
  1. I need help deciding on a place for a pack of werwolves

    I need help deciding on where and what area or town on the west coast could be preferably close to what I need for the pack land in the werewolf book I am writing . Any help is very appreciated and accepted . so here it is what is needed exactly : 1). west coast town 2). a small town at least 30 mins from any small city were they would have the necessities like a mall or fancy restaurants and of course humans would be here but not in the werewolf town 3). in this small town I'd like to...
  2. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it, too.

    *Sigh*. One of my New Year's resolutions was to quit complaining about my acute lack of inspiration, but I can't help myself. I've got this whole week off (except tomorrow morning) because I'm exempt from most of my exams. I'll be home alone all week, which makes for some good writing time. Problem? No ideas. I've either finished or retired all of my pending projects, so I HAVE NOTHING TO DO. I've been browsing the web all morning and still I haven't found a spark. Maybe I'm...
  3. ..All A Waste..

    What do you have to do to be immortalized in someones permanent record? Do you think it matters whether we have been in someones presence 6 minutes or 6 Years? Everyone seems to be looking at the same clock but we are rarely in the same time zone. It doesn't seem like people genuinely take the time to get to know people anymore. we fill the silence with empty conversation and avoid the difficult conversation because we can't control the response. That's what Life seems to be about anymore;...
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