The Lady's Decision

By Scattercat · Nov 4, 2008 · ·
  1. “He is a disgrace!” shouted the Lady. “Take him away.”

    The failed dancer was led outside by harsh hands, his jeweled codpiece glinting in the torchlight.

    “Mistress,” spoke one of the Soothed, bowing his shaved pate to the floor at her feet, “there is word. The nuatua is low; the shipment from Celeste has not arrived.”

    “How much remains?”

    “But two days’.”

    She considered. “Slaughter half of the Raging and feed them to the other half. That will give us nearly half a week.”

    “And then?”

    “We will have to make other plans,” she said, reclining in her gilded chair.


  1. Redsrock
    There's something about your writing.....but I can't put my finger on it. I don't know, but despite such a small sample of your writing, I really like it. This is obviously a compliment, but I am just so surprised. Usually when I read a sampling of something this small I get irritated. (often asking the author why the hell they would do this) But like I said, this is different for some reason. I am immediately curious as to who this lady is and what she and this 'Soothed' (cool name, btw) are talking about.

    Nice job. :)
  2. Scattercat
    Heh. Thanks.

    I do have to admit that the core of this idea isn't mine; I was chatting with a friend who was writing some sort of fic for an Exalted game she was playing in, and the topic drifted to her custom setting ideas involving a matriarchal society that kept men for breeding and as, basically, a sub-human warrior-caste. She was stumped about how a small elite group of women would keep a murderous horde of battle-trained men in check in the event of a rebellion.

    "Castration?" I suggested. "Drugs? Castration and drugs? And training from birth?"

    So I came up with this little image. :)
  3. Redsrock
    Castration.....that hurts me to even think about it. :p No, sort of does.

    Anyhoo, keep this up. I think I'm gonna have to start reading more of these...
  4. Scattercat
    Well, these flitterfics are all over the place. I use this as a place to experiment a bit, and I like to mix up the styles. Can't promise they're all gold, either; it IS a forced-writing exercise.
  5. Redsrock
    An actual exercise? Would you mind explaining it to me, please?

    And also...would you mind me copying this exercise, whatever it is? It sounds fun.
  6. Scattercat
    Heck, dude, you posted to the very first entry, remember?

    100 word stories, complete in themselves, written daily. (Sometimes I miss a day due to illness or whatnot, in which case I make it up the next day. Otherwise: daily.)
  7. Redsrock
    Sweet. I'll try and do that. Thanks. :)

    And don't mind my forgetfulness. Sometimes my 19-year old mind works like a 90-year old. :p
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