Writing Tips

  1. Creating names in the Fantasy genre

    *busts a cap* SRSLY. Oh--My--God. I'm so sick of some of the fantasy names that I've been reading. Listen, I know they can't be something out of the ordinary from the world. But come on. Make them pronounceable and reasonable to your story. Check some of these out that I've read in a single chapter of someone's work. ----- Vappu - I instantly thought of the Pokemon named Vaporeon as soon as I saw the character's name. Aside from this, look up the name on Google. Quite...
  2. Adverbs - It's clobberin' time!

    Yes, I watch Fantastic Four a lot. Shaddap. Adverb: a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word-group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc. *takes out a baseball bat, thumping it against the palm of her hand* ...Man, that hurts after a while. *tosses bat over shoulder* Adverbs are overused, and it's not funny. I get a headache by reading too many in just five paragraphs. Over half of them aren't...
  3. Editting Terms

    Here's a bunch of terms used in editting to help you all out a bit--for those who don't know what some of the terms mean, that is. Something for everyone to gander at, including myself. I'll get into the grammar terms later, one by one. Hopefully :p All cap (caps; full caps) - Text that's in CAPITALS Ampersand - Name for the & character At sign - Name for the @ character Bold - Name for boldface text Braces - Name for the { } characters Brackets - Name for the < > characters Bullet...
  4. I need help deciding on a place for a pack of werwolves

    I need help deciding on where and what area or town on the west coast could be preferably close to what I need for the pack land in the werewolf book I am writing . Any help is very appreciated and accepted . so here it is what is needed exactly : 1). west coast town 2). a small town at least 30 mins from any small city were they would have the necessities like a mall or fancy restaurants and of course humans would be here but not in the werewolf town 3). in this small town I'd like to...
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