Progress of my first novel

  1. Slowly Getting There

    Well, another week has ended. I did not get to write as much as I would have liked due to the day job. Gotta pay the bills, don't you know. :rolleyes: However, I did write 1035 words today - my most to date. So, now my novel is up to a whopping 5122 words. *snickers* Ummm, I have just a 'few' more words to go. ;) In my defense, I have been doing research on various details of my story (places, etc). And, I've been reading posts on forums on various topics concerning how-to writing...
  2. Too Early for a Change?

    Well, after hem-hawing for most of the day now, I have decided (for the time being) to delete the actual murder from the story. I have saved it to a Notepad file in case I decide to put it back in. It was its own section, so there really is no problem putting it back in. So, instead of starting page 3 of the story, I'm back to page 1. *grins* I know this is only the first draft and that I should just be typing as things come to me; laying out the whole story from start to finish....
  3. Day 1 - Tis the Beginning

    After reading the latest chapter of a "Castle" fan fiction story, I was left thinking of how the author could have written it to add a twist. Within minutes, that thought morphed into "OMG! I just thought of a new novel!". So, I spent the afternoon and night joining and reading fiction writing forum posts to pick up ideas on the writing process and what potential pitfalls to avoid. Now I have my main and supporting characters (except those that come into the story for a few moments,...
  4. Day 3 - Good progress I believe

    Even though I have not been able to devote a large portion of the day to write, as day 3 draws to a close, I believe I have made good overall progress on my first book. Thus far: Characters and their basic descriptions have been mapped out. The overall plot and sub-plots have been laid out. Deeper character descriptions have been made on 2 of the main characters. The title page of the book has been formated. Found several good quotes to use throughout the book (thanks to Hubby)....
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