One of These Days...

By Malisky · Sep 28, 2016 · ·
  1. I’m gonna convince...

    - my land-lady that I don’t need to pay her in exchange for sleeping where I live. I’m sure she can be the better person in this shallow relationship.

    - the people that hate me that I really love them when I say “Don’t bother with me love. You are only harming yourself.”

    - my mother that you don’t need solid ground under your feet when you are flying. Even more, if you are free falling.

    - my friends that you don’t need to play a specific role in order to get what you want. When you really want something, you first have to decide what that is and then commit to whatever it is that will bring the result you’ve been craving. Pretending can only get you so far. Indecision is a plague. It derives from all the things you are unwilling to admit. The things that without your notice, become like Voldemort into your life and dictate your every unwilling, heavy move. There! I said it! Voldemort, Voldemort, Voldemort! Now, let’s do something about it.

    - people that being intimate with someone doesn’t need to mean sexual. Hugs, kisses, massages, petting and pampering are necessary for a healthy upbringing. They are needed unconditionally and you deserve them until the day you die. It doesn’t matter whether it’s your lover, or your friend, your old, strict father or the next person you wish to befriend. It’s never evil. It’s healing. It’s the key to eternity. Stop demanding to place everything in orderly, tagged boxes. If something feels larger than your understanding just welcome it as a magical virtue that is meant to bring you good fortune.

    I’m gonna prove...

    - that gravity and inertia can be bent upon shear will power. The day we grasp what time really is, will be the day we all become magicians.

    - that time is just a state of mind. Only movement exists. Stillness is a delusion. Nothing and I mean nothing, ever seizes to move. Not the rocks, not the dead, not the most stable of parameters. It’s these micro changes we should be really focusing on. Somewhere between these micro inconsistencies lies the essence of understanding. It’s not a coincidence that numbers can always be divided towards infinity. It’s a wonder. The smallest number gains the gravity of the biggest. Thus the smallest is the biggest in comparison to a specified relevance. An ant is stronger than an elephant.

    - that diamonds and gold are a ridiculous counter-price for money. Banks are a r i d i c u l o u s constitution. The only useful banks are blood-banks. Blood is free (as it should be), abundant and way more necessary than gold. Blood is priceless. Whenever I think about how much blood has been wasted on diamonds and gold, my mind gets twisted. Fuck the diamonds and fuck the gold. Don’t waste your blood. Give it to where it’s needed.

    One of these days, I’m gonna find a way to express and name a word, that has a meaning as sentient as love or life itself. I will find a way to form the meaning that has been stumbling in the tip of my understanding. I have no idea in which way this will come to manifest. All I know is that it’s always at the edge of my peripheral vision. When I turn to get a clear view of it, it’s gone. It’s like trying to reveal a new, basic color when you are color-blind.

    Shit! I was aiming in writing something light and comedic today. I guess my mind clearly disagreed. I wonder how I'm supposed to do all of that now. Muse, oh muse, where are you drifting me?


  1. cydney
    I love this!!
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  2. Malisky
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