
  1. How to Develop a story idea section 1

    Fake it until you make it: I never understood this statement. It always seemed a little counterproductive to me. But one thing I've learned over the years is to try to see things from a different perspective than my usual one. So that's what I'm doing with this little gem. What does "Fake it until you make it" mean to me? Well, it means showing up every day to do the work for one thing. No excuses. No, but my muse isn't talking to me. No, but the words just won't come. I've been there and...
  2. Writing and what I've learned in the last 60 days

    December and now January is in the books. I'm calling a mulligan on January. We should have at least one freebie month tucked under our belt so that we can get a feel for every New Year- Who's with me? January was tough. I've complained about it enough, and most of you know why. So, what did December and January teach me about writing and all the things I've talked about in this new year of - do more? Lesson 1: Blogs. Blogs are a pain in the neck. I'm not a natural blogger. It takes me a...
  3. Query Letter Revisited

    *Takes a huge breath before plowing ahead.* It's no secret how much I hate the query letter by now. To say it's been the thorn in my side for the last three days, would be a vast understatement. By the end of yesterday, the score was query letter (6,000) Corbyn (0). To that end, I owe @BayView and @Tenderiser a huge debt. They helped put the dreaded query letter in perspective. I'm immensely grateful, if not for the help of both of you I'd still be floundering around with the initial draft,...
  4. Writer problem #37 creating mood

    I'm getting ready to do a series of Nano sprints, and for the last two days I've had trouble motivating. I'm not sure why I'm dragging so badly on this novel. Last year I kind of hit the ground running hard, and just never looked back. I also had far less work into the pre-nano stages for that crap tasking piece of writing. I'm probably just getting in my own way. That' being said I decided to blog first before hitting the Nano keys. Today's blog post? Creating mood in yourself to foster...
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