Sixth time lucky?

By BruceA · Mar 28, 2016 · ·
  1. EDIT: this was originally called 'BruceA: walking cliché", but the blog wouldn"t post yesterday, despite many attempts. Seems to be working today, though Hurrah! This was written yesterday afternoon...

    I am a cliché.

    There, I've said it. You can stop reading now.

    Why do I type this, you no doubt do not wonder? Well...(drum roll)... I am a procrastinator. It is one of the most unoriginal things that can be said about an unpublished wannabe writer: which I am. For around 36 years I have been expertly avoiding actually writing, fanny-arsing around instead.

    Even in writing this blog I am procrastinating. I was going to write a blog entry a few days ago, but I put it off. I have only put finger tips to keyboard now, because writing about procrastinating is somehow better than starting the short story I have bubbling around in my head (perhaps, I tell myself, the story needs time to percolate through my brain, knowing full well that my stories only get better once I have written the bloody things and edited them over a period of a week or so).

    Today I have updated my external blog - the public bookcase where I shelve display my short stories - changing the theme, and adding some word counts, and making it look pretty (because that is time well spent!). Yesterday I bought a new vain domain name (love how that sounds, I wonder if there is a domain called VainDomainName?... There isn't: just googled it, and looked on wordpress. You can buy the dot com for 18euros, if you are interested), just so I could mess about with my blog, rather than do any writing!

    I have just spent about ten minutes looking for a microphone (failed to find it), because I have had the idea of recording myself reading my stories and issuing them as a podcast (now that is a great way NOT to do any actual writing). The idea (not a bad one) came to me as I was reading out-loud a short story I had finished (it does happen: when I start writing I usually get the job done). It is something I always mean to do: read my stories out-loud, I mean. But usually I can't be bothered, or am embarrassed to do it, just in case someone hears me (!), or there is just something I need to do first (now what can that be *looks around frantically for something important to do*). It is a great way to catch errors and to make sure the story flows, and I caught a few repetitions doing it. Anyway, I thought, why not record myself doing it and make it available as a podcast? That will waste some hours recording it, putting it on the net, trying to get it heard, etc, etc. After I have finished writing this, I will probably go up to the attic and spend an hour rummaging in boxes full of out of date electrical contraptions and wires that don't fit anything - I should have thrown all of this away, but haven't got round to it - for a microphone, that I know is there somewhere. Even though I could record the bloody thing on my phone. (EDIT: I did record the story I wrote for the 'five minutes to midnight' flash fiction competition. I uploaded it onto Soundcloud and embedded it with the story on my website)

    This forum is perfect for me, because I can spend a lot of time reading about writing without actually doing it. One of the reasons I left three years ago was because I was spending more time on here reading and commenting, or waiting for something new to read or comment on, than I was actually writing. So I left, thinking that the time I freed up would be put into writing. Wrong, I just stopped writing.

    So not your fault then, you lovely forum you.

    No, it is not you, it's me. Not that this is a breakup note. Far from it. This time I am determined to do more writing. No big plans for me (I realised a long time ago, that the idea of writing a novel paralyses me): just lots of short stories. When I get around to it. Which is now (ish)

    Right, I'm off to make myself a cup of tea, or wash up, or clean the car, or...


  1. Oscar Leigh
    You can do it! :cheerleader:
    We all suffer from procrastination now and again. I'm quite a big procrastinator. But just work through. I find once you do get into the zone with writing you find yourself thinking "why was I procrastinating?" Writing is fun. It's why we all do it here. We like our ideas and we want others to be able to appreciate them (and validate our egos, see, I can mock myself as well). Try to remind yourself of why you write. Try to focus on the aspects of your ideas most likely to make you end up writing them out. Heck, here's something I do. Take notes. That way at least you're doing something. Write a profile of some kind for your new character. Record some new nice quotes you had. Or edit stuff you already have to improve. Anything. Just keep swimming, as it were.:supercheeky::supercheeky:
    You go girl! :cheerleader: Or.. guy. :supertongue:
    Also, tea... Mmm. (I'm so starting a tea club here. So happy to find so many people who appreciate tea.)
      BruceA likes this.
  2. BruceA
    Thanks @Oscar Leigh
    Physiologically I am a guy. But I am in touch with my feminine side and have no issues about being called a girl! I have no problem writing when I actually do it. It is just opening up that doc and shutting everything else out I have a problem with! Anyhoo, I have some actual work to do now (I run a B&B and need to get some rooms ready and start work on the meals for tonight), but I will do some writing later. Honest! ;)
      Oscar Leigh likes this.
  3. Lifeline
    ... or WRITE? *bangs head against wall*

    Sorry. Not sorry. I am not suffering people (read: fools) gladly who write about procrastinating! Hell, you just sat down and wrote a real long blog-entry!! Can you give me a single reason why you would have done that if you wouldn't love to write?? AARGH!

    Seriously. I don't know you (yet ;)) but you have written a whole lot of short stories. Good ones too. And you have come back to writing from what you say.

    Maybe you just need to commit. Take the plunge and not get terrified of getting attached to people who scream at you to tell their story. Not a snippet, but something massive. The story of their hearts. Not of a moment, defining as it may be.

    Commit yourself. It is not the end of the world but a beginning, I promise.
      Oscar Leigh likes this.
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