Welcome to My World

By MzSnowleopard · Nov 5, 2020 · ·
  1. Hi everyone, Mz here. Nice, a personal blog. This looks like a good spot to introduce myself in a little more detail.

    I have an old hat when it comes to forum site, running my own RPG site with play-by-post stories, owning, and managing a community heavy on sciences, as well as participating on several sites.

    The biggest problem for me is connecting. I am an ambivert, for those who don’t know what this is- we’re the ones towards the middle of the spectrum. We’re people whose personalities are a balance of extrovert and introvert features. Although I lean towards the introverted side. So, forum style communities work well for me.

    In my writing because this is why we’re here, right? I’ve got my paws in several things. Like most everyone, I’ve been writing since my youth, my early teens. My 7th grade English teacher suggested I consider writing as a career. This eventually led me to Long Ridge Writers Group (now institute for writers) I was accepted as a student into Long Ridge Writers Group, they changed their name to Institute for Writers. I also spent time at Western Iowa Tech in Sioux City. It’s a decent school.

    Currently I’m working on assignment 9 of 12 in the IFW program: Breaking into Print. It’s been a challenge. The main intent is to help writers hone their skills with short stories and articles for publication in periodicals.

    With my writing I tend to focus on short stories in general fiction involving family issues. My novels are broader, often crossing genres like paranormal, action, romance, and the sub-genre of superhero. While my characters aren’t called this (they’re covert), they do have special abilities that place the stories in this sub-genre. I also have a coming of age- YA series set in the same reality.

    My goal is to create a collection with stories involving characters are places within the same reality. At the same time, they would still be able to stand apart. You wouldn’t need to read the YA series to understand something in one of the other series or a stand-alone story. And yet, they’re all connected.

    Another thing about me - I’m involved with second life, working on building a store for women’s clothing. I know, like SL needs yet another shop for ladies’ clothes. Meh, it’s a thing.

    I look forward to meeting other members and getting to know this place.
    Foxxx, Cave Troll, Malisky and 2 others like this.


  1. Malisky

    I like this part here: "My goal is to create a collection with stories involving characters are places within the same reality. At the same time, they would still be able to stand apart." If the world you build is interesting enough, why not expand it?

    I've also got somewhat of a raw idea of a concept such as this, but it's lightyears away until I seriously work on it, because I've already started writing too many things, which I'd like to bring to completion before starting a bigger project.

    It's interesting that you mentioned the word "ambivert", because just before I read your post I was thinking whether there was a word for this and bam! Ambivert. Although I think I'm mostly a bored introvert with sociosuicidal tendencies.

    Anyhow... Welcome! :)
      MzSnowleopard and Foxxx like this.
  2. jim onion
  3. MzSnowleopard
    Hi Ladies,

    yes Ambiverts, us lucky few personalities right in the middle of the mix. I do lean towards the introvert though more than extrovert. Of course, the more familiar and comfortable a situation is, the more 'out' I am- outspoken, outgoing- you get the idea.

    I don't care too much for labels but this one, I like, it's about personality.
      Malisky likes this.
  4. jim onion
    Hmm, ambivert. I've heard of it before but never looked into it. Your description of it makes me wonder if I'm more of an "ambivert" than just an "introvert". I think "-vert" is a spectrum, as is the case with most aspects of personality.

    I'll look into it. Thanks for sharing, and hope you like it here.
      MzSnowleopard likes this.
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