Just for fun

  1. Invasion of Daley Farm - A Short Story

    Mr Daley died last winter leaving Mrs Daley a widow, her children were all grown and had moved away to big cities, no longer content on a small dairy farm in the english country side. She milked the cows by hand, refusing to go against tradition. At the end of a long day her hands were sore and her back ached but she went to bed happy in the knowledge that every pint of milk she sold at the farmers market had been milked by her own hands, a whole lot of love went into one glass of fresh...
  2. Decisions, decisions.

    I had a moment of discovery this morning, whilst trying desperately to tame this mop of wild red hair, I stepped on a plug, fell into my wardrobe and got hit in the head with a full can of hairspray, haha isn't that hilarious? Well after I picked myself up off the floor and put the hairspray back I just happened to look up and saw a stack of paper peeking over the edge of my wardrobe. Well it turns out that stack of paper is a story I started about 2 years ago that I never finished and as...
  3. Critic

    I posted a very good, overly honest friend of mine my completed manuscript on Thursday, fingers crossed she likes it. I sent it to her because I know she will be honest with me because she loves me. She will spot all the spelling mistakes I have missed and will tell me if it's a load of crap because she wants me to succeed. Waiting for her verdict is killing me, patience and I don't exactly go well together! She's my biggest and best critic, but my biggest fans have always been and will...
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