Writing thoughts

  1. What did your dad do?

    In my family for someone to say “You’re just like your dad” is not something that is likely to be all that well received. For a whole variety of reasons, we siblings have no wish to be too closely identified with him. Nevertheless, when I am sitting on the old sofa in the kitchen while my wife puts a meal together and I am apparently doing nothing much at all and she says “You look just like your dad,” I do know exactly what she means. She is referring to my father in the last few years of...
  2. The end of the car

    I don't sense that the future of urban transportation has been a hugely pressing issue on this site up until now - but here are some thoughts on the topic anyway. I read something a few weeks ago where it was suggested that we are coming to the end of the era of mass private car ownership. The argument was that with the growth of electric powered and driverless cars there will be less of a need for all of us to own a private car. In future when we need to get somewhere by car we will...
  3. Missing the chance to apologise

    It's yesterday evening and I am in a queue at a supermarket checkout and the woman who is behind me in the line starts saying, in a low voice something about 'having no manners'. This is clearly directed at me but I have absolutely no idea what breach of queuing etiquette I have committed. Possibly I haven't moved forward quickly enough to allow her to put her items on the moving belt - or perhaps I knocked my empty basket against her when I leaned over to place it on the pile of empty...
  4. Personality Change or Behaviour Change?

    It seems to be widely accepted that an individual's personality or "character" is largely set by the time that they are five or six years old. At this point the personality is largely fixed and all that an individual can do is modify their behaviour to deal with new situations. Whether this is because of inherited characteristics or experiences gained in those first few formative years is open to debate. This certainly seems to be true for me and I feel a real sense of continuity in my...
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