Sensitivity Readers At it Again - Roald Dahl this time

By peachalulu · Feb 18, 2023 · ·
  1. Well, the so-called 'sensitivity' readers are at it again. And have been working to change Dahl's new editions to remove everything from gendered language, to 'offensive' descriptions. Even something as innocuous as - The balcony belonged to an attractive middle-aged lady called Mrs. Silver - becomes - The balcony belonged to a kind middle-aged lady called Mrs. Silver.

    Even more peculiar Augustus is no longer described as fat. Having read Charlie as a morality fairy tale - with Augustus, Violet, Veruca, Mike TV, displaying the worst characteristics - gluttony, stupidity, selfishness, rudeness - making constant disrespectful demands on their parents, they are a direct contrast of selfless, good, respectful Charlie. Watering down Augustus's problem waters down the point.

    In this weird drive to be non-offensive people forget that not everything that cuts like a knife is offensive, sometimes it's just the truth that hurts.

    Buy hard copies of your favorite books.
    PiP, Madman, Set2Stun and 4 others like this.


  1. Madman
    Makes me wonder if this is going to be a market strategy going forward. Rewrite old works and put them up for sale in small quantities, then keep the original works and put them up for sale in large quantities. Profit.

    Or maybe I am thinking too hard.
      PiP likes this.
    1. Not the Territory
      Coke classic strikes again. Haha you never know these days.
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