4 Things About Pink Slime

By mugen shiyo · Mar 29, 2012 · ·
    4 Things To Note

    1. All those companies that recalled the pink slime from their products...they ONLY did so because they were found out. Think about that. It's not like they didn't know what kind of meat they were buying; dirt cheap dog-food spin-off. They definitely knew they were screwing you over when they did it and they did not care. Between you and saving a buck, Buck won the bid.

    2. How long were they doing this? Yes, the discovery of pink slime as a mainstream alert was fairly recent, but how long were they doing this to your food. How long were you eating bio-crap and- the scariest thing- you probably never knew the difference?

    3. BELIEVE ME, this is not the last you've seen of "pink slime". Say that "pink slime" is the equivalent of Grade R beef (with A being the best). These companies simply drop the R beef and look for the Grade Q, something slightly healthier but just as abominable. Either that or they simply wait out to all the outrage is forgotten (and people ALWAYS forget), and then they will buy the meat from another company under another name and you will probably not know because "crap" is never listed among the ingredients included.

    4. Pink Slime is certainly not the first, certainly not the last, and by no means a new concept in terms of food alteration and undermining. All types of foods from hot dogs to corn, from chicken to fish face this kind of corruption. It's been happening since the Vietnam War and though Monsato is a flagship name for that kind of corruption, they are definitely not the only ones doing it. This is not a conspiracy, technically, as much as it is a grand effort to save a buck by any means necessary. In this "Age of Information", you'll probably never know the things in your food or the real process of it's processing because the obvious misinformation and disinformation methods they use to slide around nutritional labeling laws and various other laws make only the most determined investigator successful.


  1. Cogito
    So-called pink slime is not the top choice cut of beef, but it is demonized only because the public's distaste for details about meat processing. It is used to recover reduced fat meat from beef trimmings that would otherwise be wasted - in other words, reducing waste, which in most industries would be considered laudable.

    The process removes excess fat by gentle warming and centrifuging. But the part most people are freaked out about is that it is treated with ammonium hydroxide. Oh my GOD! they treat it with chemicals!!!

    Well, friends, the treatment is to keep the meat safe by killing off harmful bacteria. And ammonium hydroxide is chosen because it is effective, and it evaporates nearly completely. Ammonium hydroxide occurs in nature as well, from the breakdown of natural materials containing nitrogen. Proteins, for example, contain bound nitrogen.

    Without the ammonium hydroxide, the product would be more hazardous, because dangerous bacteria would find the meat proiduucxt an ideal, nutritious growth medium.

    The processing plants aren't shutting down due to shame. They are shutting down due to social pressure arising from ignorance.
  2. Pallas
    Just another reason to go veg.
  3. mugen shiyo
    @ Cogito, yes, but what is it made of? The meat is the equivalent of slipping dog food into human food. It's not only the chemicals. But, I wish the ammonia would kill the germs packing the food as well as in the food.
  4. mugen shiyo
    Oh, I see. After the pink-slime thing, someone has wrote a "clarifying" article explaining why pink-slime is not so bad and your fears are just childish. I suppose I could accept that as the truth, though I thought the ammonia part was only the last part of a fairly disgusting process but tomato tamato I suppose.
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