
  1. The Four Horsemen: An Anthology of Conquest, War, Famine and Death

    [Copied and pasted from my external blog. Please do take a look. I'm trying to update regularly, every few days or so] The above named anthology is now on sale in both hardback and paperback from amazon.co.uk (and also on amazon.com, for any US readers interested)! The anthology is published by Pill Hill Press, and contains my short story “Scorched Earth”. The anthology is partitioned into four sections (unsurprisingly entitled Conquest, War, Famine and Death), and mine is in the first...
  2. When the Wave Function Collapses

    [Copied and pasted from my external blog. Please do take a look. I'm trying to update regularly, every few days or so] According to quantum physics (or at least, as far as my no doubt confused and flawed understanding of it goes), if it is not observed then an objected exists in every state that it is possible for it to exist in. Then, when it becomes observed, the “wave function” collapses, and it assumes one of those possible states. Now, aside from giving you another reason not to turn...
  3. Extra-Curricular (Unsuccessful CAMRF Entry)

    [Copied and pasted from my external blog. Please do take a look. I'm trying to update regularly, every few days or so] I wrote and submitted this 500-word piece for the Campaign for Real Fear but unfortunately it didn’t make the final ten. It was hardly a surprise, as some of the best in the genre were entering, but since I’ve written it, I thought I’d at least share it with you lovely people. And do keep an eye out for the winners. The best ten stories will be published in a future issue...
  4. Here and Now?

    [Copied and pasted from my external blog. Please do take a look. I'm trying to update regularly, every few days or so] I’m currently writing a short story. That’s not altogether unusual. It’s a science-fiction story. Again, nothing strange there. The basic plot of this story revolves around a giant cloud of volcanic ash, hanging over Britain, and causing a general headache for everyone. Hang on, that sounds awfully familiar. Yes, once more I have taken my inspiration from the news....
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