My sole lyrics

By Malisky · Nov 26, 2016 · ·
  1. As I was playing guitar today, I suddenly realised something. I’ve never composed a song with lyrics except once and I remember exactly that moment. I mean, I remember it like I was a third party observer. Isn’t this weird? Like I can see that moment from 2 different perspectives. It’s not like I haven’t tried writing lyrics before or after that day (although it’s been years since my last attempt), but I never liked them. Poetry and lyrics is not part of my skill set... I prefer playing more complex songs on the guitar than simple chord progressions and sing (maybe because I’m not that good at singing anyways). So... Back to that day!

    I was twenty and it was a warm, sunny day and I was depressed as hell. I was in the process of healing from a complete breakdown that I had experienced about a month ago. (Not me, not anyone actually ever got to understand what exactly it was, but it was brutal. I only know that it sucked big time). So I was sitting in my room with so many frustrating things passing through my mind (especially my final iek exams that were nearing and I was not ready to step anywhere outside, furthermore to communicate with humans) and I remember it clear as day that suddenly, for the first time since the break down, I felt like testing myself and making a sound. You see all that time, I couldn’t stand sounds. I couldn’t stand anything really, but especially sounds. Even the sound of my own voice was too much to handle. I needed quiet. So, I picked up my classical guitar and started to softly stroke the strings, one by one and what you know? It didn’t hurt! Then I started playing a random chord, then two, then three and four. I found a simple tempo and just kept going and going absentmindedly and after a while, the chaos in my mind started evaporating and I was focused 100% to the Now. I felt better but the problem with the Now was that it felt pretty much empty. The room felt empty and the sound of these four chords were not enough to fill it with something of... substance. So I impulsively started singing in a satirical way about the Now. Not singing exactly. More like pretending to sing. Making the words of what I was saying somehow follow the monotonous tune, but in an over-the-top way. I sounded very bored. After the first verse that spoke of the Now a chain reaction started forming; just for the sake of saying something else without stopping the tune, which led me to the past and from there to an acceptance. I accepted the fact that I could not concentrate, which led me to an admittance. I admitted that I daydream too much. And then I got pissed...

    The tempo and the style changed. It became much more intense but not in a heavy metal way. Oh, not at all. (I was playing a classic anyhow, it comes with limitations). It sounded more like a ska rhythm but I was singing it like a children’s song. A mocking children’s song. I became a pissed-off child. I started blaming life and death and everything in between in an ironic way. So I sang it very lively and happily. I was a happy pissed off child after all.

    Then the rest followed. After the song was done I felt for the first time relaxed. I took a nap (and this was an achievement).

    I never wrote it down. The lyrics wrote themselves without a pause and stayed in my mind forever. Of course these are translated, so they might not seem so appealing, but in Greek they flow better. They are not much, I know, but they are special to me. There is no title.

    How bored I am in this instant

    And so I’m playing guitar that I took five years ago

    And yet I haven’t learnt how to play guitar

    Because I can’t concentrate on something

    And so I dream away

    And so I dream away

    And so I dream away

    And so I dream away...

    And life is so boring

    And it’s so big, which makes it

    Appear that it’s small

    There is no time to live it

    And so we move on to death

    That is oh so terrible and horrible

    Because you know that it awaits you

    You don’t know what awaits you

    The only thing you know is that

    Somewhere, sometime, this will be waiting

    You don’t know what awaits you

    The only thing you know is that

    Somewhere, sometime, this will be waiting

    I went to kindergarten, elementary, gymnasium

    By force to lyceum and iek for a di-plo-ma

    I also went to psychiatric institution because I lost the point

    And now I don’t know what to do

    With the time that is given to me

    But time is subjective and now

    I want to go away

    I want to go away

    I don’t have an idea what’s going on

    The only thing I know is that

    Somewhere, someone must understand

    I don’t have an idea what’s going on

    The only thing I know is that

    Somewhere, someone must understand

    *Btw I never went to a psychiatric institution. I only had some sessions with a psychotherapist whom I never trusted. Around the eighth session he got pissed at me for some reason and pushed me into taking medication. I never took the medication and never saw him again. He was crazier than me.
    ** Iek is somewhat of a public institute. I was studying sketching and illustration at the time.


  1. Iain Sparrow
    A medicated you won't be you.
    I was offered drugs that would calm me, and I said 'no', and I could remain me.
    We choose animals to describe people, give them attributes seldom befitting.
    I am a bumblebee, tireless I am.
    If you were born to make honey, you make honey.

    The artist must be sacrificed to their art. Like the bees, they must put their lives into the sting they give.
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson...

    loose three nightingales, and they'll become as real as you and I.
      Malisky likes this.
  2. Malisky
    Yep, I know. Met many people on medication. Some are friends of mine that we grew up together since children. I never took them because I knew they meant a one way ticket. Not as a matter of art (I couldn't care less about art at the time) but as a matter of living a life in general. It's a different thing experimenting with drugs or use them in a recreational way than take them because you "need" them. At the time (one thing that I didn't know then, because it was kept from me) I raised "red flags". It took me some time, years actually, but I finally got over it. It might sound cheesy as hell but indeed the only thing that healed me, day by day with many set backs and stuff, is love. I might have been unable to feel it then, but I never ignored it. I am not such a "faithful" person but I am "bull-headed" when I place my bet and I wanted love to win. I'd never betray the love others showed me by taking the easy way out. I couldn't bare the thought of hurting others because of me. There are things far worst than pain and they're called bad consequences, which spread through multiple chain reactions.

    These lyrics are important for me because this random moment somehow pushed me out of the odds. It's the day that I did things differently. Does this hurt? What do you know? I was so sure that it would hurt that I absolutely avoided it for so long. It doesn't hurt so much. What? This is not right! I'm so used to it hurting. It should hurt! Bring in the pain! Give me more and more and more of this. I want to drive things into a new extreme and see what happens next. Wow! This is unexpected. The world just keeps turning in the same course as it always has been and... here I am. Experiencing things through the only self I'll ever have. What a mystery... I'll sleep on it. :p
      Iain Sparrow likes this.
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