Silly Story

  1. He Didn't Even Look at Her

    Warning: Twitter drama. I normally zip right past these sorts of things, but this stuck with me like when a popcorn husk gets stuck between your gums and your teeth, and you've got to keep on working at it but it just doesn't come out. I eat a lot of popcorn... anyway look at this. Preamble: It's okay to have an opinion. It's also okay to have a bad take. It's okay to say a woman isn't beautiful. As far as anything insulting goes, it's hardly the worst thing someone can say. I'm not worried...
  2. Chudz Blog 6

    Chudz Blog: (Entry 6) Beer Quest – Part 4 (The Scene: Stars shine overhead as a nameless field swims gradually into view. Looking closer, we notice fresh scars deep in the shadowed earth and see three inert figures sprawled amongst the tall grasses. Then they begin to stir.) Mr. B rises on four unsteady legs and begins kissing the ground repeatedly. Chudz mumbles: Jeebus Christ, why don't you two just get a room. Mr. B chuckles. CB stumbles upright, tendrils of smoke rising...
  3. Teh Beginnin'

    This is just some goofiness that I started in another blog and will maybe never finish. Chudz is played by big-ol-fat me. Mr. Beanie Bear is a portly black bear who has a penchant for wearing one of those old-fashioned beanies that has a propeller on top. And Chudz Blog is a cross between Frankenstein and a Transformer. It was done along the lines of a script for a TV show. Without the formatting of a real TV show script. Enjoy! Or not, hehe. Chudz Blog: (Entry 1) Stardate . . . um . . ....
  4. Chudz Blog 2

    Chudz Blog: (Entry 2) CB reporting . . . Note: For the sake of brevity, Chudz Blog is now being referred to as “CB”, and Mr. Beanie Bear will mostly be referred to by his sobriquet of “Mr. B”. (The Scene: Our three characters have dragged the charred mini-fridge out of the tower and into a nearby, deserted field, where Chudz is delivering a eulogy.) Chudz says: It was a good fridge and a brave fridge. It steadfastly cooled our . . . sniffle . . . beer through all seasons, never...
  5. Chudz Blog 3

    Chudz Blog: (Entry 3) Beer Quest – Part 1 (The Scene: Our three misfits have narrowly escaped their earlier dilemma, by barricading themselves inside the tower. And after haranguing them for over an hour, an angry Farmer Jenkins has just pulled away.) Chudz says: Whew, I thought he’d never leave. Mr. B. nods in agreement. CB says: How do we know he’s not sneaking back? Chudz says: Hmm, good point. Mr. B. can you take a quick peak out the window and make sure, please? Mr. B....
  6. Chudz Blog 4

    Chudz Blog: (Entry 4) Beer Quest – Part 2 (The Scene: Several hours have passed, during which time Chudz and company have brainstormed their way to a rather intricate plan, officially known as “Operation Get Beer”. Unofficially, it has “without getting shot-up by some psycho *Beep*” tacked onto the end of it. The sky has started to darken, and they’re now crouched on top of the tower, waiting for the pizza delivery guy (AKA – The Decoy) to show up. Mr. B. and Chudz are both wearing flight...
  7. Chudz Blog 5

    Chudz Blog: (Entry 5) Beer Quest – Part 3 (The Scene: Twilight is descending. We find ourselves hovering over an empty construction site where several luxury homes are being erected, about a half-mile from Chudz Tower. Suddenly, we hear a door opening, and our view centers on a port-o-potty far below, where someone is exiting. We quickly zoom in for a closer look and see that it’s. . . .) Goldilocks steps out of the port-o-potty and closes the flimsy door behind her. Peering around to...
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