mechanic is completing her greatest experiment. And that's not all, because...
  6. "Goldenseed" on AnthologyBuilder

    "Goldenseed" is now available on the POD anthology-building website.
  7. Some Updates

    "The Gallows Wife" will appear in Semaphore Magazine's 2009 anthology. Also, my story "The Beacon and the Keeper" is a finalist in the Rising Stars Division (for writers 18 and younger) in the AnthologyBuilder Match-That-Artwork contest. Exciting times!
  8. All About Eve anthology

    My short story "How the Woman Brought Death" will be one of the 17 stories in the new anthology All About Eve from Wolfsinger Publications. In this retelling, the sin that resulted in the first woman (and man) being cast from the Garden was not giving in to temptation, but resisting it--and fighting back. The woman quickly realizes that nothing good can come out of violence, but can she convince the rest of the rapidly growing human family of the truth?
  9. Warrior Wisewoman 3

    "To the Alter" will be published in Warrior Wisewoman 3, from Norilana Books. (links: Amazon and, for those of you who fear Amazon is taking over the world, Barnes & Noble). From reviewer Leigh Kimmel: Throughout history men have made the decision to go to war while women have dutifully sent their sons off to kill and die and have kept the home front going in their absence. In Therese Arkenberg's "To the Altar," a woman president on a far distant colony world is fighting a war not...
  10. Stories available on AnthologyBuilder

    "Mother" and "So Cold My Blood Freezes" are now available on AnthologyBuilder. Editor Nancy Fulda describes "Mother" as "an Adam and Eve story with a sweet and somewhat plaintive tone."
  11. Shadows Within Shadows--Static Movement

    "The Gallows Wife" has been reprinted in Static Movement's Shadows Within Shadows anthology.
  12. Nevermet Press

    A shorter version of "Lord Shashensa" has been published on the Nevermet Press website. It is also available in the ebook anthology, Stories in the Ether: Issue One.
  13. Comets and Criminals

    "Following the Mercy Man," a dark post-apocalyptic story (as opposed to a bouncier, happier post-apocalypse) will be published in the first issue of new magazine Comets and Criminals.
  14. WolfSongs 2

    My short story "The Loving and Keeping of Wolves" is in WolfSongs 2 from WolfSinger Publications. She had studied his movements for weeks, and one mist-shrouded morning Tamsa came to the clearing where she knew he would be. He kept the wolfskin there, hidden in the brush around the clear spring. It took her a little time to find it, but she had watched him on many occasions before, studying where he dug for the folded skin and then, when he had changed back, the bundle of his clothes. She...
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