General Writing

  1. A Slow Start

    So this first entry is going to be a little warm-up. everyone always wantd to rush into things right? I've learned my lesson the hard way with that. so focused on the end-game then the actual journey itself. life is about getting to know things. I know as a child for me I had the feeling of constantly being rushed. everything needed to get done on someone elses time. racing against a clock that never stops. We live in a world that never stops. We never have the same moment Twice. even if its...
  2. ..All A Waste..

    What do you have to do to be immortalized in someones permanent record? Do you think it matters whether we have been in someones presence 6 minutes or 6 Years? Everyone seems to be looking at the same clock but we are rarely in the same time zone. It doesn't seem like people genuinely take the time to get to know people anymore. we fill the silence with empty conversation and avoid the difficult conversation because we can't control the response. That's what Life seems to be about anymore;...
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