Character Developement

  1. Being mean/cruel to characters

    Sometimes in a character's life or development, things need to happen that are mean and/or cruel to allow them to experience a real life. We all have suffered through mean and cruel things in our lives, which have developed us into the people we are, and the same for them. I know it sounds weird, but Kate tells me her entire life as I write her story, and it's interesting to listen to. The amount of mean things that have happened to her is simply amazing, but the character is so vivid from...
  2. Reworking introductory chapters

    Sometimes when you're editing something just doesn't sit right, and it just sticks in your craw and eats at you. Last night, I had one of those moments while trying to get to sleep. It was nearly 4am EDT before I manged to fall asleep, and my thoughts kept going back to Kate, my MC, and both this book and the new one I'm halfway starting. For the longest time, I couldn't figure out what kept my minding moving so much until it dawned on me. The opening to the first novel's second chapter...
  3. Coming this week

    Several blog posts on writing from the heart and how it relates to character building and style of writing. Also, I'll be putting up some information about social networking and what I'm learning is effective and what isn't. I'll link things up when it's ready.
  4. Writing from the Heart

    One of the things I see a lot on writing forums are beginning writers asking about characters. It seems that creating characters is challenging to those who are just starting. In reality, they’re not. The problem most people have is they don’t realize that writing comes from the heart. What do I mean by that? Well, here’s a brief explanation. I created a character named Kate over twenty years ago while I was in middle school and carried her with me until late this past fall. She was a...
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