Writing Works

  1. Legend Behind a Series

    I'm working on a series that involves the ancient mythical creatures and how they are cursed as humans in modern day time. Each part of the story starts out with the "Legend" of how it came to be. Personally, I think the legend needs a little work, so I'm open to suggestions and such on how to fix it. Also, this legend is far to important to completely skip. It plays an important part on the climax/ending to the story. The legend is as follows: “There was once a great sorcerer who held a...
  2. The New Character...

    Recently, in the midst of the night when I lay awake, I had a thought come to me for a character. At the time it was just a fleeting thought that didn't hold much grounds or basis. I merely knew that I wanted to use this character and create them. So I set out to begin writing a description for them. When I first imagined the character, it registered in my mind as mostly being female, as most of my characters are. However, as I began to write the words twisted and withered, forming a web...
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