Personal Writing

  1. Friends who Journal: Turning Their Rant into Poetry

    I good friend of mine, Delilah, keeps a diary in the traditional sense. She writes in it (nightly, I think) to record anything in her day that affected her and any thoughts she needs to work through. Sometimes, Delilah exchanges her jumble of thoughts for a well-organized rant. One day, she seemed like she needed to talk about something; she appeared agitated. She gave me the gist of the situation, then allowed me to read her angst-ridden prose. A friend of Delilah's from private school,...
  2. How I Will Make Millions: The Idea of the Century

    As I lie in bed at the end of the day, I begin my process of falling asleep with a brainstorm. This is when I attempt some physical character development of my WIP characters for my own use (I tend not to care how my audience visualizes my characters as long as any plot-moving physical traits are defined). When I begin to see fractals in the darkness behind my eyelids, I switch over to entertain new story ideas. Though I always keep a pen and notebook on my bedside table, I rarely record new...
  3. Amazing Achievement

    Last night, I finally breached 10 000 words! That's definitely a small miracle for someone with my attention span. :p It's currently my second longest piece ever! In addition to that, my story has officially evolved completely from my original idea. I feel like this was supposed to happen - I had so many holes and unanswered questions before, but now everything is coming together. I know I'm excited because my family simply roll their eyes when I start talking about it. Switching from...
  4. Falling on my Face

    At 13 500 words. Major anxiety. Therapy cancelled this week. Hallucinations? Help!
  5. Of brave and foolish hearts

    The average heart weighs less than a pound and is the size of a human fist. It begins its work around the fifth week of pregnancy. And it has an enormous workload. It beats about 100000 to 150000 times a day, pumping about 7000 litres of blood through the body. Sometimes, it can get a bit out of rhythm. So it’s lucky that the mind stands by its side. It has developed a small machine to help the heart: The pacemaker. Even with this helpful little device, the heart isn’t invincible: A heart...
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