
  1. Characters and successful plans

    Something I have noticed in many books is that characters don't really plan anything. The author will say that they spent time planning, but when you read what the characters are doing you realize they spent five minutes talking and wrote the mission down on the back of a bar napkin. In fantasy novels this is seen most frequently when attacking a castle. The main characters will have two of their numbers dressing up as washer women trying to sneak in, while the thief will slink over the...
  2. A decision about my zombie stories

    Hello everyone This is the writing part of my blog. I'll be posting two types. One will be about my travels in China, the other will focus on writing. I already have journal entries about my traveling written up, unfortunately I can't find them, so I'll start posting them up later, when I get them e-mailed back to me by my parents. Anyways, on with the writing. I had until recently been posting practice horror stories, for free on the net. Just to see what people thought. Most of...
  3. I need help deciding on a place for a pack of werwolves

    I need help deciding on where and what area or town on the west coast could be preferably close to what I need for the pack land in the werewolf book I am writing . Any help is very appreciated and accepted . so here it is what is needed exactly : 1). west coast town 2). a small town at least 30 mins from any small city were they would have the necessities like a mall or fancy restaurants and of course humans would be here but not in the werewolf town 3). in this small town I'd like to...
  4. Alone...

    I find it so funny that in a world with what 8 billion people give or take the ones we don't know about.. That people are getting to the point where we feel we are better off alone. Because it's peaceful.. Now I will just say I like my alone time just as much as the next person. I like to feel at peace and not having to worry about walking on eggshells or being afraid of what might come out of my mouth that might possibly offend someone. For the whole 26 years I have been on this planet...
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