A Matter of Perspective

By GrahamLewis · Jul 4, 2018 · ·
  1. Ever since my parachute jump, I’ve occasionally basked in the kudos and even sometimes awe from friends and acquaintances, like Facebook and extended family. Even my college daughter’s boyfriend was impressed. Or said he was.

    I don’t especially seek it out, but I don’t mind and I’m not above subtly working it into a conversation, like in response to a rote greeting like, “So,what’s new?”

    I was in my spinning class and talking an acquaintance who is becoming a friend. He’s gray-haired but a few years younger than me, and in great shape. We usually park our exercise bikes next to each other. Ask about work, weather, sports. You know, the cautious way guys develop a friendship.

    Anyway, I worked in the story about the jump, and he said “Wow.” Then, “Your first time?”

    And I said yeah, and asked if he’d ever done it. “Yes,” he said matter-of-factly, “when I was in the army. 48 jumps.”

    No basking for me that time. But I appreciate the fact that he didn’t scorn my accomplishment.
    CerebralEcstasy likes this.


  1. CerebralEcstasy
    I think it is rather bold of you to skydive, tandem or not. I'm not sure I'd have the gumption to do so. In fact, in thinking it over, my answer is no. I wouldn't.

    However, I do know the pleasure derived from talking about things that get my heart pumping. Once upon a time, I played ice hockey, danced a middle eastern style of belly dance called Raqs Sharqi and did White Crane Tibetan Kung Fu. Very rarely did I meet any other women that played hockey, save the ones in our league. The kung fu and middle eastern dance communities were equally insular.

    I would often enjoy the mild looks of shock when others would ask what I had done over the weekend and I had either played in a tournament out of town, or performed in front of several hundred people in a middle eastern dance extravaganza, or had attended a martial arts tournament. I too basked for a time in being different. I think you should enjoy basking a lot longer, you've joined an elite group of individuals. Regardless of whether you've done it once or 48 times.
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