Publishing News

  1. Publishing Update

    Just some news regarding the world of publishing. I have been writing, submitting, rewiting, and resubmitting on an endless cycle lately. It's finally good to see some positive results. Recently, The Desolate and the Divine (a poem) was published in the February issue of Obsessed Writers Group Newsletter under the name Michael Cristiano. It can be read here. I'm open to any reviews of it posted on this blog. Also, in upcoming publishing news, The Daydreamer, another poem, is going to...
  2. Highs Among a Low

    Wow, it's been a while since I've used this thing. Despite my creative low, I've (still) been attempting to find homes for older works that I have written. I guess it's sort of helpful, since I've just been getting angry at myself lately for not being able to write anything that I find suitable to keep :rolleyes: Anyway, I received an acceptance today (among a rejection also). The tanka entitled Remains of Yesterday will be published in the August 2008 issue of Static Movement...
  3. Remains of Yesterday

    Remains of Yesterday has been featured in the electronic version of the September issue of Static Movement Magazine. It can be read here, and comments can be left in this blog if you are so inclined. It can be found in the poetry section at the bottom of the page under the name M.V.A. Cristiano. ~ InPieces
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