1. Characters are the bane of my existence. Are they too dry? Too monotonous? I can never tell. So, of course, I chose fantasy as my genre of choice. The genre that requires the most complex characters. After all, I am the dumbest person you will ever meet.
    Take my newest novel, for instance. The two main characters are supposed to be insanely different, with similarities that aren't really notable. And yet, I can't tell if that point is actually getting made, or if I make the similarities too obvious.
    Obviously, life hates me.
    Long story short, characters are hard and I am way too critical of my own writing.

    About Author

    A teen fantasy author who loves coffee, dnd, and all things mythical


  1. Louanne Learning
    You sound like a typical writer, self-critical and full of doubt. Writing really makes you feel vulnerable - you are putting a piece of yourself out there.

    Yes, it's hard to create believable characters, and it's so hard to write a good story. But you are already ahead of many because you have the desire to do so.

    I invite you to read some of the threads in this forum, and you will get all kinds of good advice about how to hone your skills and make writing less painful.

    And post some of your work to the Workshop, to get feedback. And post your questions about writing characters to the Developing Characters thread.

    Good luck and welcome!
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