
  1. Process Description (Grading)

    So you've got the grades all ready, but you need to add the results of the final exams. Sign in, pull up the official score page. Transcribe the grades, one by one, into your gradebook. Lather, rinse, repeat as many times as necessary. Go back to the gradebook, pull up the final exam results one more time, double-check your entries. Lather, rinse, repeat as many times as necessary. Go back to the gradebook, calculate in the penalties by hand as the software isn't set up for that,...
  2. Oubliette

    Nothing to do with this joint or you lot. "I'm so glad I could get that off my chest." "I just needed someone to talk to." "Keep this between you and me, okay?" Yeah, okay, fine. Y'know what the worst thing about being trustworthy is? Everybody knows, everybody knows, everybody knows that you can be trusted. They can tell you about their concerns about Smith from Accounting. They can tell you that Jones from Marketing is fucking Baker from Baking. They can tell you that they've been...
  3. The Empty Chair

    Waiting in line this morning and a man in his fifties brazenly cut straight in front of me and a dozen other passengers to secure the best seat on the bus for himself and I find a spot sit down open the virtual paper on my phone and see an opinion piece demanding sensory friendly showings of movies and plays for people with autism and that Belgian law allows euthanasia of people with autism and that a middle-class white woman is complaining that someone laughed at her child’s name which is...
  4. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Base ingredients without seasoning usually are, aren't they? "So you're saying the white flour is tasteless, why even bother baking it and making a sandwich?" Seriously though, the stuffing gets made in the oven a day or so before. It's not safe to stuff a turkey that's going in the smoker, and I can't do it the same day because the genius who wired my apartment building put all the outlets on the same breaker, so running the oven and smoker at the same time results in a blackout. So...
  5. Orthopraxy

    I don't believe you. I don't ask you to believe me. But I'll do my best to treat you as you wish to be treated, even if I think you're full of shit, so long as that shit isn't spilling over into my life and messing with my day, and in doing so, I hope I'll have kept my shit out of your day.
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