A request. *bows*

By SonnehLee · Jun 9, 2008 · ·
  1. Okay, so, I'm writing a story about a girl who gets pregnant at 17. And since I'm fourteen and have never actually been pregnant, and don't have any kids. And one of those things that i've really wondered about, and how to write, is what is it like when they're about 5 months old? So, yea. I've watched enough "bringing home baby" to have a basic understanding of the first few nights, but anything else would be appreciated.


  1. chad.sims2
    There still in that cute, cry, burp, poop, and eat stage, Generaly thats about the time i notice that first time mothers stop over smothering their kid. Mainly because after 5 mounths of sleepless nights they figure it's time to let the kid learn that crying isn't nessisarily going to get you what you want immidiatly. Letting a baby cry a little is good for it.
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