A year ago today and how special it was!

By Torana · Oct 31, 2010 · ·
  1. Exactly one year ago today, Daniel decided it was time to show the kids the place he works at. They had been very curios as to his work place, as it was in a town 30 minutes away from home, and they had always been really sad about Daddy leaving for work. So we all got in the car, and drove to the high school to show them around.

    It's funny really, because it was Halloween, and I was pregnant with our first child (Mase and Ami were to a previous failed relationship). When we got there, all was fine, we were all in good spirits and the kids were over excited about seeing Daddy's work place.

    We walked around the side of the school, and they had just finished redoing the driveway, so the rocks were still a bit loose. Daniel warned the kids not to run, as they may slip on the rocks and hurt themselves. Famous last words!! Next thing we knew, Daniel's feet were slipping out from underneath him, so he tucked his shoulders in, as he knew he was going to go down, and he began to roll! OH MY GOSH was it hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing!

    But the really funny thing was, whilst laughing at Daniel, something truly wonderful and amazing happened!

    My waters had broken. I didn't realise it at the time, as it was only a trickle, as Tobin's head was so far down, only a trickle could pass through as his head moved slightly from all the laughter. hehehehe! But I definitely felt something weird happening. I shook it off and we continued on laughing as Daniel got up and we continued onwards.

    Halloween night, I started thinking it was a bit weird, this trickle, but we dismissed it and went to bed. The following day, the same thing happened, so we phone the hospital and spoke to Sharon, the most wonderful midwife in the entire world! She told us that we had to come up right away. So we packed the kids up and left them with a lady I was friends with at the time (sad that we are no longer friends, and that this truly miraculous event would be the end of such a wonderful friendship.) and headed off to the hospital.

    The doctor rushed in and did some tests, and yes, it was confirmed, our little miracle child was on its way. He did a quick ultrasound and the worries began as I was contracting, but couldn't feel them, and our baby was extremely tiny for 37+ weeks. He quickly sent me back to my room and phone the Bunbury hospital as he wanted to send me there via ambulance, incase our baby had breathing difficulties, or problems with his heart rate during birth, due to his minute size. We began to really worry by this stage.

    We ended up with 3 midwives that day, due to the high risk factor, and Bunbury told my doctor it was too dangerous to send me in the ambulance, as with a strong contraction, our baby could arrive in the ambulance, and it could be very risky. So we had to stay put (secretly, we were very happy as we didn't want to be away from home) and deliver where we were.

    But things weren't progressing and my waters had been broken for far too long now. The risk of infection had become far too high and our baby had to come out as soon as possible!

    I was quickly hooked up to a drip and they began to induce me, very slowly. Only 1 ml at a time, as the risk of the babies heart rate changing too much, would cause major complications for his birth. I was also aware that pain relief would make him drowsy and affect his heart rate and breathing, so I refused it all! I wanted to be fully alert, and wanted my baby fully alert too.

    Even with the drip, not much was happening, and they had to suddenly slow it down, as the babies heart rate spiked! I was freaking out, the staff were freaking out, Dan was freaking out. The baby had to be born soon, and talk of a Cesarean were mentioned. I was scared, petrified, and had no idea what was going to happen.

    But Dot, oh how amazing she was as a midwife, told the doctor that the drip had to go up and up and up to full strength and the baby HAD to come out. Oh gosh how I wish she didn't say that. It bloody HURT! And without pain relief, my gosh that was agony!

    After a while she said to go to the toilet and the drip would be going up again in strength. I seriously didn't want that and when I got back to the bed, I told her I needed to push. She rang the doctor and yep! It was time to start. I began pushing and the doctor arrived. I was so glad he was there. I wanted the baby out asap!

    I remember the doctor saying to Dan and Dot, that with a few more pushes, the baby would be out. I thought to myself stuff that! I'm doing it NOW! And said to Dan, "I don't want to push 3 more times. I want it out now!"

    So with a lot of determination, and my baby co-operating, I gave one almighty huge push, and yes, our little babies head was out! Another and his shoulders were out and the doctor yanked the baby free. "Congratulations, you have a baby boy!" He got Dan to cut the cord, I was so proud and took our baby boy away to clean him up, then I got my first cuddle of my little angel.

    I just wanted to cry. I was so happy. The doctor even told us he was perfectly strong and healthy and he was amazed at just how strong and healthy for his teeny tiny size.

    I remember showering and hearing him crying, and thinking, 'sod going out there to the crying baby, this shower is amazing!' but when I got out and saw my little baby boy, Tobin Ian Russell, I was so glad I got out. He was so amazing, and gorgeous, and honestly, looked like a grumpy old man.

    I remember being totally exhausted and unable to feed him myself through sheer exhaustion, so the midwife gave him some of my expressed milk, and took him away to feed him and give him extra formula so he was fed and strong.

    When I woke up that morning, Dan had gone to get the kids from our old friend, and Tobin was brought to me. I had no idea what to do with him, did I feed him? Hold him? I'd never been given my baby so quickly before. They were always in ICU. I was really nervous, but soon I had settled into having my baby beside me and enjoying him.

    Dan came back with the kids, they met their new baby brother the first time and life as we knew it would never be the same again.

    Tobin will now be 1 year old in just 2 days. He has brought concern over time with his health, as any baby does, he has brought laughter and sheer joy into so many peoples hearts, and continues to do that every single day.

    It really was a truly wonderful and amazing experience to bring my third child into this world, and I can tell you now, being a parent is the most rewarding job in the world.

    I can't wait to celebrate his 1st birthday on Tuesday, the 2nd of November. I love my little man so much and so proud of every tiny little thing he does.

    Today marks a very special moment in time for myself, my family, and my friends. Today truly is a very special day!

    Anyways, thanks for reading this blog post. I just had to post about it, and share with people how truly wonderful this day is for myself, and everyone I know.

    Many hugs to you all, and a very happy Halloween!


  1. Lydia
    Thanks for sharing this with all of us, Tor! :) This story painted a big smile on my face.
    I'm glad that despite all the worries at the time everything just went alright. I'm sure it must be a wonderful feeling to hold your baby in your arms, can't wait till it's my turn, hehe.

    A happy Halloween to you as well! :D
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