
  1. ..All A Waste..

    What do you have to do to be immortalized in someones permanent record? Do you think it matters whether we have been in someones presence 6 minutes or 6 Years? Everyone seems to be looking at the same clock but we are rarely in the same time zone. It doesn't seem like people genuinely take the time to get to know people anymore. we fill the silence with empty conversation and avoid the difficult conversation because we can't control the response. That's what Life seems to be about anymore;...
  2. Dog's sick...

    We took her to the vet today. She was too weak to even walk into the office. We had to carry her. She's lost a lot of weight. She got sick a couple of weeks ago, right after the last time she got loose. I don't know if her running around has to do with whatever is wrong with her. She's eleven now, so I suppose that she's going to have off days, but I'm worried about her. I cried the whole way through the vet visit, even though there was nothing particularly wrong. They're...
  3. I did not die

    Today, my friends, I tried a new and dangerous thing: driving. Yes, I'm that young. Just finishing up driver's ed. I get my permit this Wednesday, my liscense next year. Today was my BTW (Behind-The-Wheel) driving sentence/test. Four hours of me, some freshman girl I don't know, and the teacher. I thought I was going to die. Every time we came to an intersection, I instinctively slunk to a fetal position in the floorboard (Or thought about it, if I was driving). I have had a...
  4. My summer in thirteen words.

    Things I like: ...................... Things I hate: 1. Driving ...........................1. Eighteen-wheelers 2. Swimming .......................2. Jellyfish Thank you.
  5. On the road again...

    Gah. Driving's a pain. Let me just rant for a minute. My parental units have taken it upon themselves to train me in the art of wasting gallons of fossil fuels. And they don't seem to like the way I drive. I'm sorry, but if an eighteen-wheeler is barrelling towards me, I'm probably going to pull away. Nevermind there's white line there--if I go over the line, I'll just get back on the road. Better than dead. Also, since I happen to live on some curvy-ass road in the middle of...
  6. Snow day!!

    Not that it matters to me, since I have the whole week off for exams anyway... but it brings out my inner child. My corner of the world has been in a severe drought for just under a year. This has been the driest winter ever. Compounded with the fact that we haven't had snow for five years, and I was totally in awe when I saw the white stuff heaped everywhere this morning. So, of course, I go out to play. I can be a four-year-old when I want to, right? I spent about an hour...
  7. Staring Into Space

    I wonder if I can remember what his voice sounded like. The way he said my name because he knew I'd smile and laugh. I always think of him when I listen to my heavier music, knowing he'd find me silly for it, for that, of all things, being the thing I am pulled into the depths of my memories with him. It's been ten years and the pain of losing Robbie is not lesser. It's crushing me
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