
  1. Writer problem #37 creating mood

    I'm getting ready to do a series of Nano sprints, and for the last two days I've had trouble motivating. I'm not sure why I'm dragging so badly on this novel. Last year I kind of hit the ground running hard, and just never looked back. I also had far less work into the pre-nano stages for that crap tasking piece of writing. I'm probably just getting in my own way. That' being said I decided to blog first before hitting the Nano keys. Today's blog post? Creating mood in yourself to foster...
  2. Query Letter Revisited

    *Takes a huge breath before plowing ahead.* It's no secret how much I hate the query letter by now. To say it's been the thorn in my side for the last three days, would be a vast understatement. By the end of yesterday, the score was query letter (6,000) Corbyn (0). To that end, I owe @BayView and @Tenderiser a huge debt. They helped put the dreaded query letter in perspective. I'm immensely grateful, if not for the help of both of you I'd still be floundering around with the initial draft,...
  3. Writing and what I've learned in the last 60 days

    December and now January is in the books. I'm calling a mulligan on January. We should have at least one freebie month tucked under our belt so that we can get a feel for every New Year- Who's with me? January was tough. I've complained about it enough, and most of you know why. So, what did December and January teach me about writing and all the things I've talked about in this new year of - do more? Lesson 1: Blogs. Blogs are a pain in the neck. I'm not a natural blogger. It takes me a...
  4. How to Develop a story idea section 1

    Fake it until you make it: I never understood this statement. It always seemed a little counterproductive to me. But one thing I've learned over the years is to try to see things from a different perspective than my usual one. So that's what I'm doing with this little gem. What does "Fake it until you make it" mean to me? Well, it means showing up every day to do the work for one thing. No excuses. No, but my muse isn't talking to me. No, but the words just won't come. I've been there and...
  5. How to develop a story idea part 2

    If you missed it, earlier this week I posted a piece on how to develop a story idea (ok, it was a lot of things and not just that.) If you haven’t checked it out, please do so here, and let me know what you think. [URL]https://www.writingforums.org/entry/how-to-develop-a-story-idea-section-1.64210/[/URL] If you did the work from that post, you should have your list of characters, and hopefully, you’ve done your free writing so that you know more about your character. You should’ve asked this...
  6. How to develop a story idea part 3

    In my last post, we talked about setting. If you haven't read that blog you can do so here: [URL]https://www.writingforums.org/blog/corbyn.18335/[/URL] I've thought about my list, character, and have decided that I should go with Michigan as the primary setting. I know you're thinking wait a minute, you said Michigan, don't you need to be more specific? Yes. I do, but also no, I don't. I won't be using the entire state, but given the nature of my story, I will need multiple locations in both an urban...
  7. How to develop a story idea part 4

    Welcome to Friday. Today will be the last post in this series on developing story ideas. Thank you for sticking it out to the end of these posts. If you're just joining in, you can catch up to the previous posts here: [URL]https://www.writingforums.org/blog/corbyn.18335/[/URL] You've made it through this week; you deserve a pat on the back. Sometimes weeks are hard, so be sure to indulge in a little, go me time. But first, time to do some more work! I also must apologize as this will be a long post....
  8. So you have your story idea, now what?

    If you've followed along over the last several blog posts, we've not only created a story idea but tested it to see if it could make a novel. Hopefully, by the end of those posts, you're ready to get going on writing that thing. But some of you may not be ready yet. You may feel something is missing, or be concerned that it may not make a good novel. Well, have no fear. The only crap novel is the one you haven't written. Anything else is just a matter of editing/rewrites. Some of you may...
  9. Building Confidence in yourself and your writing

    Today I'll be continuing the topic of retraining our writerly brain. If you live under a rock, or just didn't have time to read my last post Are you a good writer? Then please check it out here: [URL]https://www.writingforums.org/blog/corbyn.18335/[/URL] Do you lack confidence in your daily life? Do you lack confidence in your writing? Do you find yourself writing something, then not picking it back up for days, weeks, or months because you feel like it's terrible or you've done a disservice to your...
  10. Networking won't kill you they say....

    In last weeks post on creating confidence in yourself and your writing, we talked about the need to surround ourselves with people who were encouraging and supportive. If you haven't read the post you can do so here: [URL]https://www.writingforums.org/entry/building-confidence-in-yourself-and-your-writing.64266/#comment-11311[/URL] Today I'd like to take that topic a step further and discuss how surrounding yourself with those people (and actively seeking them out) can do more than just foster your...
  11. Identifying your target audience/reader

    Hello readers! It's a been a while, and for that, I'm deeply sorry. I've been toying with post ideas and wanted to bring you all something of substance, not filler. And on that note, today I'll be tackling how to identify your target audience (and why you should). "Writers write first for themselves, and edit for their reader." -UNK I can't remember who said that, but it's true. Every one of us writes for our own reasons, usually ourselves, and then edit our work with a clear goal in...
  12. Narrative voice and all that jazz

    Happy Hump Day Minions!! (Yes calling you few people who read this minion is growing on me.) Last week we talked about how and why using the CRAVE strategy can help you in your endeavors of worldly social media and marketing dominance. If you missed that blog, here's a handy link: [URL]https://www.writingforums.org/entry/c-r-a-v-e-and-why-its-a-great-strategy-for-social-media.64334/#comment-11486[/URL] Today's blog post is brought to you by forum member @Magus who kindly asked last week if I had...
  13. Know your worth

    Hello minions! Did you miss me? No?!? Well, I missed all of you! Today's blog is something that hits close to home for me and on more than just one front. I bet you're wondering what the lovely stack of green stuff that most of us don't have has to do with knowing your worth right? Or better yet, why I felt the need to post the pic right? Self-worth and self-confidence are problems I've struggled with badly over the years. How does this matter or relate to writing Corbyn, and why do I...
  14. Touching base

    Hello, my fellow weirdos! I know, it's been a while. I wanted to take a moment to update this blog, and well, I missed all of you. I've been working on WIP's and social media for other people. Your right, excuses are like... well you know what. Anyway, today's blog is about keeping in touch with your reader. *Ahem* Something I need to work on. Why's it important? Is it all that important? Does your reader base care if you do it? The answer to all of those questions is a resounding yes....
  15. Touching base

    Hello, my fellow weirdos! I know, it's been a while. I wanted to take a moment to update this blog, and well, I missed all of you. I've been working on WIP's and social media for other people. Your right, excuses are like... well you know what. Anyway, today's blog is about keeping in touch with your reader. *Ahem* Something I need to work on. Why's it important? Is it all that important? Does your reader base care if you do it? The answer to all of those questions is a resounding yes....
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