"It's just more teenage angst, I've seen it before..."

By zorell · Jul 15, 2008 · ·
  1. And all phrases like it need to take a visit to Hades, I cannot take them ANYMORE:mad:NO MORE! NONE OF IT!

    I understand that, yeah, we teens take things a little too personaly, blow some of it out of proportion, but humor us dangit! I'm so sick of people writing things off as "teen angst." Sometimes you just need to buff it withOUT trashing it, please. If you write us off now because "all we do is write angst" then we'll never grow wings. That's like looking at a crying baby and saying "oh, just more crying, they all do that," that solves (a word with three consonants and one vowel)!

    Right now, we write some petty and sometimes driveling crap, but just give us hints on how to improve, don't write us off. That just creates more fuel for the angst you loathe soo freaking much.

    Now, to calm down, I'm sorry if I have offended anybody, but I'm kind of sick of being subjected to overgeneralizations. So let me make something else clear, I'm not overgeneralizing, if you don't do what I'm refering to, then you're not the persons I'm talking to.

    There:)I've said what I have to say, what do you have to say?


  1. SonnehLee
    Ah, Zor, I know exactly how you feel. But, in the words of Cog, no plot is original, so they can't just say that teen angst is the only thing that is unoriginal.

    It hurts us too. I don't think people realize that. Teen angst is us writing the world as we see it --now--. Not in the future, not when we're "all grown up," not when we've got "more years under our belt," the truth is, this is our world. Whether our vision is distorted because of hormones or whatever you want to attribute it to, so be it. This is our world.

    Wow...rants are fun!
  2. Gloom Kitty
    I'm twenty four and i still write things that get that catagory :-D don't feel to bad
  3. lessa
    Teens get told it is teen angst.
    girls get told it is PMS.
    Middle age women get told it is menopause.
    Elderly people get told it is alzheimers or old age.
    Children get told it is boredom and inexperience.
    Young toddlers and children get told it is a stage like the terrible two's.
    middle aged men get told it is a mid life crisis.

    each age group is placed into a category and it is very difficult to fight your way out of it.

    The best you can do is be yourself, see the world through your own eyes.
    Follow the best of the criticisms and file away the rest to think about at some more appropriate time.

    Don't follow the crowd if it isn't something you feel in your heart would be a good thing.
    Be an individual and who knows maybe you will become the role model for your group of friends.
    Good luck in life. From what you have written you sound like someone who will go far.
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