
  1. Getting my Ideas together

    So I noticed this site had a blog section and while I do have my own website that I use to update on my life, I think I'm going to be using this blog to try and keep track of the different novels I plan on writing, along with where they are currently, etc. Demonized: Currently outlining =Untitled=: Have characters, no title yet, will outline after finished with Demonized Soot and Clouds: Currently being written, plan on rewriting Bloody Collar: Plan on rewriting Buraddisodo: Plan on...
  2. New Ideas ahead

    So while I was out and about on campus today, I overheard a conversation between what seemed like a couple. The woman I passed was saying something about how the other couldn't find her even though she's right there. This gave me a really cool idea I wanted to add to my list of stories. I also found an old story concept in one of my journals, so I wanted to add that along as well to make sure I could remember to touch on it again. Demonized: Currently outlining =Untitled=: Have characters,...
  3. Too many ideas

    I decided that this would be a good place to update whenever there is a change in the stories, be it a status update, or adding/removing different ideas. Check back often to see what's going on with the novels! Demonized: First Draft in the works;11752 words Prince and The Gangster: Outlining, working on actual title Soot and Clouds: Currently being written, plan on rewriting Bloody Collar: Plan on rewriting Buraddisodo: Plan on rewriting and retitling Change is Coming: Plan on rewriting...
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