Plot Developement

  1. Ur Reek Argh! ™

    A most fowl odor emanated from the refrigerator! So as not to succumb to the nauseating gaseous smell seeping into my nostrils, I slowly slithered and slunk ever so into the kitchen! There, the stench nearly toppled me over despite donning a gas mask and space suit! Green fetid fumes curled from the right hand crisper and caused me to gag! With a deep inhalation the gloved fingers of my right hand stretched out to brave the noxious dying dragon breath! Despite...
  2. The burial of Scott Matthews ™

    The undertaker drew a deep breath! He exhaled little billows of cold air while awaiting the hearst carrying my lifeless body. Prior to death, I took special pains to select an ideal plot. A mossy glen with a mill by the pond of my boyhood swimming hole served like the ideal welcome mat for the return of this native son long gone from his family estate of Glen Elm. Death struck unexpectedly while dodging the madding crowd jostling to get a glimpse of this renown author where...
  3. Letter to Katelyn Heberlein ™

    Wow! No need to Apollo g eyes For no doubt what with priorities Per self and employ mint foremost And google d by other guys Yar email came as a pleasant sir prize To a chap whose delight and any personal thought Kept hermetically sealed - since divulgence could be moost unwise. Prior mis-steps - way back before i took that promise and pledged troth Actually, a passive decision on my part akin to a blinded moth Blithe comments toward this, that or any other gal who me...
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