First time bottling

By Chudz · Aug 10, 2010 · ·
  1. This is a story I wrote about my first experience with bottling home brew.

    Well, I went and did it. I brewed up a five gallon batch of (magic) beer and it should be done fermenting. So the night before my scheduled bottling day I decided to wash the bottles, using the cleaning solution and bristly bottle-cleaner thing that came with my brewing kit. Oh my god! I'm so glad I did this the night before. Because if I had waited to actually do it on the same day, I probably would have quit, gone to the park out in back of my house, and blown up my brewing supplies like the army does with enemy arms caches. But I did it the night before which means I'm smart . . . or really lucky in a dumb sort of way. I'll settle for either.

    At my command, I had 48, 12 ounce bottles that I bought from the brew shop and 4 more that I collected (good excuse to drink expensive beer) from a 6 pack of Magic Hat No. 9. (Okay, while not the most expensive beer, it's still more expensive than my usual Busch Light.) These would equal the 53 bottles that the kit said I would need. . . . Right you are, 48 plus 4 does not equal 53, and I didn't realize this until I was half-way done filling the bottles. Luckily, it wouldn't matter. But my first grade teacher has probably risen from the grave as a math-book-wielding zombie, who is now in the lurching process of hunting me down for a whopping.

    Anyway, I filled my leaky bottling bucket with water and added the cleaning powder, ending with a solution that was slightly less caustic than the blood of the creatures in the Alien movies. Yah, I might be exaggerating . . . a little. I then used that to partially fill the bottles and scrub them out using the bristly bottle-cleaner thing. Unfortunately, the bottle brush is the size of a small shrubbery and balks at going into the tiny opening of a twelve ounce bottle. (Hears the perverts snickering in the background). Basically, it requires the force generated by NASA's early rockets just to get the damn thing in the bottle. Once in the bottle, however, the shrubbery-brush does a wonderful job. It was only when withdrawing the brush for the first time that I realized how adept bristles are at springing back into their original positions and launching a virulent spray of cleaning solution over everything within a meter of ground zero. (I'm melting!) And so, cleaning the rest of the bottles went something like the following: me running across the kitchen, leaping into the air and driving the cleaning brush downward into the bottle like a fat samurai dispatching his foe; followed by some placid scrubbing time (queue relaxing music); and ending with me, eyes tightly shut in a sissy-like manner, yanking the brush out and being enveloped in a noxious cloud that no doubt shaved time off my lifespan with each breath. It was over in an hour . . . thank goodness.

    Then it was bottling day!

    I started by opening the fermenter lid to see if the batch was okay, hoping it didn't smell funky and/or look like it was wearing an angora sweater. Actually, I started by praying to the Beer Gods that I didn't screw up when I brewed it in the first place. Then I opened the lid, and . . . ta-da, it looked fine and smelled like warm beer. So I took a measurement to see if it was done fermenting, and it was. That meant bottling day was a go!

    While sanitizing the bottles, I realized that my bottling bucket was still suffering from chronic incontinence, which meant things were probably going to be a little messy. This turned out to be a rather prophetic statement, or more accurately a prophetic understatement.

    I added the priming solution to the bottling bucket and began to siphon the contents of the fermenter over. This was one of the highlights of the day, seeing as I got the siphon to work without a hitch. As expected, though, once the level rose above 2.5 gallons in the bottling bucket, it decided it had to tinkle. So I moved a bowl over to catch the . . . sob . . . wasted beer. Once the siphon was over and I got through gawking at the yucky-looking, yeast layer lining the bottom of the fermenter, I hefted the bottling bucket onto the counter while simultaneously trying to move the wasted-beer bowl over with my foot. Now with my being as coordinated as your average uncoordinated person, there were of course numerous splatters of beer on the floor by the time I finally got the bowl into the correct position. But now I could start filling the bottles!

    So I hooked one end of the hose to the spigot and the other to the bottle filling wand. The bottling wand, for those not familiar, is a tube with a valve at one end that allows liquid to flow through when it is pressed down, but stops when it's lifted. A very neat contraption. . . . (Editor's Note: You might be a redneck if you think a bottling wand is “a very neat contraption.”)

    Due to the length of the hose I was using (insert wiener joke of your choice here), I had to fill the bottles at floor level. I hereby vow that if I ever make beer again, I will find something to boost the bottling bucket higher in order to avoid this. Because as good as the fat-man crouching on the floor to fill bottles image is for ratings, it's still hell on the fat-man. Talk about aches, it was like beer-bottling aerobics or something. Needless to say, between bouts of frequent swearing and spasms of agony, I filled a number of bottles and set them aside for capping. I also managed to overfill several during that time, further anointing the floor with my inaugural batch of beer. Deciding I would then cap what I had filled so far, and hoping I would be able to feel my left leg again in the process, I stood up and promptly activated the bottling wand by brushing the tip of it with my right ankle. This of course rewarded me with a warm-beer footbath, and contributed significantly to the growing pool on the kitchen floor. (A voice from far in the future: “Yes children, Lake Beer was formed near Chicago during October of 2009.”)

    Eventually, I got all 48 bottles filled—or mostly filled. See, I didn't need 53 bottles! Take that, beer kit! Hah! But there were probably two bottles worth of beer between the wasted-beer bowl and Lake Beer. Sigh! Cleaning was fun in a really awful, gosh I hope I never have to do this again sort of way. But now my bottled beer is safely ensconced in the tub of the extra bathroom. I even closed the plexiglass shower doors in case any of the bottles decide they want to become grenades due to over carbonation.

    Two more weeks and it should be ready to drink! Woot!


  1. DaWalrus
    Dude, I didn't know it was even legal.

    In Russia, the 'samogon' (the homemade vodka) is technically illegal, though in villages they drink nothing but. In the U.S., it also exists and has some prohibition - era name which is somehow related to racing cars. I forget the details, though.
  2. Cogito
    I generally sterilize the bottles by putting them in a large stainless steel kettle with a few inches of water, abd keeping at a low boil for about twenty minutes. Those brushes are ridonculous!

    What kind of beer is it? I've found I prefer amber ales with a good amount of flavor hops (i.e. added at the very end of the boil rather than earlier).
  3. Lydia
    Putting bottles in the oven at a little over 212 F for about half an hour also works (of course first rinse them if they're just dirty inside). (no, I haven't been making beer)
  4. Chudz

    DaWalrus - After prohibition was over in the US, they made home wine-making legal, from what I've read. However, there was a supposed "clerical error" that kept home-brewing of beer illegal until Jimmy Carter signed a bill into law during the late 70s. Distilled spirits, like you mention, are still illegal to manufacture at home though.

    Cogito - I've streamlined things after that first batch, thank goodness. Heh. Now when I'm done drinking a bottle I rinse it out really well. Then the day before I'm ready to bottle the next batch, I soak them all in an OciClean Free solution, rinse them out, and let them dry. Then I start off bottling day by sanitizing them using Star San as recommended.

    That first beer was an extract kit for an American Light Ale. And I drank it way too early, talk about green beer taste, but it still rocked cause I made it. Heh. I haven't tried an amber ale yet, but I do like the style. My favorites so far have been the Orange Hefeweizen, and a Cream Ale that I made.

    What other beers have you made?

    Lydia - I've read about using the oven to sanitize like you mention, as well as the dish washer on a hot cycle.

    I was such a spaz during that first brewing session. Now as they say, it's RDWHAHB. (For the uninformed: Relax Don't Worry Have a Home Brew.)

    What beers have you made?
  5. Cogito
    I've made a dunkel, a Scotch Ale, a Cherry Ale, a couple IPAs, and a variety of Ambers and Browns. Also a couple Pilsener type brews, but I don't have a refrigerated storage area to make true Pilseners.
  6. Chudz
    Yah, I don't have proper temp control for true lagers either. And I'd really like to brew one since most of my family drink the commercial, watered-down versions available here. And they haven't been too big on ales.

    Ah, well. Maybe in the future.
  7. Lydia
    Hehe, all I've made was elder blossom syrup... not exactly beer. :p
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